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"How did you find me?"


It's like my words echoed throughout the four walls of the room. And it most likely rung in my ear like a mantra. Just looking at his face brought some kind of comfort, but upon realizing the anomaly of the situation - I became tensed.

I backed up a little, pushing myself away from his looming figure. I hoped it wasn't too obvious..

I waited for his answer anxiously.

"... Do you know Hawks?"


Did he rat me out?

"He's.. actually a close friend of mine.. when I found out you two have been talking, I couldn't help but ask him where you were."

I blinked, that's so... Simple.

Maybe I was being paranoid, and my concern was aimed at the wrong person. A soft sigh leaves my mouth in relief. My muscles relaxed and I sat up properly to look at him in the eye.

"Oh.. I see.." I looked for any signs of deceit, and found nothing in his eyes.
Maybe he wasn't lying after all.

"Well, it's been a while friend." I whispered and I received a soft chuckle from him. "Indeed it is.." he suddenly stood up, shoved his hands in his pockets. He eyed the room for a moment before looking back at me.

"What's with the hotel? You have a date or something?" Dabi questioned me and I immediately frowned - remembering that I'd have to explain everything.

"Well- you know how me and Eugene got caught up in this mess..? Yeah well. It escalated." My fingers rubbed the side of my temples, and I had this stressed grimace on my face.

Dabi's eyebrows raised, geniunely surprised.

"What? What happened?" He kept his eye contact with me, unbreaking as he plopped unto the bed. I bit my lip in remembering all the past events that went down while he was gone.

"It was a few days ago.. I woke up from cold sweat at late night then went right back to sleep because I was so exhausted from our outing. But then it backfired, and Eugene was missing in the morning." I continued,

"We still haven't found him."

It's only silence, for now. When I finally glanced back at Dabi, he had a pitiful look in his eyes. It kind of felt worse, like a salt on the wound.

It all felt so hopeless.

"I know that you're going to say it's impossible- but I have to try.. Eugene is out there somewhere, probably fighting back too. And that's not it!" I sprung up from my seat and rushed to my backpack to grab a map.

"Call me old-school but.. here's all the areas I've explored with Hawks just to find Eugene. Yes I know, yours and my friend Hawks." I rambled with a glimmer of hope in my heart, Dabi didn't say anything - he just let me speak.

And as I do, he has this sweet smile on his face.

I didn't question it, because it does look good on him, and I don't usually see him smile like that so I let it slide. But what was he smiling for?


Something compelled me to ask a favor, to make him do something.

Guilt was eating me, but I really wanted to ask. And this was another opportunity, a chance to reach Eugene and tell him we were here.

The whole night, Dabi and I danced the night away, he took me out again - but not anything special. Just us and the quiet rooftop. It was enough anyway, I could blow off some steam here if I wanted to.

"Dabi.. I want to ask you a crazy favor." I turned my attention from the city lights to him, and I looked at him with the most hopeful and desperate gaze.

"Yes?" He replies in a quiet and soft tone.


"You're.. a criminal right..?" Dabi shifted his position and leaned a cheek on his fist, and threateningly came closer to my face.

"Yeah? Any problem?"

I quickly shook my head; "No-! It's just that I have an idea that would maybe help me find Eugene! And I need you for this."

I grabbed his hands in mine and continued,

"Together we could join the league of villains and in someway we'll find Eugene-"

I was interrupted, and it wasn't done kindly. His hand swiftly moved to cover my mouth, and his once soft look turned cold. Almost offended.

"Excuse me? You think it's that easy to join? Trust me sweetheart, you wouldn't last in a room with them."

I stayed quiet, his hand still not moving from my mouth. It was a few seconds before Dabi took his hand off from me, and I glared at the floor beneath me.

"Why.. won't it work?" I grumbled, my eyebrows furrowing.

"Because you're a target aren't you? Wouldn't that just mean you're running straight into the lion's den?" He spoke to me as if he was a second voice in my thoughts.


It wasn't usual of me, but I was starting to get angry. I've already fallen deep into the desperation - I had to try.

"There's no other way to get my chances up, I have to go in. Since you're a criminal- You can help right-?"

He grabbed my shoulders and looked down at me with a stern gaze. "You aren't going. Even with a disguise they'll still sniff you out." I grit my teeth,

And then my mouth moved on its own.

"Then why don't you go in there?! You're a thief anyway!"



It only took me a few seconds to realize what I just had said, and I quickly covered my mouth.

Fuck. I should just cut off my tongue.

"Dabi- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to say that!" He only stared at me in silence, and it really pushed me off edge. I lowered my hands from my mouth and interlocked my fingers together.

"Just forget about everything I said! I'm sorry for asking something big from you-"

"It's fine. I'm used to it." His tone was cold. I wasn't surprised, I deserved it.

'Oh dear..'

"No I mean it. Im really sorry. It's just that all this pressure has really gone into my head." His stern gaze was no more, and it was something unreadable. I really disliked how I couldn't understand him, indeed my words were fucked up- infact the thought of that idea was even fucked up.

'Who have I become? Since when did I get so selfish?'

"I'm only looking out for you."

A gentle sprinkle had arrived upon the earth, but we didn't move. It started raining, and from here on it would probably get worse.


"I just want to find Eugene before it's too late, is that bad?" I mumbled bringing my knees up to my chest and cradling myself.

"Never. But you have to remember yourself, you can't just jump into wherever you want." He scolded and I frowned.

"But I have to. There's no other way. Please Dabi, if you know the league, let me go to them." His gaze immediately hardens when I spoke again, my stubbornness showing. He shook his head to my dismay.

"Please.." I begged quietly.

"No. You are not going anywhere near the league." He pushed down my hands and stood up, stepping away from the edge of the roof.

"Come on. Let's get you back." My breath hitched.

"You have to understand my situation Dabi! Eugene's all that I have! He's been there for me ever since, why can't I be there for him now?!" I sprung up and covered his way to the exit, standing right Infront of him.

"Really? He's all that you have?" He raised an eyebrow and I nodded.

"This is my best friend, I can't just give up so easily.."

The rain was getting harsher by the minute, and Dabi looked up to the dull sky, then back at me.

"We don't have time for this, I have to get you back." I scoffed, placing my hands on my hips. "I can do this all day, so if you just say-"

"No. Stop being hardheaded."

He pushed past me, grabbing my hand and dragging me along to the staircase. I yelped in response and tried to pull back, not wanting to end the conversation.


"Enough Y/n, before I leave you up here."

My lips were immediately silenced so easily. I didn't know why, but I obliged. I was surprised that he used my name.


"Come on, let's go back." Dejected, I let him hold my hand guiding me to the way back to the hotel. My frown never left my lips, it was childish I know - but another 'try' wasted.

'Why do I keep embarrassing myself like this.. '

'Why can't they just let me do what I want?'

'Its for finding Eugene anyway.'

Dabi suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at me. "You still have that bratty pout on you." He blurted out of nowhere - it was uncalled for. So much so that I yelped, raising a pointing finger at him. An embarrassed blush made it's way to my skin.

"I'm no brat! I'm just doing my best here! And apparently you're too coward to let me do the job!"

The ravenette rolled his eyes, "Just because I don't blindly jump into danger's doorstep doesn't mean I'm a coward. Get over it dollface, think of another idea."

I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"You're acting like a kid you know? And if you keep standing there in the cold you'll eventually get a fever.. again." Dabi lectured, like some mom. It really ticked me off- so?

"I thought you'd support me on this- but you're holding me back too.." I quietly mumbled.

"What was that?"


He shrugged and continued on the path, with me following - stomping actually.

"Hey.. the rain's getting harsher..." Dabi raised an arm up, to shield his eyes as he looked at the sky. I was still a bit grumpy, but not that much.

"So? Let's just get back faster." I sassed, still quite resentful.

We stood underneath a bus stop shade, but we were getting pretty close back to the hotel. We kind of stared at the rain for a few minutes, before Dabi broke the silence coughing.



It was like a scene out of a romance anime, his coat fluttered and finally fell around my shoulders - so elegantly.
And it doesn't disappoint, it's practically a heater. The fabric felt like it was sunbathed after laundry, what I mean to say it's basically warm.

And it felt so nice.. it was warming me all over. Maybe the coat melted away my petty anger.

"What about you?" I looked up at him, surprised.

"I'm fine.. my quirk will help me." He held out his hand again, or so offering it. "Come on.. before this rain causes us huge trouble."

I blinked, my hand reaching out for his ever so slowly, so timidly. And alas, my hand was holding his.

Despite the fact that I already had his coat to cover me, he used his own body to protect me too. I know it was too much, and I was starting to feel pretty guilty.

'Why's he protecting me from the rain so determinedly? Wasn't I angry at him earlier..?'

He didn't have his own cover, just his shirt that was already soaked wet.

'God Dabi, why do you care about it that much? Just take the coat.'

I moved to slip my arms out of the sleeves, but stopped because his hand grabbed my other arm. "Wear it, you need it more than me."

"But you don't even have anyt-"

"And? I want you to wear it so you don't get sick. Don't argue with me on this."

He quickly silenced me.

We were at the mercy of nature, underneath her tears that fell from the heavens. Dabi kept me warm until we finally arrived back to the hotel.

I don't understand his chivalry.


"I'll be leaving now.. you have a goodnight alright? Here, I'll give you my number." We exchanged numbers, and I got tucked into bed expecting him to stay over.

"Alright, I'm heading out-" Dabi turned away but I interrupted him, grabbing his wrist. At this point, I was grateful the lights have been turned off - I could feel my cheeks were heated.


He looked at me surprised; "-For the night.. the rain is getting pretty rough. You might get caught up in it..." I ended.

Dabi gazed into my eyes, not saying anything. But he indeed obliged, walking to the couch and laying on it.

And I'm glad I asked him to, because he looked like he needed it badly, he quickly dozed off and was snoring softly along with it.

I smiled softly, he must have been so exhausted.

I got up, with my blanket in hand and a pillow - I draped the blanket over his figure, and simply left the pillow on his chest. So that if he wakes up in his sleep he has something to hug.

"Goodnight.." I whispered softly, before heading back to my spot.


And I trailed off to my own thoughts;

'I was angry at him earlier wasn't I? I treated him badly too.. like some brat.. and I was being so selfish.. but why did he do all of that? What's he doing to me?'

'Why is my heart beating so fast?'


๐ŸŒ: 400+ reads!!! ik the reads system ain't really that accurate but yes!!
I'm aware that the storyline is taking too long(which is a turn off and makes it boring to continue ๐Ÿ˜”) and yall probably want more of dabi moments..
I'll try to exceed expectations ๐ŸŒž

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