Cassidy POV
Hanzo had texted me asking if I could play. As much as I wanted to I was super sick and didn't feel like it.
I texted him, "I feel too sick to play right now sorry, but I promise we can play tomorrow x."
I don't know if this is what a "Risky Text." is but it sure felt risky.
My face heated up when I sent it and I awaited on his response.
But to my surprise, the only response I got was a thumbs up emoji? Right after that was sent I got another notification from the battlenet app saying that he had gone online.
Damn, was the x too much? What if I made him uncomfortable. My first thought was to delete the message but he had already seen it.
I just sighed and went onto my group chat. I was incredibly bored so I texted, "Can anyone call?"
It took a few seconds for anyone to respond but eventually Amelie said, "Yeah I can."
I smiled and phoned her, when she picked up we greeted eachother. We haven't spoken in a while, in person or on the phone. So it was nice to talk to her again.
"How are you? Do you still feel sick." She asked me, sounding concerned. I replied, "I do, but it's not so bad anymore. How are you and Olivia?"
She paused for a second and I heard her clear her throat, "Well if I'm being honest.. not too well."
My eyes widened a little and I frowned, I didn't want to intrude on their relationship too much but I asked, "Why? Did anything happen."
"It's just that.. I feel like she doesn't care for me anymore. Like after we got together she barely speaks to me, but when we were just friends she couldn't stop talking to me."
"I'm sorry to hear. Maybe she has something go on, you should ask her." I said, trying to give her some good advice.
She made a "hmm." sound and replied, "Yeah I guess.."
Suddenly, she cleared her throat again and her tone shifted, "Anyway. Enough of me, do you have your eye on anybody?"
My face turned a little red, should I tell her about my TINY crush on Hanzo?
Nah. It was barely even a crush, I'll probably get over it in a few days.
"Uhm, no not really." She chuckled a little and said, "Alright but if you ever do, I better be the first person you tell."
We talked for a few hours, just catching up and stuff. We finally ended the call and I laid on my bed, unable to sleep due to me sleeping for so long last night.
I looked at my phone and saw every one of my friends were offline. Apart from one, Hanzo.
I decided to message him again, "Hi." He replied almost immediately. "Hey."
"What are you up to?" I said, trying to start a conversation. I was also trying to see if the x thing actually made him uncomfortable because I figured if he was dry or whatever it did.
"Nothing just playing with my new friend." He replied, the text sounded innocent enough but the new friend thing made me feel kind of.. jealous?
Not that he couldn't have other friends and stuff but.. you know.
"Oh cool." I told him, suddenly I felt even more sick than I did before.
"Yeah, would you like to meet him. He speaks Japanese though, I met him on Overwatch :3."
I sighed a little, did I want to meet him? "Sure."
I waited a few minutes until I saw I was added to a group chat with him and his new friend. I joined the call and saw the username "加森甲斐."
"おい、ハンゾー、これは誰だ?" I heard him ask. I had no idea what they were saying bt after going back and forth in Japanese I finally heard him say, "Hello Cassidy, my name is Kai." His English sounded a lot more broken than Hanzos.
"Hello Kai, nice to meet you." I said. I was trying to sound friendly but there was an obvious hint of jealousy in my voice.
"So what's up with you guys? Are you like.. together or something." Kai asked.
My eyes widened and my face went bright red. "U-uhm.. no. We are not dating." Hanzo said, stammering a bit.
"Oh alright. Is Cassidy not gay? You said you had a lot of other LGBTQ+ friends." My heart dropped a little at this. I thought Hanzo had no other friends?
Maybe he just lied to this guy to impress him or something.
"Ah-! Uhm, no. I don't think he is anyway?" He said, questioning me.
Also, he said "Other." LGBTQ+ friends. Does this mean Hanzo is gay?
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Hanzo clear his throat. "Oh uhm right.. Yeah I'm Bisexual." I told them.
"Oh I guess he is, he never told me." Hanzo said, sounding kind of.. annoyed? Not full on annoyed just a little.
This phone call was getting super awkward, I figured I'd just leave. "Hey guys I think it's time I went to sleep now." I said.
"Oh alright. Goodbye, it was nice meeting you." Kai exclaimed. I replied with, "You too, bye."
I left the call and that was when I realised Hanzo never said bye. Was he actually annoyed at me?
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