I'm in the middle of the crowd, deep into the pit. My body has frozen and so has my mind. A cold sweat drips down the back of my neck as I try to recollect everything.
But I still don't understand.
'What are they doing here..?'
'What am I doing here?'
My head is slowly starting to spin, my vision shifting. The skin of my palms are sweating and my legs shake inferiorly. It felt as if I was served on a silver platter to the Grim Reaper.
One wrong move,
One obvious display of fear and weakness -
And they'll find out.
I'm no villain, I'm a citizen. A friend.
But in here, there was no turning back. I could have turned the other way, but now I discovered something; and maybe, I'll discover more if I stay longer.
My mind was hazy and lagging, but I moved my feet and continued walking.
I didn't know where I was going, I let my intuition take me wherever. At this point, there's no possible way I can get back out now,
I've jumped into the rabbit hole and I can't climb back up.
I'm defensive, my senses are all on alert.
'I found them..'
In the midst of all these people- villains. I assume they haven't felt my presence yet. But my luck was thinning out as they got somewhere more secluded and private.
I furrowed my eyebrows, getting worried.
'Its getting quieter..'
When we got farther, I started hearing the both of them speak; by this time I was getting nervous because I could get caught.
It wasn't really easy to sneak up on the Number 2 Pro Hero.
"She's with you, isn't she?"
Dabi spoke so suddenly, Hawks' eyes narrowed, and he glanced at the ravenette beside him. "Pardon?"
"The girl, she's with you. Right?" Hawks chuckled lowly, as I listened in, my anxiety heightens.
To get caught means it would all be over for me.
"..Yes. Yes she is."
'Whose she?'
I heard Dabi snicker, but it was quite a teasing one. "And you? How did you know?" It was Hawks' turn to shoot it back.
"I have my ways.." Dabi whistled, lighting up a cigarette.
"I'm surprised you didn't turn her in."
"Why is she with you?"
"She's trying to find her friend... Subject 54 was it not?" Hawks' nose scrunched up when the ravenette blew out smoke, he wasn't really a fond of it.
'What..? Friend... She... Find... Subject?' I slowly tried to piece it together, decoding the subject.
It left my lips as a faint whisper.
And luckily for me, they didn't notice anything. I couldn't believe how well I was doing, sneaking up on them unnoticed. This place had fewer people, so maybe it was quite difficult to pick my presence up.
"She's determined, she wants to find him."
"Such a shame.. to think that you let him out of your sight so easily..." Dabi clicked his tongue, the hero only crossed his arms, his brows furrowing.
"Infact, you know where he is- but you won't tell her."
"What's your business asshat?" Hawks blurted out of nowhere, Dabi raised his hands up defensively. Yet he had a smug grin on his face.
"Whoa partner.. I'm just teasing you a little.. but ironic isn't it.. a hero assisting with the making of supernatural entities? It's almost comedic."
"The fact that you have all the information she needs, but you lie to her is so funny.. You really are a villain! Hawks."
These words echoed in my head, but it took me time to understand what he was actually saying. I greatly hoped, that Dabi wasn't talking about me. My nails dug into the pillar I was hiding behind,
My fingers bled as I slowly pulled my hands back to my sides, leaving a scratch mark on the concrete. The sound that it made was cringing my inner core,
Sweat forms in my palms, and my mind starts to feel hazy again. The mark I left, almost looked animalistic.
Are people hearing them? Or are they in on this aswell?
A shiver ran through my spine, but I didn't run. If this was really it, if my answers were here - then I'll stay.
I'll stay for Eugene.
Their voices broke my trail of thoughts:
"Don't act like you're some goody two shoes. You're the one that kidnapped him right? I bet L/n's next too isn't it? That's why you asked me where she is."
Excuse me?
That can't be right. I must have misheard. Dabi won't ever do such a thing.
Why won't he respond back? Why won't he deny it? I'm-
He lied.
The blood in my veins run cold. And my fist tightens out of pure rage. This was the first time I've ever experienced an immense amount of betrayal.
I was lied to, I was deceived.
And now, I knew Eugene was out there somewhere.
And he was sabotaged by someone- I thought I could trust. The moment I heard my last name, everything was blank.
'We shouldn't have been so paranoid... He shouldn't have stayed with Hawks.'
ââ Ëâ
"Are you sure? Wouldn't that just make it a spot for villains to attack?" I questioned, unsure of Eugene's persistent decision.
"There's like thousands of pro heroes out there! Getting to me is like winning a lottery! Don't worry about it Y/n. I'm capable." He bragged, ruffling my hair as he did so.
"They're gonna protect me.. I'm sure of it man."
I nodded, before sighing and chuckling. "I bet you insisted on being the one to stay with him because he's rich."
ââ Ëâ
'Absolute bullshit.'
Everything that happened before, the past- when all this mess started. When I met Dabi, when we met Hawks.
They were a friend.
My hands trembled, if I had just stopped Eugene's decision.. and if I followed my gut- maybe this all wouldn't have happened. I should have done better.
I've disappointed everything that I had.
All these memories flooded through me like the aftermath of a broken dam. I started to regret everything I've ever done, my decisions, ours. I started to remember the little things, when I was sick- when they took care of me.
When I met Dabi, the way I took care of him and the way he was so open to me. When he was being 'honest', and when he used to take me out so I could relax myself.
When Hawks looked out for me, when I hugged him. When I fell apart on him.
To think that Hawks comforted me, stayed with me- supported me. Knowing full well the solution of my problem. And he didn't say anything. The way he called himself a hero didn't sound so righteous anymore.
The fact that Dabi knew about our situation, and he knew so much about it. He'd tell me to talk to him, to rant. But this was all I've ever opened up about. The worst is that he was the one- no, it was the both of them. They were in on this.
They betrayed me, and ripped my other half away.
I walk without my left. Because of them.
Everything.. was fuzzy.
The people who I thought I could trust, weren't really who they seemed.
Dabi was no common thief, he was a villain. And worse case scenario, he could even be a part of that league I've been avoiding like the plague.
Hawks was no hero either, he had kept a side of his hidden from me- and he lied about Eugene, he lied about looking for him- he lied about caring.
I was infuriated.
Traces of ice formed below my feet, spikes that came from the ground - manifested from my silent anger.
Despite the nauseous pit in my stomach, I listened in. I have to get everything I need to know.
I left unnoticed.
By the time I've arrived home, the sun was already starting to rise. I barely had any sleep, but it didn't matter anymore. Because now I have the truth.
I know where Eugene is.
It all depends on me now, to find him. It was the harsh reality that pulled me out of my despair, it told me that I was alone in this. It was on me to find Eugene. To save Eugene.
If it is meant to be, then it is up to me.
đ: ngl I'm not rlly proud of this
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