iv. her true love

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Harry ate his Treacle Tart slowly while watching the blonde man who introduced himself as Draco Malfoy. He was starting to regret his decision, seeing Draco Malfoy his own sweets that Harry bought with gusto. It was like he had forgotten why Harry had called him out there in the first place. Draco was about to place a Cauldron Cake in his mouth when he noticed how Harry was looking at him.

"Ooh, what a seductive stare." Draco grinned at him. "I think I'm falling." Harry looked away from him in disbelief though his cheeks flushed slightly at the comment.

"Just to let you know, you can date me." Draco continued on. He put down the shades that rested on his head and ate his Cauldron Cake. "Because I'm not really your brother." 

"Who was the other woman in the picture?" Harry asked him right away, wanting to know that one thing.

"Thank you." Draco took the chocolate cake from the waiter then he smirked at Harry. "So, you're curious, eh? Wait, I'm hungry, I think I need one more." He started looking at the menu.

Harry looked away to calm himself down before sighing and glaring at the Malfoy. "Can you stop wasting my time? Who was the other woman in the picture?"

"Geez, you're too grumpy." Draco rolled his eyes and put down his fork before he cleared his throat to tell the tale he heard so many times he could recite it by heart. "It all started one normal day..."

September 1976

"Go on!" Some of the Hufflepuffs pushed Amos Diggory towards Dorcas Meadowes.

"Sorry, I have to go and find my girlfriend." Dorcas simply rolled her eyes and walked away, making the Hufflepuffs tease Amos. 

Lily Marie Evans was walking down the corridor while reading one of her Potions textbooks, trying to drown out the noise around her. She smiled upon hearing the exchange between Dorcas and the Hufflepuffs, Dorcas's girlfriend would be happy to hear what happened. When she couldn't focus due to the noise, she sighed and slammed it shut. Reading would have to take a backseat.

"Lily!" Someone shouted from behind her. Lily smiled when she saw it was her best friend, Marlene McKinnon. "How could you just leave me with that old dingbat?"

"Marls, I–" Lily let out a shriek when someone had flown past her. She moved to dodge him but shrieked once more when two more people had flown past her. She glared at the three boys who were laughing and bumping each other's fists with red bandanas wrapped around their arms. Those three boys were part of the Marauders. Lily didn't think the name Marauders fit them though. She thought that they were more like gangsters with the pranks and tricks they pulled off.

Sirius Black, Padfoot. One of the Beaters of the Gryffindor's Quidditch team. He was once a womanizer, but when he had discovered his feelings for Remus Lupin, he never looked at a woman or a man again. 

Remus Lupin, Moony. He was the Prefect of the group. He was expected to be the one to calm them down but dating Sirius Black and being a Marauder had brought out the mischievous side of his. 

Peter Pettigrew, Wormtail. The kindest and the most quiet. He was a sweetheart, and he supported his friends in everything. But they all knew he was so much more than that because Peter was actually the brains behind some, if not most, of their operations.

"Hey!" Lily started walking to them.

"Stop, Lils." Marlene whispered harshly and started pulling her back, but the three Marauders had already seen them. They looked at Lily and Marlene with raised eyebrows. Lily Evans, they were familiar with her. The girl one of them used to chase until that happened.

"Don't stop me. Are they blind?" Lily shrugged off Marlene's hold and started on her way to the three boys, intent on teaching them a lesson.

"Lily, don't –"

Marlene was cut off by the sudden squeals and whispers of girls and boys alike from the sides. Lily stopped in her tracks at the sound and she turned around to see a blonde girl in a leather jacket on top of her white blouse. She had a red bandana tied around her arm. Her necktie was loose, and she was riding a broom too like the Marauders.

Lily's angry expression fell off her face as she observed how the girl's messy blonde hair was bouncing due to the wind. It was as if time slowed as the girl flew towards Lily. She didn't know what she felt. She just felt her mind go blank at the sight of her. The girl didn't see how Lily was in her path because her eyes were looking down as she was trying to fix her gloves. The blonde girl finally looked up, and green met grey.

"Get out of my way!" The girl in the leather jacket, Alexandra Jamie Malfoy, yelled as she flew towards Lily. Lily yelped and stumbled over her feet, making her books and bag fall on the floor while Alexandra zoomed through the open path where Lily was standing.

"Lily!" Marlene said worriedly, running to her friend. Alexandra got off her broom and just glanced at the girl who was on the ground before walking towards Sirius, Remus and Peter. That was what she got for being in her path.

Lily got up hurriedly and picked up the heaviest book she could, anger consuming her at the brazenness of that woman. She took out her wand and made the book fly and hit the back of Alexandra's head hard, making the Marauder stop in her tracks. Gasps rose around them at what Lily had done. No one would ever dare do that to Alexandra Malfoy.

"Gangster!" Lily said angrily. With an irritated expression, Alexandra turned around and glared at Lily. The Prefect breathed deeply, glaring back. So what if that Malfoy was incredibly handsome and had messy hair and grey eyes that looked unexpectedly charming? She was incredibly rude.

Alexandra just clicked her tongue in annoyance. It was a good thing for that redhead that she actually woke up in a good mood today, and she didn't have the energy to fight back. She just turned back around and continued on her way with Sirius, Remus and Peter sending Lily unreadable gazes and following Alexandra.

"Let's just get out of here." Marlene whispered to the still glaring Lily and pulled her away after that. Away from the eyes and ears of the Hogwarts students and hopefully, Lily's impending doom.

"Wait, what? If they were the Marauders, why wasn't my dad there and why was she there?" Harry asked in confusion, interrupting Draco's story-telling. "My dad was always a Marauder. Is she..."

"Chill, dear Harry." Draco chuckled at his question. "We'll get to that later."

"Okay?" Harry said reluctantly then he frowned when he remembered something. "Wait, gangster? The girl in the picture was a gangster?"

"She was one." Draco smiled in reminiscence and brought out the picture. "She didn't look like one because she was already in love with your mother."

Draco sighed and smiled at Harry. "She was a beautiful gangster, wasn't she?" He stood up and brought the picture close to Harry's face. "Hey, you really have your mother's eyes!"

When Harry slapped away his hand and glared at him, Draco scoffed and sat back down. "Gangster. You honestly act just like her. Cold and brooding."

"I'm not like her." Harry glared at him, not wanting to be compared to that woman. "And I don't brood."

"If you had blonde hair and no glasses, I'd say you're her son." Draco continued as if Harry didn't speak. Harry rolled his eyes while Draco leaned in excitedly. "Did you know Alexandra Malfoy was the most notorious Marauder then? She was really known as the Gangster because of her attitude. And Lily Evans was the only person who could set her straight because Lily Evans was her true love."

Harry snorted at that. "True love? Who told you that?"

"My aunt said that."

"And who's your aunt?"

"Alexandra Jamie Malfoy. Your mother's true love."

"Alexandra Malfoy?" Harry's eyes widened when he suddenly remembered where he heard that name. It was in their History books after all. How could he miss that information? "Your aunt is the Alexandra Malfoy? The one who defeated Voldemort?"

"Yeah?" Draco nodded with a smile, he couldn't help but feel proud to hear that.

"But she's dead." Harry said stupidly.

"She's not." Draco rolled his eyes. "She's very much alive. She's your mother's true love."

Harry stared at him for a few moments before taking the picture from Draco and throwing it in the garden. "True love, my arse."

"Hey! You're the arse." Draco glared at him and started looking for the pictures in the garden while Harry started walking away. It was all bollocks, he didn't know why he even wanted to hear it in the first place.

Then, the Ministry worker from a while ago suddenly came out of one of the offices. He smiled when he saw Harry. "Ah, Mr. Harry Potter. I was just about to send an owl. "

"Good morning, Sir." Harry shook his hand, remembering the pressing issue of his mother's disappearance. "Are there any updates?"

"Well, yes. I wanted to inform you that the Portkey had been found in Glencoe."

"Glencoe?" Harry said worriedly. "What about the travellers?"

"I'm afraid it's still under investigation, and we have been banned to use any methods of Magical Transportation in the meantime." The Ministry worker explained to him. "We still do not have any updates regarding possible survivors. I suggest you wait in the office for further updates."

Harry smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Sir. Thank you." 

The Ministry worker nodded and left Harry there, still worried for his mother. He was shaken by the story Draco was telling, but his mother's safety mattered more.

"Hey, that was the man from the Portkey office a while ago, right?" Draco asked, having just found the picture.

"Get away." Harry shoved him slightly and started on his way. He didn't know where he was going. He just wanted to get away from Draco.

"I'm coming with you." Draco yelled and chased after him. "I need to see your mother. She needs to see my aunt."

Harry stopped walking and turned around to stare into Draco's grey eyes, seeing how similar they were to Alexandra Malfoy's. He shook that thought away and scoffed at Draco's unbelievable statement. "Seriously?"

Draco's eyes softened. "She's dying, Harry, and she's getting weaker everyday. She came back to England a few days ago. She wants to die here. My mission is to give them a happy ending before she dies."

"Again, seriously?" Harry shook his head in disbelief. "Are you out of your mind? Do you want my dad to never speak to me again because I helped my mother get back together with some woman?"

"Look she's not just some woman!" Draco raised his voice. "She's her true love."

"She is not my mother's true love." With those final words, Harry walked away and left a frowning and dejected Draco Malfoy.



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