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For future reference if a character was to swear I'll put a *beep* only because there might be younger kids reading this and I want them to enjoy it. You older people can guess pretty easy. 🧍‍♀️


"Right class settle down now." The teacher spoke up taking a quick sip of a beverage and then standing up.

Luckily Lorelei, the girl who actually had a heart to help, had taken me to my first lesson. History.

Whoever decided to start a Monday with History is insane. Yeah it's kind of interesting to learn about medicines and wars but why would I want to know who died in 1872, March 22nd on a random Wednesday?

I had taken a seat at the back beside the window. No one had sat beside me and I didn't know if I should be relieved or offended. Probably both.

"I've put out the textbooks infront of you may you flip to page -" The teacher was cut off by the door swinging open crashing into a girl who sat near it causing her to yelp and everyone else to practically jump out of their seats.

The teacher pinched the bridge of his nose letting out a sigh through his nose.

"Sorry I'm late sir." The culprite said walking in through the door. He was tall with fluffy brown hair and brown eyes. This stupid grin was slapped across his face like he'd just got away with murder for the second time.

"Mr Wonder this is the twenty fifth time you have been late. Yes I have been counting. Take a seat." The teacher spoke disapprovingly.

Wonder woman, or should I say boy, shrugged and scanned the room for free chairs. That's when it hit me. Like a slimy wet fish. The only free seat was beside me.


He seemed to notice that too and with a big eye roll, I'm 99.99% sure he could see his brain, he walked over falling down into the seat beside me.

"As I was saying flip to page three hundred and ten where you will find two pages about the boer war and questions at the end to answer." The teacher explained.

I reached out to pick up the textbook but wonder woman got there first snatching the book and picking it uo dangling infront of his face like it was a dirty nappy.

"Maybe try opening the book." I suggested withdrawing my hand.

He shot me an exasperated look.

"Yeah no *beep* sherlock." He scoffed dropping the book back onto the table with a loud slap.

I raised a brow watching as he opened the book, upside-down, and then flicked through it.

Finally I snapped.

"Are you thick or something?!" I slapped his hands away from the book and turned it the right way around before turning to the correct page moving it to the middle so we could both see.

Whilst I did that he sat there staring at me.

I leant back into my chair pleased with myself before turning to look at him. I met his gaze.

"You're not from here are you?" He commented.

"What makes you say that." I shrugged. Yeah I was tanned and looked like the average Spanish girl but so does everyone these days.

"You called me a *beep* in the nicest way possible. My guess is you're British." He said a sly smile creeping up on his face.

"You're wrong but right. I'm Spanish and my mum moved to England as a kid then came back and met my dad. She didn't know Spanish as she forgot so they both learnt each other's language. Pretty cliche if you ask me which you didn't so I'm gonna shut up." I turned to the book picking up my pen.

"No carry on. I like your voice. I mean like it's funny when you speak. You sound so posh but so not at the same time." He stuttered. I slowly looked up smirking.

"Is Wonder woman flustered?" I teased noticing the blush on his cheeks and his eyes darting around the room at anywhere but me.

He scoffed.

"Wonder woman? That's awful. You're awful." He turned away.


I looked back down at the book and started reading.

After a while I had just finished writing down the answer to question three when my pen was deftly taken out of my hands before I even had time to blink and thrown across the room smacking the teacher in the back of his head.

My jaw dropped.

The teacher span around picking up the pen.

"Who's pen is this." He said sharply.

Damn you wonder woman that is my only pen.

I stuck my hand up.

"Yours? I expect to see you here at lunch for a detention Miss Rojas. This is not appropriate behaviour for your first day." With that he marched over dropping the pen on my desk before walking back to the front.

I glared at the boy.

"What the hell! What did I do!" I hissed picking up the pen.

He grinned at me.

"You should see your face right now. It's hilarious." He laughed.

I scowled deciding he was not worth my time. Gritting my teeth, I carried on with the questions.

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