Requested by: biancaMayandoc2
Now playing: Chivalry Is Dead by Trevor Wesley (slowed)
First off, it's not what you think it is......
Ran was dozing off happily in his own dreamworld, tired.
Rindou was doing everything he said in his dreams, and he's just standing there, smirking to himself. The whole house had been cleaned by his brother just as he said.
Rindou was now cooking dinner, not even grumbling or muttering incoherent stuff much to Ran's amusement. He heard him say something but he didn't quite hear, a loud ringing sound enveloping the place. He motioned for his brother to speak up louder but as he did, the dreadful ringing sound kept on continuing.
He abruptly woke up, eyes immediately darting on the phone on his bedside drawer.
He forgot to turn his phone off.
He cursed internally, wanting to rip the person who just disturbed his peaceful slumber.
But once he saw the caller ID though, a huge grin made its way to his face and the idea of ripping the person apart was thrown out of the window. He immediately answered it and smiled, tired but still happy.
"Hello (Nickname)-chan! What made you call me at two in the morning?" he asked, trying not to let her hear how sleepy he is.
"I can't sleep!" she whined at the other end and only then did he notice the party music from the other line.
"Oh? Is someone having a party right at your place now?" he inquired, about to get up.
"What gave it away? Oh! Maybe the loud music? Is that it?" she answered back sarcastically and Ran's more than sure that she's rolling her eyes too.
He just chuckled and stood up, yawning. "You know, you could always come and spend the night here. No problem!"
He heard her 'tch' at the other end and he hoped that she had forgotten what happened the last time she was there.
"Yeah right. And you'd be bugging me just so you could sleep next to me, huh?" she asked, skepticism evident.
Ran sweatdropped at her statement before opening the door of his room.
"Come on! It's not like that!" he defended, grabbing himself a glass. "Besides, you were even flustered at that time..."
He heard her fake gasp at the other end, him stifling his own laugh as he drank his water.
"Flustered my ass... I don't get flustered andβ oh! Wait I remember now!"
He answered with a 'hmm?' as he was still busy drinking his water.
"You now why I called you this late at nightβ"
"βEarly in the morning."
"Yes yes, now as I was saying, do you know why?" she asked mysteriously.
"Hmm... Because you want me to break the legs of the people partying in your neighborhood so that they'd turn their music off and you'll finally be able to sleep? Or maybe cause you like hearing my voice?"
There was a long pause on the other line which made Ran wonder if she fell asleep.
"Uh no. The first one kinda made sense and the second one just sounded totally like you, but more egotistical, but no."
"Oh yeah then what is it?" he asked, now walking back to his room.
"It's cause I just wanted to disturb your sleep too." she claimed.
Ran's jaw dropped at her reason.
"Well... Why not disturb Rindβ"
Ran's attention got caught by his brother screaming profanities in his room. He heard (Y/N) laughing on the other line, almost as if she heard him.
"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! HE'S SO PISSED OFF HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Ran just stifled his laughter, going out of his room to check on his brother. The door opened a little and he peeked in, trying to see if his brother's still in there.
"Finding someone, brother?" he heard Rindou's voice from behind him, annoyed.
"Not now. Something wrong?" he asked, still holding his phone.
"Gimme that.." the younger one mumbled as he snatched the phone away from his brother's hands.
"(Y/N), I know this is you. Can you fucking stop throwing stones at my window now? It cracked already damn..." he uttered, rubbing his temples.
Ran could only respond with a little 'oh'. He then went to his brother's room and looked out of the window only to see nothing.
"Sorry, sorry.." he heard the girl giggle on the other line. "I just wanted to wake you up that's all."
Rindou huffed in annoyance, drinking a glass of water slowly. "Typical."
"Oi, she's not outside..." Ran mumbled, looking at the phone his brother is currently holding.
"Yeah she told me she'd be here." Rindou answered, sipping his water. "She told me that her dumbass neighbors are holding a stupid party again."
"Wow, too many parties. This one's the fifth one this week." Ran mumbled, remembering all the times she'd complain about it.
They, of course, pitched in the idea of just beating up her neighbors and sending them to the point of no return but she refused. She said that she didn't want to get caught and sent to juvie again, and she also didn't want them to share the same fate as her when that happened.
She's just as crazy as they are.
"Why not just beat up her neighbors and run away after that? And then if we did that, she can sleep peacefully. And if she sleeps peacefully, she won't bother us and we can actually sleep too..." Rindou muttered to himself.
"Oi Haitanis I'm at your doorstep. I won't knock so you'll know it's me." she snickered.
Ran was about to say that the way she said it sounded wrong but as he went to the entrance, he heard a knock. He just rolled his eyes at her pathetic attempt to scare him as he opened the door, a shriek leaving his mouth.
She just laughed at him, while waving the fake Annabelle doll she brought with her at his face. Rindou just watched unamused while shaking his head.
"TA-DA!! Good evening Rindou!" she yelled, hands open wide and looking at him while walking to where he's at, looking like she's about to hug him.
"So I get a heart attack and he gets a 'good evening' and a hug? Unfair..." Ran muttered, standing up and glaring at the Annabelle doll she brought with her.
"Good morning, you mean." Rindou asked, one eyebrow arched.
As he was about to hug her, she turned away and sat at their couch, placing the doll on her lap. She then looked at him with a small smile on her face, looking as innocent as ever.
Ran snickered as he felt all drowsiness go away, walking to sit beside her. Once he did, he tried his best not to look at the doll, it's eyes staring right at him.
"Why'd you bring that... Thing?" Ran asked, narrowing his eyes at the doll.
Rindou just sat in the opposite side of him, beside (Y/N). "Where's you get that even?" he asked, looking at the doll's braids.
"Oh I ordered it a few weeks ago and it just arrived this afternoon. I thought it looked cute and I brought it here. Hope you don't mind." she stated, looking at the doll and petting it's head.
She looks so calm and it almost made both males forget now crazy she really is.
"I don't mind that thing. It kinda looks like my brother..." Rindou spoke, glancing at Ran who looked like he wanted to punch him.
"Of course I don't mind..." Ran trailed off, trying not to get uneasy. "What's its name?"
She put her pointer finger near her chin, thinking if she really has to say it or not.
"Do I have to tell you?" she asked both boys and before they could even say anything else, she made the doll sit on the little table in front of them in a presenting manner.
"So, I really tried my best to name herβ"
"βit." Rindou interjected.
"Shut it. Anyways, I wanted to call it Annabelle cause it looks like Annabelle but I simply want a unique name for it. So I obviously like the both of you and want to name the doll after one of you or, more likely, the both of you and it took me a few hours deciding a proper name for it."
"And?" Ran asked, curious.
He was never curious about things such as doll's names before but the way she said it makes things mysterious.
"So? What's the name?" Rindou asked.
"You two guess first." she spoke, looking at the both of them.
"Drat..." Ran thought before answering, "R?"
"R? What kind of a name is that?" Rindou asked, "I'd say... Rannabelle."
(Y/N) stifled her laughter at their guesses, amused. "Nope. But quite near to that though."
Ran just shut his mouth, formulating plans on bullying his brother later.
"Tsk I'll just tell you. It's..." the female trailed off, both male's attention towards her.
"Come on, tell me." Ran urged.
"Fuck it. I'm not interested anyways..." Rindou mumbled.
"... It's Randoubelle." she snickered.
Ran's jaw dropped while Rindou just stiffened up, looking at the doll up and down.
"So that's.... That's the name?" Ran asked, pointing at the doll.
"I'd understand it if you named the doll 'Rindoubelle' but Randoubelle? The fuck is that?" Rindou deadpanned, thinking that it must've been better for him to sleep with a shattered window than to put up what what he just heard.
"Oi, no cursing, bitch." (Y/N) hissed, looking at Rindou. Rindou just muttered a 'you're the bitch here' but thankfully, she didn't hear.
"So yeah like I mixed the name Annabelle with Ran and Rindou. And it turned out nice and unique!" the female declared.
"Well... It does sound nice I think..." Ran spoke lowly, looking at the doll who seemed to stare at his very soul.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to sleep from all this bullshit." Rindou muttered, head hurting a bit from what he had just heard. "You wanna sleep in my room (Y/N)? I don't mind."
"Nah, you'll kick me." the female answered, looking at him. She then looked at Ran who had hopeful eyes, "I'm not sleeping with you too. You look like your planning something weird."
Ran frowned at her statement and huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. Rindou just scoffed, watching from the door of his room.
"You're pathetic attempts at being cute won't work on me Annabelle looking-ass Ran." she snickered, poking the said male on his arm.
"Who's saying I'm being cute?" he shot back, standing up and looking at her while glaring hard at the doll.
"Haha night-night!" she waved at them, making herself comfortable on their couch.
As much as they wanted to beg her to sleep beside them, or even one of them, she wouldn't agree.
She also wouldn't like it if one of them sleeps in the couch so she could have their room so, they just let her be.
"Good night." Rindou waved, closing the door to his room.
"Night (Y/N)! Make sure to not look up when you suddenly wake up in the middle of the morning again Mwehehehehe..." Ran teased, even putting in a fake low evil laugh.
"Yeah, right. How about you make sure no one's inside your closet hmm? I heard some noises in there earlier. A girl perhaps?" she retorted, closing the lights.
"Tch, like hell would my brother have a girl in his room! He looks like he's not going to have a girlfriend even!" Rindou yelled from his room.
"Shut up! Like you'd also get a girl!" Ran yelled back.
"Oi shush it! Your friend's trying to sleep here." (Y/N) yelled. "Besides, both of you look irresistible and I'm sure many girls would fawn over you two. Now shut it."
The whole place got quite after that, both boys having a tint of red on their cheeks.
Meanwhile, no one ever noticed Randoubelle looking at Ran's door....
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