𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙤𝙣𝙚

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CORBYN MESSED AROUND WITH THE ZIPPER OF HIS SUITCASE. He just wanted to leave Denver all ready, and he was upset with the fact that it was one of his favorite trips of the year. His snowboarding trip was one he looked forward to every year, but now he hated it. He just wanted out and now that the trip was finally over, he didn't want anything more than to leave the state and go home.

Luciana walked into Corbyn's hotel room, wanting to make sure he was all packed. Everyone else decided that they were going to stay out of the problems because they didn't want all the problems falling onto them. The only two who wanted to make sure they were there for Corbyn and Eden were Luciana and Daniel.

"You're sure you haven't forgotten anything, right?" She asked and Corbyn nodded. "You double checked everything?" Luciana asked again and Corbyn rolled his eyes.

"Yes lu, I double checked everything. Now please stop breathing down my neck." He said and Luciana only mocked him before sitting on the foot of the bed. Luciana stayed quiet as she watched Corbyn finish zipping up his suitcase before pulling it off the bed. "How are you feeling?" She asked softly and Corbyn sighed.

"How many times are you going to ask me?" He looked up at her and Luciana raised her eyebrow.

"As many times it takes for you to stop lying to me."

"I'm not lying lu, I'm perfectly fine." He monotone and Luciana scoffed, moving to sit next to him.

"You just lied, which means I get to ask you again. How are you feeling?" She asked and Corbyn looked down, fiddling with the rings on his fingers.

"I just want to go home." He spoke softly and Luciana put her hand on his shoulder. "And forget about this entire trip." He finished and Luciana nodded.

"You need to stop pushing it down Corbyn you're going to end up exploding on someone." She told him.

"What am I going to do? I practically spilled my heart out to Eden, and she didn't respond." His voice broke as he spoke, causing him to swallow down the tears that were already breaking through.

"Well technically she did respond sh--" Luciana started and Corbyn only looked up to her with a slight frown. Luciana cut herself off the moment she saw Corbyn's eyes flash with hurt. "She just needs time, Corbyn. You guys can't keep going on back and forth because you're Eden and Corbyn. You guys care about each other too much to ever let go." Luciana reassured him and Corbyn shook his head, bringing his hand up to aggressively rub his eyes.

"I don't want to wait another eight months, I can't wait another eight months." He told her and Luciana sighed again.

"Amelia put yourself out to be a horrible person. She made you seem like you never loved Eden. We all know that that's a lie, now you need to let Eden know too." Luciana finished, patting his shoulder before getting up.

"We're leaving for the airport in twenty." The blonde reminded him before walking out of the room. Luciana knew he needed a second to recompose himself before he walked out of the room and faced all their friends.

Daniel knocked on the door to Eden's room, being as it had been locked whenever the rest of the group was there. Eden barely spoke to anyone for the rest of the trip. She was honestly hurt about the newfound information, how could she not? Obviously she had a twisted version of the truth, but what Amelia had told her hurt her. Corbyn getting over her in a week? It broke her heart.

"Yeah?" Eden asked, not taking her eyes off her laptop screen. The girl needed to distract herself with something, so the rest of the week in Denver was spent doing work that was due to clients weeks ahead of time. She just needed something to get her mind off of Corbyn and the whole situation, so she just preoccupied herself with work on top of work.

"Open the door den, it's me." Daniel spoke and Eden pulled out her headphones before going up to unlock the door. Daniel walked in as Eden sat back down in front of her laptop. "We're leaving in twenty." Daniel told her and Eden just nodded, not really paying attention to him.

"I know, I'm packed." She said, pointing behind her before pursing her lips as she adjusted the pictures on her laptop screen.

"Alright, are you done ignoring your problems or am I going to have to keep pretending that everything is alright with you?" Daniel raised his eyebrow and Eden shrugged slightly, still not taking her attention off the screen.

"I'm not pushing down anything Daniel, I'm perfectly fine." She reassured him weakly, not even convincing herself with the arguments. Daniel burst into a fit of laughter, which caused Eden to finally break her staring contest with her screen and looked up at him. "Why are you laughing?"

"I'm sorry, I just find it funny that you actually believe that I bought that." He hiccuped, catching his breath, which caused Eden to roll her eyes. "Den, you ruined your vacation because of some girl."

"Yeah a girl we have somehow still seen everyday since the ice skating rink." Eden mumbled and Daniel sighed, grabbing a chair and pulling it to sit next to Eden.

"You know Amelia was only there to hurt you right?" Daniel told her and Eden pulled her sleeves up past her wrists. "She's so hung up on Corbyn that the toxic bitch is showing and she did everything to take down any obstacle in her way. You're her biggest obstacle because Corbyn only has eyes for you." Daniel told her and Eden shook her head.

"You guys all keep saying the same thing. Haylie, Lu, you, Jo, Frey, hell even Corbyn, but I can't see it. If he loves me as much as you guys all say he does, how did he move on so fast?" She asked and Daniel sighed again before raising his eyebrow.

"Please tell me you've heard of a rebound?"

"I mean I have, but I don't understand where you're going with this." Eden frowned and Daniel sighed.

"Eden the only reason Corbyn got with Amelia was because he couldn't get over you." Daniel tried explaining but Eden only shook her head.

"He didn't even try Daniel. It was a week."

"Den, Corbyn regretted breaking up with you from the moment you walked out of his house that day. He could barely live with himself after the second day. So we were stupid and we convinced him to go out." Daniel started and Eden finally met his eyes, "we're the ones who took him out. We're the reasons he met Amelia." Daniel said and Eden sighed.

"Yeah but he's the reason he kept seeing her. All you guys did was get him out of the house. Corbyn's the one who made the decision to continue things with her." She pushed a piece of hair out of her face before she continued speaking, "I don't even know why I'm so upset, we were broken up. He had every right to go see other people."

"Yeah but to you, it seems like he moved on after a week of you two being broken up. Your feelings are hurt because it took you longer and Amelia told you that Corbyn was sleeping with her within the first week." Daniel reassured her that her emotions were okay. "But Corbyn didn't move on after a week. Hell he never even moved on. Amelia was a distraction." Daniel said, darting his eyes to her laptop.

"Kind of like you with your work." He finished, reaching out his hand to close her laptop and Eden frowned.

"I'm not distracting myself." Eden shook her head and Daniel raised his eyebrow.

"The only thing you've been doing for the past week is working when we were supposed to be on vacation." He told her and Eden just shrugged.

"I had work to do."

"No you had emotions to deal with that you didn't want to." He corrected her.

"Didn't you say that we were leaving in twenty?" Eden asked and Daniel rolled his eyes.

"I'm just saying Den, you guys care about each other too much to let each other go." Daniel started, getting up from the chair before grabbing her laptop for her before she buried herself into her work again. "Let's go, everyone else is waiting." He ruffled Eden's hair, causing her to roll her eyes before getting up and grabbing her suitcase from the corner of the room.

The group made their way to the airport after checking out of the resort. It was a rocky ride, all of them not knowing what to talk about being that it was the first time Corbyn and Eden had been in the same room since what happened with Amelia. Corbyn was itching to speak with Corbyn, causing anxiety to build up inside of him. He didn't want a fight, he just wanted things back to normal.

The moment they made it to the gate, they had an hour before they started boarding for the flight. Eden announced going to the bathroom, leaving the group so she could break the silence. Daniel and Luciana both reached over to Corbyn and slapped the back of his head so he could realize his stupidity.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"For being stupid, go talk to her!" Jack jumped into the conversation, pointing towards where Eden had walked off. Corbyn's eyes widened as he nodded before scrambling after Eden. He spotted the blonde girl on the floor with her knees brought up to chin as she messed around with her laces on her converses.

"Hey." corbyn said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Eden looked up and noticed Corbyn standing there, so she sent a small smile his way. The brunette sat next to her, not too close to make her uncomfortable, but not too far where he felt bad. "Can we talk?"

"Nothing is stopping you." Eden said, picking at her laces again and Corbyn sighed.

"It didn't take a week de--" Corbyn took a deep breath before correcting himself "Eden. I didn't take a week to get over you. I still haven't gotten over you." He said, gently moving his hand to reach for hers. Eden moved her hand away before her could grab it, using it to push a piece of hair behind her ear.

"You're not allowed to say that." She whispered and Corbyn furrowed his eyebrows before turning around to face her.


"You can't say that. Don't say that to me." She told him and Corbyn frowned.

"What do you want me to do Eden? Lie? You want me to tell you that I'm completely over you and I'm perfectly fine with being how we are?" Corbyn said, feeling hurt and anger bubble in him, "I can't do that Eden. I'm not okay with any of this. With pretending that not being able to grab your hand or hug you, or do something as simple as kiss you without permission doesn't kill me inside. I hate all of this Eden! I can't lie!" He exclaimed and Eden snapped her head up to glare at him.

"You can't just say that and then go off and act like I'm second choice."

"You were never secon--"

"I can't do this Corbyn! I can't keep this back and forth and pretend like it's okay. And maybe I didn't notice it until now, but I'm not going to put myself into a situation just so I can get hurt." Eden said before getting up. Corbyn followed in pursuit, his own angry expression taking over his face, similar to Eden's expression.

"You're the one hurting me!" Corbyn yelled and Eden's eyebrows shot up. "I keep on telling you everything I've been feeling for months, and you just ignore it and go back to saying how I'm going to hurt you!"

"Well you are hurting me Corbyn!"

"I'm sorry Eden! What more do you want?!" His voice raised, the two of them completely forgetting that they were in the middle of an airport hallway. It was fine either way, the entire hallway was empty. "It's not like you aren't out there going off with other guys!"

"Other guys?! What are you talking about?!"

"Really? What about Elijah? Because he certainly seems like more than a friend." Corbyn spat, crossing his arms.

"I already told you he's just a friend."

"Yeah well I'm certainly not believing it right now!"

"Watch it corbyn, your jealousy is showing." She glared and Corbyn only rolled his eyes.

"I'm not jealous."

"You know what, I'm ending this conversation now before we both say something we regret." Eden shot it down and Corbyn only narrowed his eyes.

"We're going to end up regretting it later so we might as well end it now." Corbyn blurted out and Eden raised her eyebrow.

"So what?"

"So here's me, ending it now." Corbyn said before walking away. 


so um i got my phone taken away- 

nothing new i know 

well anyways i like the next couple of chapters even though you guys will probably hate me 

well- nah theres one y'all are going to LOVE. 

i'm being so serious 

well n e wayz

love you guys and stay safe <3


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