The next day, Aizawa had knocked on your door. Since it was his turn to take care after you, you were staying at his place. Everything he owned was so dull.
"Y/n." He said from outside the door. "I have news"
"This is your house, you can come in." You say, placing your phone down. You had been trying to reach Katsuki, but just a minute ago, his mother picked up your call instead of him.
"Nezu wants everyone at UA to relocate into dorm rooms. Since I am your guaridan for the week, he asked me to ask you." Aizawa said.
"Dorm rooms? You mean staying with the class for the year?" You asked.
"Yes, every class will have one apartment to themselves. The rules will be issued later." Aizawa says.
"Yeah, I guess that could be fun." You chirp.
"Alright, I'll be sure to inform Nezu." He says, closing the door. "I'm also going to be leaving to ask other students parents today, so you'll be left alone. Don't go into my room."
"Like I would find anything in there." You mutter.
Aizawa then gave you a suspicious look and you returned it with a confused look. What did he have in his room? Is he okay? Does he need help?
"I wouldn't find anything, right?" You ask, hoping. You couldn't lie that you weren't curious. he was your teacher after all and for a while now you were wondering where this motherfucker lived and the things he owned.
"Don't go into my room." He said before he left
I am 100% going into his room.
When you waved goodbye to Aizawa and All Might from outside Aizawa's house. You watched the long black car drive away before scuttling back inside. You ran for his bedroom, but stopped right outside the front og it.
"Oh god, please don't let me find anything weird." You prayed before slowly opening Aizawa's door.
You peaked inside.
All that was there was a bed, desk, wardrobe and a few pictures here and there. Nothing too weird yet. You waltzed inside and stopped to look a picture beside his table top. It was one of him much younger. His hair was down to his shoulders. Next to him was two boys. One of them was clearly present Mic, but age kinda hated him.
The other boy, you didn't know. He had blue hair, waving upwards, a band aid over his nose and a smile that made you smile. He seemed like a happy person, one that you wouldn't expect to be friends with someone like Aizawa.
I wonder where he is if he's not at UA. I haven't seen him in my life before.
You moved on from the picture. Over on his bed, his yellow sleeping bag just laid there, waiting to be used.
His walls were bare and had nothing on them. His life looks so dull. On his desk, was a single letter with Nezu's name over it. You stared at it and gave it the stink eye. I probably shouldn't look at that.....meh. You walked over and opened the pre-opened letter.
It had report cards of who the UA traitor might be. It had real report cards...sorry Denki. It had other things for school. You placed the papers back down in the same spot they were and went to your provided room. You took your phone off the charger and walked out the door, locking it as you went. You crossed your arms as you walked.
You walked to the nearest park you could find. You sat on the swings that were slightly rusty. You forced the swing set to move forwards and back. In in distance, two little kids ran out of the car that just pulled up. A mother walked out rolling her eyes and smiling at the kids.
"Akane! Akemi! Don't run away too far!" The mother called out.
"Okay!" The girl yelled, heading straight over to a play-train. The boy followed her, trying to get ahead of her in everything.
The Akemi reminded you of something. You looked to the back of your mind to remember the name. Suddenly, a scene of the Yakasai popped up in your head. You were around 8 or 9, your quirk only being with you for 3 years now.
The dull grey walls around you loomed high in the arena. Today wasn't a killing day, it was practice for it. You had to get the best scores today. It was elimination day, the kid with the worst scores get shot in front of anyone, whoever shows emotions dies with the kid.
There was about 80 or so kids around you, the stage area was big enough for more, but still, that was your year group. It would go down by around 11 every year. A shooting target was already set up for everyone.
10 guards stood up the door, with loaded guns and a goal to seek out any outcast.
"Line up! Now!" The instructor yelled.
You all hurried to a single and straight line. You were in the middle, a good place to be, but not the best. Near the back would be best, you would know what you have to beat, up front and centre is only making you have a higher chance at death.
The first kids took their shot, some getting the perfect score. It was your turn, you chose a gun that suited you best. It was a handgun with roses imprinted on the white grip and grip panel. You put the safety off and chucked in the mag. You wanted to be quick since you get marked on that as well. You levelled your arms out straight and shot the target. You smirked as it hit bullseye.
You moved on to the next task. It was to preform ambidextrous kill. You had to place your chosen gun in the holster you were given by the instructor and take a knife. All the knifes were the same, a flip-knife. You picked one up and walked over to one of the people begging to be let go.
"Please! I swear! I'm sorry! I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry! Please! I have children!" The man begged. "I have twins! Their new borns! Only 2 weeks old! Please! My wife! I can't leave her...please."
"New borns?" You scoffed and laughed. "Sucks to be you."
"huh? A child? Little girl! please you have to save me!" He begged.
"Save you, I'm about to kill you. And your wife, she's already been through here." You slashed his stomach with the left hand before throwing it to the left one with a flip. "And your little babies, they'll become something like me."
You slash him again, he screamed out in pain. With both hands this time, you pierced him through the heart, killing him slowly.
What you said was true. The women the Yakasai caught go first, the men next. If they have any kids below the age of 2, they are taken by the Yakasai.
"Y/n~" A voice whined, you turned around and began walking away. "Hey! Y/n!"
"What?" You ask, now turning into a normal child.
Akemi was in front of you, he smiled at you. He had a sly grin on his face. The leader probably praised his quirk again. Akemi's quirk was like the leader's since he was his offspring. It allowed the user, in this case, Akemi to bring things back from 7 minutes and from the woman the leader used, he got melt. This allowed him to turn things back and mould them into anything he wants.
"Guess what? I get free sleeping from now on." He smirks. You roll your eyes.
Free sleeping means you wouldn't have to be handcuffed to the bed frame when you sleep to prevent anyone from escaping. You already had free sleep for two reasons. One, your quirk could allow you to escape anyway. And two, you were one of the most trusted killer here.
"Wow, like I wouldn't know what that is." You says sarcastically.
You went up in line for the next task. Akemi bothered you again.
"Hey y/n! That's not it." He smirks. "I get to be the new leader of this place when he passes away!"
"What? Really?" You were interested now.
"Yep! And I'm going to make it so much cooler! You'll be my right-hand man...or woman, but still! It'll be great!" Akemi said, you turned back to face the front since you were coming up close to more guards.
Akemi was forced away from you as you went to to intelligence test. You had to match the guns to the bullets written down on the screen, the poisons to what they cause, the heroes to their areas and the best way to kill said heroes.
The test began and your fingers moved like clockwork as you started. You were finished in 1 minutes and 22 seconds, personal record. It would be the best if Akemi didn't exist. He was already waiting for you.
"48 seconds, new record to beat." He said, enlarging his ego.
"You always win, shut up." You scoff and move on to the next tasks.
When everything is over and done with. We stand with our guns in our holsters and in one straight line, looking with scared eyes at our instructor. Suddenly the doors crack open and the leader walks in with a chippy smile on his face.
"Good morning everyone! How are we? Good, I see." He says, nodding his head at us. "As you all know, one of you will die well, it would suck to be you-anywho! How about we get the ceremony started."
Not long after, the arena is filled with the older years silently chatting to one another, pointing at us. None would dare to laugh, we all know it's life or death today. The leader walks up to the stand.
"Good morning everyone! Today, we have a ceremony for the graduating class! These fine and skilled students will move up to their next year of training! As we all know the rules, it wouldn't hurt to explain them once more!" The leader says. "The student with the lowest score will die today, along with anyone who shows emotion, let it be a cry, flinch, smile -anything! And your dead! The crowd, you may do as you please. Today, the student with the highest mark gets to kill!"
You looked around you, kids were getting on edge. You tried to hide a smirk, you knew you weren't dying today.
"The killed one today is...." The leader looked at a letter Akemi gave him. Akemi nevers dies, but he can't kill anyone in his year group, he gets to go in real missions, you envy him for that. "Eiko Huijima!"
A boy then falls to the ground, the guards quickly bring him to his feet and make him go on his knees in the centre of it all. The leader then opens the next letter and reads it allowed.
"Y/n L/n! You get to kill!" The leader smiles looking upon the crowd.
You don't waste a single second before grabbing your gun from you holster and walking up to Eiko. He starts silently crying and looking at your feet. You pull the trigger instantly and he falls back, a pool of blood leaking from his head.
A girl from your year group yelps and starting to run away. You spin your head around and aim her before shooting twice and getting her.
The crowd was silent, they all had their eyes on you, Eiko or the girl that ran. The leader stepped forward and wrapped an arm around you, ruffling your hair. Hair in the Yakasai was a big thing. If you were a nobody, your hair was kept at shoulder length for girls and shaved for boys. If you got good grades, you could style it however you liked.
"I must say, Akemi wasn't lying when he said you were one of the best." The leader smiled brightly at you. "You can keep that gun, as well as the rest of you! The guns you have are yours now! Only to be used when needed!"
From next to the stand, Akemi smiled at you.
You looked away from the children. And focus back on the black screen of your phone. It was grubby, so you wiped it with the clothes you had one, making it smooth and clean. Biting the inside of your lip, you set your phone down next to you and started swinging on the swing set.
As you got higher and higher, you smiled more. For the split second of time that you had up in the air, you felt free. Almost as if you could relax. You liked it up there.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net