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Hanzo POV {Again, any Japanese is from google translate so don't get mad if it's wrong 😭}

After I had texted Cassidy goodnight, I huffed a little and made my way downstairs.

My house was quite big since my dad was rich. We had a pool and multiple other things for me to do, he knows I get bored being home alone all the time.

The only problem was, even with all these things to do I still got bored. Having no friends other than online ones really sucked.

"ハンゾー、どうしたの?" I turned around and saw my dad standing across the room.

"何もない、ただ退屈しているだけだ." I replied, sighing a little. He looked at me with an empathetic look before saying, "一緒に映画を見ませんか?あるいはそのようなものです."

I smiled a little and nodded, I'm glad I have a good dad. Even with mom gone he always stays storng for me.

We walked into the living room and he turned on the TV, selecting a movie when I heard the doorbell ring.

That must be the food I ordered. "答えますよ!" I told him before rushing to the door. I answered it and took my food before thanking the driver and going to sit back down on the couch with my dad.


When the day had finished, I sat down on my bed and thought. I thought about how lucky I was to have a good family, there are a lot of kids who are.. like me, I guess.. that aren't as fortunate.

I took off my clothes and got changed into my pajamas, there was an excessive amount of heat today so I wore shorts and a white vest.

I was already tired, I had a sleep routine that I follow strictly. To you know, stay healthy.

I make sure to turn all my electronics and stuff off at 21:00 (9pm) and then wake up at 7am to my alarm.

Right now it was 19:22 (7:22pm) so I had about an hour and a half before I was meant to be going to sleep.

I turned on my TV and browsed Netflix, looking for anything to watch. I didn't usually watch series or stuff like that but as I was scrolling, something caught my eye.

It was a show, the name was "Alice In Borderland."

I clicked on it and checked the description, it seemed pretty interesting. I usually didn't watch dystopian stuff or anything like that but this seemed different.

Plus, I was bored out of my mind and the characters seemed pretty cool too.

I pressed play and watched in awe, after the first episode I knew this was going to be a good series.

The problem was that each episode was like 40-50 minutes. So today I wouldn't have much time to watch it but still, I was pretty excited.

It was about time for me to go to sleep now, I had watched about one episode and a quarter.

I turned my TV off and put my phone on charge on the night stand next to my bed.


I woke up the next morning feeling pretty good. The weather wasn't too hot anymore either, thank god.

Immediately I powered on my phone and went to text Cassidy. It should be about 17:00 (5pm).

"Good morning :p" I typed, I laid on my side and waited for his response.

I waited for about 5 minutes, just sitting on my bed. Maybe he was busy?

I decided to go with that. He was just busy, I'll just go and shower and wait for his response.

After I had finished showering, I went into my room and got changed. I wore gray shorts and a plain black t-shirt.

I checked my phone and saw that there was still not reply. I just shrugged, maybe he didn't want to be friends after all?

I sighed and plugged my earphones in, I turned on my music ~ {I Ain't Quite Where I Think I Am - Arctic Monkeys}

I smiled to myself before shoving my phone into my pocket and making my way into my kitchen.

I took some bread out of the packet and put it inside of the toaster.

Maybe I was just overthinking this whole thing. Cassidy has a life outside of the internet and stuff, he's probably just super super busy today.

I sat down on the kitchen chair as I waited for my toast to be ready. I was deep in thought when I suddenly heard the "Pop!" noise.

I jumped a little but took the toast and put it on my plate. I grabbed the butter out of the fridge and spread it with a butter knife.

My mouth was watering as I spread, I was pretty hungry. After I had finished I sat down at the kitchen table and dug in.

{Crying Lightning - Arctic Monkeys}

When I had finished my breakfast, I chugged a glass of cold milk to wash it down before going back up to my room.

I once again checked my phone for any messages but to my dismay my inbox was conpletely empty.

I sat on my bed and turned my TV off, maybe I should just continue watching that series, Alice In Borderland.

I nodded to myself and went onto the Netflix to look for the show.

When I had found it I unplugged my earphones and put them back into the drawer.

I got comfortable and pressed play, my eyes were completely glued to the TV. This show was very interesting and even better it's in my native language.

I managed to watch about 4 more episodes until I heard an intsagram notification from my phone.

I picked it up, hoping the notification was what I thought it was.

My eyes lit up when I saw it was what I was hoping, Cassidy.

He messaged, "Good morning. Sorry for not responding earlier, I was sick so I took a nap."

My heart dropped a little, how horrible! "Oh that's bad :c, I hope you get better soon!!" I texted, feeling pretty bad for him.

"Thank you." He replied. I smiled at my phone a little, I was going to ask him if he wanted to play but I don't know if he'd want to since he's sick.

I decided to ask him anyway, "Can you play today? Or do you feel too sick."

He read it and waited a second before replying, "I don't think I'll play today, but I promise we can play tomorrow x."

My heart fluttered a little at the "x." but I decided to not overthink it, he probably meant it in a friendly way.

I reacted to his message with the thumbs up emoji and decided to just play some Overwatch by myself.

I turned on my console and started the game.

I was still relatively new to the game, and the only time I've really been playing it these few days was with Cassidy or anyone else because whenever I solo queued there'd always be someone getting mad at me for not getting enough kills/not playing right.

And it annoyed me because half the time I didn't even know what they were getting angry at because I don't understand what they're saying.

Anyway, I finally got into a game and joined the team voice chat. "こんにちは?" I said, trying to see if anybody spoke Japanese.

It took a second but I finally got a response, "おい。" I smiled a little, I don't think I've ever met somebody else who speaks the same language as me on this game before.

We spoke throughout the whole game, we actually got on pretty well. I learned that he was 16, and he was also gay.

It'd be great if we became friends! I don't THINK I have any LGBTQ+ friends, not that I really have any friends other than Cassidy anyway.

I made sure to send him a friend request after the match before queuing into another game, too nervous to wait on the social menu.


I know it doesn't really make sense that Hanzo would be listening to English music but I just based it on what I was listening to. ☠

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