.𖥔 ݁ ˖ gameboy - anton

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A/N ⋆ This is pretty long since it has texts. I hope u will enjoy it!


You are a pretty popular streamer on Twitch. You have many solid fans that support you and you are so grateful for it.

You have also made many great friends. You don't know most of them in person but you established a trust. Pretty much everyone shows their face and you are one of them too (that being an advantage since everyone loves your pretty face.) Some of them don't show and that's really ok.

You are friends with a streamer, username @/brachiosarehot, who doesn't show their face and their voice automated that no one can identify the gender. They are famous and have huge fandom. You have no idea what they look like or what the real voice they have instead of their deep voice. Despite that, you still play games together and have fun. They are so nice and make you laugh everytime. The only thing you know is they are in the same country as you and you have fattest crush on them.

You started your stream early in the morning. You opened your webcam and greeted your beloved fans with a huge smile.

Good morning, beautiful people. (yawns) I'm sorry y'all, I woke up early and had the urge to stream for you guys.

i missed u

where have u been???

i luv u. pls run over ur car on me

we missed u😭

I missed you guys too. I had the flu. I couldn't get up for a week.

You groaned as your remember the pain you had. The comments flooded with worried messages and you couldn't help but feel your heart swollen in happiness.

omg i was so worried

i thought something happened to u
hope u r ok now :((

You guys... thank you so much. I'm okay now.

i wish u died

blocked @/luvujun

why dont u just die ffs

You watched the hate commenter. Here is the thing, that doesn't affect you. Not even close. Haters only prove you that you are coming the right way. What worries you would have been if they didn't comment like that. You didnt have to reply to them when your fans are there for you.

omg stfu @/luvujun

i will shove a spoon in ur a*s
if u don't shut the f0ck up

i hope cocarchoes eat inside of ur brain

I don't know what I would do with out you guys. I love you so much.
Oh. Brachio is online. Hey!

You squealed as a masked Brachio joins your livestream. You decided to call them Brachio since their username says so and you have no idea what to name them otherwise. They waved at you and you waved back, grinning from ear to ear.

You are early today.

I left my PC on and it pinged with your notification.

Oh, you must love me so much. You had my notification unmuted.

Brachio shrugs and clicks on their mouse. You started playing games, you talked a lot and you finish the live by saying bye to them.

Bye you guys. I have to eat now. I'm starving. Ugh.

You still didn't eat?!

Their voice was a shocked tone and you couldn't help but smile. The deep voice added with a motherly tone made you laugh as Brachio shake their head.

Yup. I have to eat ramen or something now. I have to go out and buy it or something now.

yn=pick me

You should eat proper meal, Y/N. And user luvujun you should stop commenting if you don't wanna be blocked.

You resisted the urge to squeal. You thanked Brachio and said goodbye to the chat.

You shut your cam and walked out to buy something to eat a.k.a buying ramen. That was what you wanted to do all week since you have no appetite so you dress up very casually and went outside.

You raided the store, searching for every snacks possible. The small cart couldn't even handle it so you carried some with your hands too. You forgot to buy some cup ramen so you turned around to look for the aisle when you bumped onto something.

A tall figure bows and bent down to pick up your staff on the ground. The person looks up and puts your snacks on the little cart.

He was handsome and tall that you stared at him while he picks up and put the many snacks of yours on the little cart. Your face was covered with the mountain of snacks on your hands so he couldn't see you gawking at him.

He smile while frowning as he picks up another cart and puts them in there.

"That's a lot of snacks, " he says in such a quiet voice.

"I'm on a budget," You say, not taking your eyes off of his face, admiring his features. You can tell he was shy since he didn't even meet your eyes.

Finally when he did meet your eyes, his eyes widened and his lips trembled. He even looked like he stopped breathing.

"Y..." he stopped himself while holding your snacks firmly.

"Thank you so much,..." you waited for him to say his name.

"A...anton," he says quietly. His voice was so soft and quiet you wanted to pinch his cheeks.

"Thank you, Anton. I'm Y/N." You smiled and bowed as you walk with two carts towards the ramen and pick out your favorite one.

"Eat a proper meal," someone said and you spined around to see Anton. He gives you some sort of smile and walk out.

You frowned as the words felt familiar. That was what your fans told you. Maybe he is a fan. You shrugged to yourself and pick out ramen for your whole week.

You finished your unhealthy food shopping and went to your apartment.

You cooked your ramen as you think about that boy who helped you. He had a cute smile and talked really softly that your heart melted.

Your PC pinged with a notification from Twitter when you returned with your cooked ramen. It was a message and you realized it was Brachio.

r u eating proper meal?
not ramen right??
sent 20 minutes ago

i guess u r

eat well ttyl
sent 19 minute ago

i am eating...ramen
forgive me i haven't done groceries so
im stuck with ramen for weeks

After few seconds, their reply comes in.

didn't u go shopping
why r u eating ramen?

how did u know
right I told u I have to buy something
i only bought ramen


some snacks

'some' is underestimation

did i leave my webcam on
how did u know i bought more than 'some' 😭

i guess i know u so well 🤷🏻‍♂️

i have a reason ok?

like u r on a budget or smth

u r definitely watching me
fine i give up

we can go shopping if u want ;]

i saw this cute guy so if he is still there I might go

cute guy?

and tall too

u will go if he is only there




im kidding
btw u gonna show up with that mask??

who knows? i may not


yeah right
u wouldn't be hard to notice with the mask so dw about it

im serious we can go shopping if u want. in fact I'm there now

i just went there to by that ramen
besides how many convenience stores are in here

well i will reveal my face to u if u want

ur fans are gonna kill me

they don't have to know
u will pretend when I finally reveal

u fr?
is ur acc hacked or something


You laughed as you slurped your noodles and watching them text.

what if u r a serial killer

do u think I am

well who knows

i promise im not

u promise u r not some 90yr old grandpa

hey there's nothing wrong with being 90

is that so


besides the chances of u alr meeting me is like 100%

i read that about serial killers too

so ig u dont wanna meet

i do
it's just...
im too nervous ig

just go to the convenience store
where u saw the cute guy


then we will see

it's a public place and my aunt works there so im not gonna be scared if u end up being a serial killer

u sound scared to me

I AM NOT and ill be there

and u better not lie to me

i won't i promise

You didn't know why but you had the urge to meet them. You have no idea what to look for since you don't know their identity. You decided just to be there and if they end up being an axe murder or something, you have no choice but to run for your life. Besides this hypothetical aunt of yours is there so you shouldn't be scared.

You cautiously walked and look at the convenience store through the window. You can see a lot of people there and you spotted Anton on some candy isle.

hey i just saw the cute guy
u can come now

good for u
ill be there in a minute

You put your phone to your pocket while Anton did the same. You looked at the people inside and keep your guard up.

You waited for a message from Brachio but nothing came. Even Anton was nowhere to be found. So you get inside and tried to look at anyone who would possibly be Brachio.

where r u
even the cute guy is going to leave
that means i will go

im already there
and why are u acting like a spy


u had the black glasses and everything

u alr saw me
damn it

u did too

r u the girl with a pink bow tie
istg u dont like like an 8 yrs old
dear God no

haha no
try again

r u the one with baseball cap
that's 53 yrs old man

that was oddly specific
turn around and make a left

u with the cute guy?
he's the only one there

You typed as you looked above you. Anton's head was buried in his phone and you walked towards him and looked away.

and now??

now turn around

You turned to your right but see no one. Your heart was basically beating out of your chest now. You were sure he was playing with you when a notification pinged on your phone again.

no lol the other way

You turned slowly, having no hope but you were meet with a familiar face. Anton stood infront of you as a shy smile appear on his face.

"Hey," he says.

"Hi," you smiled politely at him and text Brachio quickly.

i met the cute guy
i dont need u anymore

You angrily hit send at the same time Anton takes his phone out.

"I'm the cute guy?" Anton points at himself teasingly.

You stared blankly at him. "You're what?"

"The cute guy you mentioned an hour ago. I thought it was some other guy," Anton says, crossing his arms and leaning on the shelf.

You were still confused as Anton waits for you to say something.

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

Anton nods his head. He was wearing grey hoodie and baggy pants. His headphones were hanging in his neck. He changed clothes from earlier and his hair was fluffy and styled. He looked at you while you try to remember when you told him he was cute.

Did you say your intrusive yet honest thoughts out loud? Then it dawned on you. You looked like you just saw a ghost. You turned pale and your mouth was agape.

"Brachio?" He said pointing at himself.

You didn't say anything but turned on your heels like a robot and walk away fast.

You can hear Anton walking behind you and calling out your name but you chose to pretend you are not listening. Anton catches up to you befor you can reach the exit.

"I'm sorry I startled you. I didn't know we would meet like this." He scratches his nape and look over your head to avoid your eyes. It helped since you are too short for his height.

"I... I know it's a shock to you but..." he glances at your eyes and quickly averted his.

"Were you stalking me the whole time?" You didn't mean to be arrogant but at this moment that what it seemed to be the right thing to say.

Anton frantically shook his head. "I swear I am not. I didn't even know you live in this area. Please, I want you to trust me."

You narrowed your eyes as he plead with his eyes.

"I don't believe you," you said crossing your arms.

"Its just a coincidence. I moved here three years ago, I swear."

You never thought the way you two meet would be this way and you are having hard time processing this 'coincidence.'


Anton looks at you expectantly. He looked innocent and all but you still was shocked how you two managed to meet at that situation. Anton's wavering gave you the idea that he actually is shy. He tried his best not to meet your eyes. You know that's what people who lie would do but Anton looks far from it.

"I never thought you would be shy," you told him.

Anton nod his head slowly. "I have different persona, I guess."

"And your voice..."

He chuckled while tapping his foot on the floor and looking at the ground. "Well, I did have to hide well, didn't I?"

As you stare at him, Anton would look the other way after giving you a small smile.

"You're the cute guy."


"What I told you earlier, you are the cute guy."

He shyly nodded his head. "I'm flattered. Thank you."

"Don't mention it," you said with a smile.

"Well, let's start over... outside of Twitch. As if we never met since I didn't make great impression on you."

You chuckled. "You did make an impression," you said, extending your arms. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Anton," he said shaking your hands.

You both walked out of the convenience store. "I know we just met but I really want to tell you about this cute guy I met two hours or so ago."


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