"OH HEY, YOU'RE THE GIRL I BUMPED INTO IN THE BATHROOM." Eden pointed out and Amelia sent her a fake smile as she nodded. "Well uh, do you guys know her or?" Eden asked her friends and they were all quick to deny it.
"No, no We don't know her." Corbyn tried reassuring her but Eden knew him better than that. She still chose to believe him though, knowing that if something was wrong he would tell her.
"Don't listen to him," Amelia waved it off, before sticking her hand out in front of Eden. "I'm Amelia." She introduced and Eden smiled confusingly, but still shook her hand nonetheless.
"I'm Eden." She said before pulling her hand back. Amelia locked eyes with Corbyn for a second, enjoying the panic that ran through them. Once Corbyn saw the mischievous glint in hers, he shook his head, practically begging her to stop with his eyes.
"Amelia stop." He whispered, which cause Eden to furrow her eyebrows. Amelia raised her eyebrow before speaking.
"Stop what?" She asked, speaking incredibly innocently.
The rest of the group didn't know what to do, because they were stuck whether or not this was a good thing. Eden needed to know what happened after her and Corbyn broke up, but this wasn't the way. Amelia was only going to twist her words to just hurt Corbyn and Eden. They didn't want that, after seeing them so happy again.
Corbyn's eyes quickly filled with tears that he refused to let fall down as he knew exactly what Amelia was going to do. Now he regretted not telling Eden sooner, because she was going to get a tainted version of him from a person who only cared about herself. He didn't want Eden to look at him differently, not after all this time working just to get her back.
"Amelia please don't do this." Corbyn begged, his voice cracking and Amelia raised her eyebrows in shock.
"You're all about the truth Corbyn, that's all I'm doing. Telling the truth." She said and Eden turned to Corbyn, confused on what was happening.
"What's going on?" She asked him, slipping her hand in her and linking their fingers just to show him that she was there. Eden didn't understand what was going on, but she could see he was getting emotional.
"Well you're not technically supposed to be here." Amelia started, turning to Eden, "The ticket he gave you was originally for me. He gave it to you though after he completely cut me off." She explained, which caused Eden to raise her eyebrow.
"Well if he cut you off it had to have been for a reason." The blonde said in the nicest way possible, not wanted to be mean to a person she had just met.
"Yeah well he replaced you with me after you broke up so--" Amelia began, but Corbyn interrupted.
"Amelia just stop." He said and Amelia rolled her eyes. Freya went to go at the girl, but Jack grabbed hold of her waist before she could. Luciana took a deep breath, trying her best to contain herself from slapping the girl.
"Amelia stop, you're out of his life, stay that way." Zach spat, but Amelia only ignored him, along with the rest of them.
"I swear you bitch, shut the fuck up." Haylie glared.
"Don't think that your special Eden. He's only getting close to you again to get in your pants now that he's been deprived of sex." Amelia deadpanned and Eden's grip on Corbyn's hand tightened as she suppressed the urge to roll her eyes.
"That's not true." Eden said. She believed herself as she said it, knowing that Corbyn wouldn't lead her on just for sex.
"Keep telling yourself that, den. But I know who Corbyn really is. He's the person who from the moment the two of you broke up he was already out partying and fucking girls." Amelia smirked, watching Eden's face slightly fall, "It was only a week after you guys broke up, and he was already in my bed every night." She said, taking joy in watching Eden's face fall completely. Her hand let go of Corbyn's as her eyes were completely consumed with hurt.
"A week?" She asked, her voice breaking as she turned to Corbyn. It took her months to get over Corbyn, and he never really fully did it. But it only took him a week. To her that meant he didn't hold the same feeling she held for him.
"Denny--" He started, going to grab her hand again but Eden only pulled it away before he could get to her. Corbyn frowned, meeting her eyes that were already consumed with an overflowing amount of hurt.
"Don't call me that." She whispered before turning around and skating away so she could leave the ice skating rink.
"Eden!" Corbyn called after her, going to follow after the blonde girl, but Luciana stopped him. She knew that Eden needed a moment to process before she made any rational decision, and honestly she needed to get away from Amelia before she launched herself at her.
"We got it." Haylie said, putting a hand on Corbyn's shoulder before following after the girl who ran away. Jack took the chance to let go of his girlfriend, letting her do her thing. Honestly he was tired of the Amelia girl, and he didn't care what his girlfriend did anymore, as long as she didn't commit murder.
"You fucking bitch." Freya seethed out getting closer to Amelia.
"I didn't do anything wrong, I just told Eden what Corbyn failed to do." She laughed and Freya didn't waste her time in bringing her hand up and slapping the girl. Amelia let out a gasp out of shock, immediately bringing her hand up to her cheek that Freya had just slapped. Freya wanted to do more damage but Jack wrapped his arms around her waist once more and pulled her back.
"Let me go! I've been waiting to beat her ass for months!" Freya exclaimed and Jack glared at Amelia before turning away. He somehow got off the rink without falling before letting go of Freya.
"The fuck is your problem?!" She yelled at her boyfriend and Jack only sighed, leading her back inside the building.
"Let Corbyn do this one on his own." Was all Jack said, and Freya rolled her eyes before complying entering the building with him.
"Why? Why did you do that?" Corbyn asked, sounding completely broken. "What could you have possibly gotten out of that?! All you did was hurt her and then me! Why do you care so much!" Corbyn exclaimed, before leaving all together not being to deal with any of it emotionally anymore.
"I don't know how many times we have to say this Amelia, but stay out of our fucking lives, we're better without you in it." He glared before him and Jonah left, leaving Amelia standing there with mixed emotions.
blue 💙
blue 💙
denny please Ik you're upset but I just want to know
blue 💙
pls tell em you're okay?
denny 🥺
I'm fine.
blue 💙
thank God
blue 💙
You keep on ignoring everything i was scared
denny 🥺
how do I know if you really care?
denny 🥺
idk how you feel
denny 🥺
not anymore at least
blue 💙
blue 💙
come on...
denny 🥺
corbyn you got over me in a week
denny 🥺
it took me months
denny 🥺
and now I'm seriously questioning whether or not you really loved me
blue 💙
I did!
blue 💙
and I still do
denny 🥺
you're not allowed to say that
denny 🥺
and don't even know if I can trust you
denny 🥺
you dated me for two years, told me you loved me, but moved on in an week
blue 💙
I didn't move on
blue 💙
I didn't know how to cope she was a rebound
denny 🥺
idk if I can believe you
blue 💙
denny 🥺
don't call me that
blue 💙
blue 💙
I loved you more than you can ever understand. Even more that I still love you now. And you don't have to believe me I'm not forcing you to. But I'm not lying. I'm so fucking in love with you I don't know how to explain it. I've been stuck for the past eight months in the worst state of myself because I didn't have you. Amelia didn't lie, but she made me seem like a horrible person.
blue 💙
she didn't tell you about the nights I spent crying to Daniel and luciana. Or about the times I missed you so fucking much that i would just go through our old pictures all day and lock myself in my room. She didn't tell you about the days I didn't have any motivation to get out of bed because of how much I regret breaking up with you.
blue 💙
you don't need to believe me denny I just need to tell you
denny 🥺
I've got to go
liked by freyadaniels, lucianaevans, seaveydaniel, 145,187 others
edensailors: leave it to elijah to make me smile after a tough day 😝
tap to view comments:
tagged: elijahdeluca
username: isn't she in Denver 😳🤚
username: tough day- corbyn what did you do-
haylie.martin: cute cute cute
lucianaevans: do you need a hug 🥺
↪️edensailors: yeth 🥺👉👈
↪️lucianaevans: I'm on my way 🏃♀️
seaveydaniel: you're going to get me and ana cuddles
↪️edensailors: I want lu cuddles I guess your an exception 🙄
username: y'all what happened
ameliaanderson: lmao this cute
username: Eden 🥺
username: eLIJAHHHHHHH
username: pls they're so cute 🥺
username: yes yes my ship
freyadaniels: period
↪️edensailors: no tampon
jackaverymusic: oop-
imzachherron: den 🥺
↪️edensailors: dean 🥺
username: currently waiting corbyn to comment something cute 🥺
username: elijah is so cute I can't 🥺
not corbyn admitting he's still in love with Eden
well um 🥴
n e wayz love you guys and pls stay safe 🥺💙
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