"Behind me are the relatives of the missing wizards and witches of the Scotland Portkey gone wrong. They are all anxious and scared." Rita Skeeter recited to her Quick-Quotes quill while Bozo, her photographer, started taking pictures around him. The journalists of the different newspapers were currently at the Ministry of Magic, trying to get more information about the Portkey gone wrong.
"Dad, I can't just wait at home." Harry said softly, talking to his father through the Floo Network. He got to the Ministry using Muggle transportation and the hidden entrance because apparently, all methods of Magical Transportation were being prevented. This was the first time a Portkey malfunctioned, and to avoid any other mishaps, the Ministry announced that no one could use Magical Transportation at the moment. Vehicles such as buses, trains and cars were allowed as long as they didn't use any magic.
James Potter frowned before letting out a sigh, his son was as stubborn as his mother. He didn't want to let his son go for something might happen to him too. But he couldn't really do anything now because Harry was already there. He just hoped Harry would be fine and nothing would happen to him. Knowing Lily was missing was already killing him. He didn't know what he'd do if something happened to Harry too. "Okay then. I can't really Apparate or Floo there at the moment. All methods of Magical Transportation are being prevented. Are you sure you're okay, son?"
"Yeah, dad. I'm fine. Don't worry. I'll get going now."
"I'll see you soon, Harry. Take care. I love you."
"I love you too, Dad." Harry watched him disappear before he stood up and started pushing his way through the middle. He arrived at the front and looked around for a Ministry worker that he could talk to.
"Excuse me, excuse me." A man with shades on started speaking behind him and tried pushing his way through to the front, earning groans and yelps from the other people around them.
Harry felt a hold on him and shrugged it off immediately, glaring at the blonde man who was trying to push his way through. "Wait for your turn." He glared one more time before turning back around and waiting for a Ministry worker.
The blonde man glared at Harry's back and tried to think of something. A way that would take everyone's attention and give him the information he needed. Then, an idea came to mind. A stupid idea, but it was still an idea anyways. He took in a deep breath, taking off his sunglasses. It may be stupid, but he knew it was going to work.
"Mummy!" The blonde man started crying out loud for everyone to hear. His stupid idea was effective because all heads turned to him. Harry looked at him incredulously. What the hell was he doing? He only shook his head before turning back to the front. The blonde man continued crying though there were no tears coming from his eyes. "My mummy will want to hear about this! B-but she's missing!"
"Hurry! Take pictures of him." Rita Skeeter and Bozo along with all the other journalists and some who were also looking for their families ran to the blonde man who was still crying.
"D-Don't tell me she's gone! Where is my mummy?" The blonde man started letting out tears as the journalists took pictures of him.
"Excuse me, Sir. What is your mother's name?" Rita Skeeter asked him. "Is she on the list of the missing witches and wizards?"
"Y-Yes. My mother's name is Lily Marie Potter." The blonde man sobbed once more.
Hearing those words, Harry's eyes widened and he turned around to look at the blonde man. Again, what the hell? Harry couldn't just stand and watch him after hearing that. "What? I am Lily Marie Potter's son." All cameras turned to Harry this time.
The blonde man stopped sobbing, his eyes wide at Harry's comment. He pointed to himself with a glare in his eyes though the slight shaking of his finger let Harry know he was lying. "I-I am!"
"No, I am!" The journalists and their cameras went bouncing back between the two like a table tennis match, not understanding what was happening at all.
"W-Well, I am too!" The blonde man stuttered out, trying to defend himself.
"Excuse me, what is going on here?" One of the Ministry workers came to them, confused at the scene and the crowd that gathered in the middle.
"They seem to be siblings, but they only found out just now." Rita Skeeter explained. She looked between the two men. "Who's the legal son?"
"Me." Harry brought out the identification of his wand from his wallet. "Here, I went through wand identification a while ago. That's my name. Harry James Potter. I also have my birth certificate, and I have picturesβ"
"I have their picture." The blonde man said confidently, bringing out a picture of two women from his wallet. One was definitely Lily Potter then Evans, and the other...
"All right then." The Ministry worker took the picture and looked at Harry. "Wait a minute. You have the redhead's eyes. Is she your mother?" He showed the picture to Harry.
"She's my mother." Harry said quietly, wondering who was the blonde woman in the leather jacket beside Lily.
"See, I told you I knew Lily Potter!" The blonde man interjected in an indignant tone.
"Wait a moment. Wait." The Ministry worker took the picture and glanced at him. "And you look so much like the blonde woman. See, grey eyes and blonde hair." The worker turned back to Harry, pointing at the blonde woman. "Is she your mother too?"
"No." Harry said immediately. "My father is James Fleamont Potter."
"Family drama." Rita Skeeter smiled mischievously and let her Quick-Quotes Quill write for her. This seemed like a cover-worthy story.
"Okay okay. This is what we're going to do." The Ministry worker let out a sigh and turned to Harry. "You can give me your address and let me know how we can contact you. As soon as we have newsβ"
"Wait, what about me?" The blonde man said with a tone of incredulity while Harry wrote down on the clipboard his address.
"One contact person per family, okay? Here's your picture." He smiled and handed the blonde man back his picture, leaving him frozen for a moment.
"Thank you sir." Harry handed him back the clipboard. The Potter held in his smug smile at how he was chosen over the blonde man. He was still confused about the picture the blonde man had.
"We will contact you soon." The Ministry worker smiled before going on his way.
"Sir? What if it is a matter of life and death?" The blonde man chased after the Ministry worker.
The Ministry worker let out a sigh. "Young man, we can only have one contact person per family. Just coordinate with him, okay?" And with that, he walked away.
The blonde man let out a sigh of frustration and finally noticed the many people watching the scene. He turned around and saw Harry there, still watching him. The blonde man raised an eyebrow at Harry before he started to leave. It was no use staying there anyways. He would just have to find another way to find Lily Potter.
"Who are you?" Harry chased after him, wanting answers for the many questions he had after meeting him. "Why are you looking for my mother? Are you my brother? Who is the other woman in that picture?" He stopped walking when the blonde man stopped walking as well.
The blonde man smirked as he turned to Harry, it seemed like his problem was solved. "Promise me first that you'll keep me updated when the airline will contact you."
Harry didn't hesitate in answering. "No."
"Then, it's a no for me too." The blonde man shot back at him. "I won't tell you what I know either." He turned around dramatically and wore his shades on, leaving a conflicted Harry. Should he just let him go and get rid of the annoying git but leave his questions unanswered? Or should he stop him and have his questions answered but put up with the irritating blonde?
"Stop." Harry suddenly said, his curiosity overcoming how annoyed he felt.
The blonde man turned around and smirked. "I haven't even left yet. Do you miss me already?"
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