hana closed the door slowly, praying to god as she turned swiftly as if someone would snap her throat for one wrong move. that someone for her might've been jay.
but to her luck, he wasn't even there.
"yah hana!" hana became stone as she looked all around her but no one was there. jay is so scary sometimes.
"um yeah?" she called out thinking he might've been upstairs. "i can't find my shirts" she heard footsteps comig down.
"what do you mean you can't... find" hana's mouth flew open when her eyes widened at the sight of her own husband, walking downstairs with a frown on his face,
"why are you naked, are you trying to seduce me now because of what you said earlier?!" hana lowered her gaze as she saw jay's frown deepen.
"you're treating me different now aren't you?" 5'3 hana couldn't help but stare at his faint abs that she could even though she was trying to avoid them.
perks of having an athletic boyfriend i guess. BOYFRIEND? WTF IS WRONG WITH ME
hana slapped her forehead outwardly as jay moved behind, terrified of the woman.
"hey, I'm sorry if those things were too sudden. you like.. really don't need to think about it, i don't expect like any answers and stuff. I've known you for years and i don't say anything'll change but-" hana stopped him, sadly just putting her finger on his lips, jay tilted his head to the side.
"you can't just assume things. this time, it's my choice and maybe you have to just we'll, try your best." her retreated her hand back, scratching her nape.
"this is probably the longest time we haven't fought and that's too cute of you" he patted the latter's head like a kid, making a disgusted face in return.
"does not mean I've fallen for you though, i still remember when you screamed at for being home by 7! fucking seven!" hana huffed, turning behind and having the thought of watching tv or calling her mom. it's been weeks since she called.
also, why is he still shirtless omg
"i hugged you apologising!"
"no you didn't" shaking her head being the literal definition of smh, she picked up a clean shirt from the couch and threw it over his face, making him scrunch his nose.
"i will now if you want?" jay smirked with a smug look, putting his hands out which made hana run.
"no thanks! I'm over it now, the last thing is that you, at of all cold people, would ever hug me" hana said, jumping over the couch and slipping on to the cold floor.
"i will win you over one day." jay muttered, loud enough so that hana could hear purposely.
"what about dinner?" hana asked when she saw the guy, who was still shirtless trying to remove wrinkles on his new shirt.
"I'll be back in a few minutes hana, you can serve it all though." he put on his shirt, grabbed his hat and walked towards the door. hearing the keys jingle hana waited until he left, "you can scream at me too now for coming home at 7, see ya" hana started laughing and heard the door shut.
"this kid..."
hana was over on the couch, drinking coke after finishing up dinner and watching enola holmes on netflix to reminisce her english. jay wasn't home yet and it was 7:30. he was gone for 30 minutes and it didn't please hana.
to hana's luck, it was jinxed as she heard the door opening with keys jiggling. "i'm home" hana got up, slamming her drink over on the table. she might just be a bit too excited as she stopped in her tracks, fixing her hair and taking a deep breath first. she approached the door where jay was hanging the keys on the door.
"did you eat already? i brought ice cream" jay smiled, showcasing the bag which had a big tub and some other colourful stuff in the bag.
"yes giveee" hana tried grabbing the bag but jay looked worried before handing it over. "i'll just put it into the fridge and be right back."
hana retreated, forming a thin line on her lips as she followed jay like a cat. "ahh stop staring at me like that. this ice cream's all yours. i just need the bag" hana nodded suspiciously, trying to peek into the bag, no luck as she got distracted by the mango ice cream tub. he even knew her favourite.
what's so important that she couldn't see?
she thought she knew where he might put them later, so just sneak into the room if she was that curious after all was her first choice.
"yah are you dead?" hana screamed, not too loud and for jay to hear all the way from their room.
"i'm coming hana!" jay tsked, skipping three stairs at once and jumping on to the floor.
shaking her head, she put his plate on the table. "ahh nooo, i'm not sitting alone. i'll sit in the hall with you, let's go" jay insisted, grabbing his plate and rushing off to the lounge before hana nagged him.
"yah you'll drop the food jay!" hana's mouth fell open dramatically as she sighed, not delaying getting her special ice cream and running of like a child like him too.
let the kids live, you know?
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