Estamos na parte sombria do universo.…
Estamos na parte sombria do universo.…
In the year 2300, an old disaster strikes the earth again, 1000 years have passed since a massive parasite attack occurred, now history is repeating itself, In a short time, our main character. Kaguya Shiozaki, who was spending his time at school as usual, without realizing it, his life would change that very day. this is the story of the final conflict between humans and the world…
A year has pass now ever since Jujutsu High has recruited yet another student, thanks to Gojo, this student happens to be special grade as well,like Yuta Okkotsu, but also to be cursed with a parasite inside him, his name is (YN). The cursed parasite known as "Venom" was given by Suguru Geto, and later on to fight him after finding out the powers of what Venom can hold onto, it's almost stronger than Yuta's, Rika, and yet again, Geto was yet defeated by (YN) and Venom's sacrifice to fuse himself with (YN)'s body to take over control of cursed parasite now. After his defeat, a year has passed now, (YN) traveled to Africa alongside with Nanami to meet up with Yuta, and get along with him. But he wasn't there just to visit him, but to also come visit and give him a warning about an incident that will occur sooner or later back at their home, which is known as "The Shibuya Incident." Which can tell "Geto" must be up to this. With that said, Yuta and (YN) must train for a bit and head back to Kawasaki City with the others to help them up before it's too late....what will happen next? Find out!!!…
A collection of short stories, all centered around the idea of superpowers. Most of the characters are connected, though each story can be read separately on its own.Author's Note: My hope is that you'll grow as attached to these characters as I have. I rely almost completely on outside inspiration for these stories. If you have any ideas let me know! It will probably be used for the next story!…
Long after the infamous ASG88, Patricia Watson, otherwise known as Peacock, defeats her best friend and the Skullgirl Marie, tensions rise within her. She loses control of her ability to balance the two Parasites she has... but not because of her Parasites... it's because of something deeper. She's lost something dear.And that will be the inevitable end of this once stalwart orphan...But some things won't stay dead. Or buried.(Note: None of the artwork is mine.)…
Louis estudia Física, mientras que Jack se especializa en Negocios Internacionales. Sus caminos académicos son distintos, pero eso nunca ha sido un obstáculo para su amistad. Son inseparables desde el jardín de niños y ahora, con la graduación a la vuelta de la esquina, saben que es el momento de hacer algo inolvidable.Decididos a cerrar su etapa universitaria con estilo, planean una última gran fiesta, una celebración que quede en la memoria de todos. Es entonces cuando Zayn, un amigo en común con conexiones en los círculos más exclusivos, les propone una idea atrevida: una subasta.No sería cualquier subasta. Los omegas-Louis, Jack y otros compañeros-serían el premio. Quien hiciera la mejor oferta ganaría una cita con ellos. La mitad del dinero recaudado iría a una causa benéfica, mientras que la otra mitad sería para los participantes.La propuesta es arriesgada, pero también intrigante. Después de todo, ¿qué mejor manera de despedirse de la universidad que con un evento legendario? Sin dudarlo demasiado, aceptan. La noche promete ser épica.…
Waking up from a nap and finding out that the world you lived in has been infected with a parasitic virus and is slowly killing the world.…
A young Warrior From the Don clan ending up on A planet in the depths of Space soon to saved by coincidence now he fight crime with a team of heroesCover made By @Beansanyone check him out he has a cover shop and great stories…
Para bajak laut, Angkatan laut, bangsawan, Tenryubitto, Gorosei, Im, warga, dan berbagai macam ras di kumpulkan di sebuah ruangan atau tempat asing.Lalu datanglah sosok yang tidak dikenal mengaku sebagai orang yang membawa mereka Kesitu, lalu diminta untuk menyaksikan masa depan. Dimana ada seorang gadis yang hendak menciptakan era baru demi masa depan baik semua orang namun cara yang dia lakukan salah serta membahayakan nyawa semua orang. Tapi, tenang ada orang-orang yang akan menghentikan gadis itu.One Piece Red bukan punya saya melaingkan punya Eiichiro Oda, saya cuma meminjam karakternya dan jalan ceritanya saja.…
Omkara singh oberoi belongs to the renowned family of Oberois in Bareily. He is calm cool sensible when he is with family but cold and ruthless to his enemies . He believes in self-justice and doesn't hesitate to break the law or pull the trigger when people stand in his way.Gauri kumari Sharma is a simple, sweet and independent girl in Bareily. What would ensue when the Law breaker falls in love with an apparently law abiding Gauri?? peep in to find out more…
Un Universo Alterno de la serie de Youtube FNAFHS (creado por Ed00chan basado en FNAF que es de Scott Cawthon), donde los personajes son monstruos parasitados que pueden cambiar a forma humana, creados artificialmente en laboratorios, las cuales se quieren destruir entre si mientras el mundo se va hundiendo poco a poco en lo apocalíptico. La historia se concentra en Freddy, el ultimo parasitado de su grupo, el cual debe aprender a convivir entre dos mundos distintos, el mundo subterráneo de los parásitos y el mundo habitado por sus presas, los seres humanos con la ayuda de sus amigos Bonnie, Chica, Foxy ,el lider de ellos Golden y su interior Fred. Pero des afortunadamente, mientras debe convivir lo mas pacíficamente posible, las demás organizaciones los atacaran y los seremos humanos se preparan para un futuro mundo devastado por ellos. Se toman muchas referencias de FNAFHS y de FNAF para la historia de los personajes, los poderes de ellos y a su vez, de la historia en general de las organizaciones, mezclando la calidez de FNAFHS con el horror de FNAF. Puedes encontrar mas cosas de este AU en Twiiter con el hashtag #FNAFHSParasite , donde se subirá el arte conceptual de este asi como los diseños de los personajes Mi Twitter:…
Bayangkan sebuah negeri kepulauan di Asia Tenggara-Negara Republik Kesatuan Indonesia (NRKI)-di mana Poni Bumi, Alicorn, Unicorn, dan Pegasus hidup dalam harmoni. Negeri ini telah mencapai teknologi setara dengan kekuatan dunia seperti Amerika Serikat dan Uni Soviet. Jet-jet tempur menghiasi langit, kapal perang canggih menjaga lautan, dan kemajuan teknologi membuat mereka disegani. Namun, suatu hari, semuanya berubah. Tanpa peringatan, NRKI tiba-tiba menghilang dari dunia yang mereka kenal dan muncul di dunia lain-Equestria.Equestria bukanlah dunia biasa. Di sini, kekuatan sihir mendominasi, dan teknologi yang mereka temui tampak berasal dari era Perang Dunia Pertama dan Kedua. Penghuninya, juga para poni seperti mereka namun ada juga ras selain Poni seperti Griffin dan zebra, mereka hidup di bawah aturan sihir dan pedoman yang jauh dari kehidupan NRKI. Namun, kehadiran NRKI bukan hanya mengguncang eksistensi Equestria ia juga membawa perubahan besar yang tidak pernah dibayangkan oleh para penghuninya.Dengan kekuatan militer yang tak tertandingi di dunia ini dan teknologi yang tak terbendung, NRKI segera menjadi pusat perhatian. Tapi keberadaan mereka di dunia baru ini bukannya tanpa konsekuensi. Konflik yang tak terelakkan segera muncul, bukan hanya dari para penguasa Equestria yang khawatir akan ancaman baru, tapi juga dari rakyat NRKI sendiri yang mulai merasa terasing di tanah yang penuh misteri dan kekuatan magis.Tantangan tak berhenti sampai di situ. NRKI harus menghadapi keputusan-keputusan sulit:apakah mereka akan memanfaatkan kekuatan mereka untuk mendominasi atau malah mencari kedamaian dengan penghuni dunia baru ini? Apakah mereka mampu bertahan di dunia yang dipenuhi kekuatan sihir, di mana teknologi yang mereka miliki dianggap ajaib dan berbahaya? Di tengah semua kebingungan dan ketidakpastian, warga NRKI dihadapkan pada dilema besar: berdamai dengan dunia baru yang asing atau bertahan dengan cara mereka sendiri?…
Sam, Micheal, and there middle sister Erica, move to Santa Carla after there mom, Lucy, had a messy divorce. They meet a group of boys who change them, but is this change permanent?I do not own any characters except for Erica!!…
Mórrígan lived with her alcoholic father in a small apartment in San Francisco and used to work as a barista. One day the avengers are noticing her after a fight she had, and asked her to join. She hesitated at first but then agreed, but what they don't know about, is that she is sharing her body with a parasite. Venom.How will she tell them, and how will they react? And will she get along with Bucky Barnes who has been a pain in the ass since the first time they met?THE CHARACTERS BELONG TO MARVEL!I ONLY OWN MóRRíGAN BROCK AND THE STORY LINE!…
🎀𝗢𝗡𝗗𝗘 𝗨𝗠𝗔 inimizade de infância acaba virando um relacionamento falso.𝗠𝗔𝗩𝗜𝗘 𝗙𝗘𝗥𝗥𝗔𝗥𝗜 𝗦𝗜𝗟𝗩𝗔 sempre viveu no Brasil , mas uma morte faz ela precisar se mudar apenas quando tinha seus oito anos para Los Angeles. No primeiro dia de aula ela conheceu Walker Scobell, um menino de cabelo loiro que parece ter o fetiche de irrita-la sempre que possível. Conforme os anos foram passando , sua vida mudando ela finalmente descobriu seu sonho: Fazer uma banda famosa. Para ela conseguir que seu sonho se realize , o trabalho de seu tio ainda exista ela precisa fazer uma escolha.𝗪𝗔𝗟𝗞𝗘𝗥 𝗦𝗖𝗢𝗕𝗘𝗟𝗟 o menino que sempre tenta irritar Mavie para chamar atenção , o menino famoso que acaba envolvendo a menina que não aguenta ficar perto dele na maior enrascada de sua vida.𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗩𝗘𝗭 sites de fofoca não sejam tão ruim para criar um relacionamento...…
Step into the vibrant, exciting world of Babymonster, YG Entertainment's newest K-pop sensations! This collection of short stories takes you behind the scenes with Ruka, Pharita, Asa, Ahyeon, Rami, Rora, and Chiquita, diving into their adventures, friendships, and heart-fluttering romances. From playful moments offstage to dreamy what-ifs, each story blends a touch of fantasy with real, heartfelt emotions, shining a light on the unbreakable bonds and personal journeys of these seven incredible girls. Whether you're a K-pop fan or just someone who loves stories about chasing dreams and finding love, this collection will make you smile, swoon, and believe in the magic of Babymonster! ✨…
Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall getting hurt, sick and caring for each other. Set around the release of 'Made in the AM'.…
The stars shine here✨⭐The moon blinks here🌙The sun doesn't forget to peek here☀️Cause here is the Miscellany of Desi Tadka from your favourite authors...The tales worth reading...The tales which will take you on the roller coaster rides of emotions...The tales which will make you laugh hard and cry at the same time...The tales which will be sweet as well as sour, spicy as well as bitter...The tales which will make you regret if not given a chance to read...Click on the Read button and join us in this ride of emotions.…
it's an sumellikan fanfriction so don't compare with real…
It is the story of the greatest Epic written the longest mahakavya or poem on earth.This is the story of a daughter born during the time of dwapar Yuga in the royal Kingdom of Ayodhya. Born in a glorious Kingdom and burdened with the glorious purpose of aiding Vasudev Krishna the Protector of the universe himself in the establishment of Dharma or the Dharmsthapna and why wouldn't she help him after all she is his Ardhangini 'Jagat Kalyani Mahalaxmi' herself . This is a story in which Sri Herself Becomes the guide for karna just like Krishna was for arjun.She was the one who helped Karn find his true destiny and reunited him with his true family, protected him from the clutches of Adharm. She became the ultimate source of support to Krishna during all his time when he was down,she was the only one who saw his tears and she was the only one who wiped them she was one of the very few in front of who Krishna became vulnerable.She was the most graceful,kind, beautiful stunning ,alluring, magnificent ,powerfulAnd she was the true queen of Ayodhya she was non other than' YUVRANI RUDRANSHI RADHIKA '( I do not on the Mahabharata or any of the characters in it except for Rudranshi Radhika the original Mahabharata was written by Vyas muni.)( copy my work will not be appreciated and all the copyrights belong to me)( all the pictures used in this book do not belong to me they are either Tekken from Google or Pinterest)…