The land of fame excess

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I stood in the middle of the bustling place scanning faces.

My mum had shown me a picture and also given me their number. I was looking for a freckled red head and her husband Dave.

Dave seemed like he just didn't want to be there. In the picture that is. Diana seemed the total opposite of him.

Bright smile, blue eyes, pale skin and teeth. Yeah Dave had no teeth. Scary much? Atleast I know he's not some cannibalistic dude. Right?

"Y/n! Over here!" A high pitched, over excited voice called out.

That's when I saw them.

They lady looked exactly like the picture but the man? He had teeth! What kind of devil's act was this? Ah right dentures. What kind of idiot am I? The greatest of the great.

Forcing a smile and tugging my suitcase, I walked over.

"Hello dear! We're so excited to have you stay with us! Daves already set up your room in the attic which sounds miserable but really its the coziest spot! There are leds and everything that a teenage girl like yourself would like." She babbled. Oh no, a yapper.

Smile and nod Y/n. Smile. And. Nod.

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As promised the attic was actually quite nice. It had a sloped ceiling and a double bed in the corner with a big puffy duvet and multiple cushions and pillows.

In the corner was a vanity slash desk with a velvety blue spinny chair. Leds where stripped around the edge of the room. Fake ivy hung up strung across the ceiling. It was basically a pinterest board in real life.

I was not complaining.

Dave was probably my favourite out of the two. He was actually quite funny plus he told me about a stash of snacks he'd got that we could share.

Diana was an "almond mum" with only ingredients in the house. If you wanted a snack in this house either make one from scratch or find Daves stash.

When I had walked up to the huge house there was a dog waiting at the door. A huge Bernese Mountain dog that had given me a free shower before I even managed to step inside.

The dogs name was peanut. If you asked me which you didn't but I'm going to say anyway is such a big thing did not need a name for a pug or chihuahua. Peanuts where supposed to be small not the size of a bus. A bus with lots of hair and slobber.

He seemed alright though. Definitely felt safe with a beast like him in the house.

I flopped down onto the bed a wave of exhaustion hitting me.

After sending my parents a "I'm alive and have made it" text I changed into some grey sweatpants and a black spaghetti strap top. Luckily I got my dad's hair. Straight and brunette. I could never deal with my mums hair. Curly. I watched her as a kid spending ages on her hair with loads of different products and then it looking like she got dragged through a bush. She told me herself that if she could shed shave my hair off and replace hers with mine.

Because I was young and naive I took her seriously and made sure to stay clear of her when she was in a bad mood.

I unpacked my clothes and other things before making my way downstairs where the couple sat at a table. I sat down and stared at the plate infront of me.

My stomach growled as I looked at the bolagnase sat infront of me. Everyone began digging in. Even peanut as I saw Dave occasionally slip a noodle onto the floor.

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School in America? No uniform! I wore baggy blue jeans and a red crop top.

Last time I brang makeup on a plane it all leaked but lucky for me it didn't this time so I used it.

After tying my hair into a loose plait some stray strands out to frame my face I bounded downstairs my bag slung over one shoulder.

"Have fun hun!" Diana called out from the kitchen.

"I will thanks! See you later." I answered before stepping outside shutting the door behind me.

The bus was supposed to pick me up but I was not about to get on a bus full of teenagers I didn't know so I decided to walk.

The school was huge. Kids scattered everywhere chatting and laughing.

As soon as I got onto the grounds a bell rang and everyone made their way to class. The only problem was. Where was I supposed to go? I stood stationary in the space watching everyone walk away.

"Hey are you new?" A voice jolted me out of my daze. I turned around. A girl my age stood there with straight blonde hair, green eyes and a sweet smile.

I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm the exchange student." I replied.

"Woah cool where from?" She asked.


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