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"morning." caroline said to jack in the morning.
"hello." jack said.
"i'm really sorry about yesterday, dexter can be-"
"abusive." jack finished for her.
"what?" she gasped.
jack looked at her with a stare that told he knew exactly what was going on.
"he's not abusive, jack, he's just..hurting." caroline shrugged.
"because, he doesn't like being a vampire." she whispered.
"boohoo." jack answered, "he'll get over it, it's not the end of the world."
"jack," caroline said, "his parent's kicked him out cause of it."
jack rolled his eyes, not caring about anything that happened to dexter.
"well, just cause his parents hate him doesn't mean he has to be a dick." jack said.
"you wouldn't get it, jack."
"my mom is dead, of course i'd get it." jack stared angrily.
"yeah, but your mom loved you."
"she's dead. i never got to meet her." jack said angrily.
"i'm sorry, but he's going through a lot." caroline sadly said.
jack shook his head angrily.
"he shouldn't blame his parent's for being an asshole."
"he's not-"
"he is." jack interrupted, "it's exactly what he's doing, are you blind?"
caroline looked down, looking hurt.
"if anyone doesn't get anything, its you, caroline. open your eyes. he doesn't care about you." jack said.
caroline's eyes watered, then finally a tear dropped, running down her cheek.
she turned away and ran off away from jack.
jack shook his head in disappointment and walked to class.

jack sat in class, bored as a usual student would be at school.
"jack." mrs. hamilton looked at him.
"what?" he asked.
"it's'yes ma'am' not 'what'." mrs. hamilton corrected.
she waited for him to correct himself but he didn't.
"well, did you leave detention then leave school the other day?"
"yes, why?" jack answered honestly.
"you..jeez kid..you can't do that." she told him.
"why?" he asked.
"because it's against school policy." she said.
jack shrugged.
"okay, well i have no other reason but to suspend you from school for 3 days." she told jack.
"okay, bye!" he waved.
"wait i-" mrs. hamilton started, but jack had already left the classroom.

jack walked through the woods, trying to find home, but he heard a twig crack, but it wasn't him that stepped on the twig.
"hey, pretty boy." it was dexter.
"hello, are you following me?" jack asked.
"maybe, maybe not. headin' home?" dexter asked, curiously.
"yes. why?"
"well, not to interfere with your little adventure home, but i just need to tell you something. don't talk to caroline ever again, and if you do, i'll fucking kill you." dexter threatened.
jack grew furious, knowing dexter could never outbeat him.
"you should stay from me." jack threatened him back, "or i'm going to kill you."
"what can you really do, pretty boy?"
jack took a step back, he wasn't going to kill him, he was just going hurt dexter really really bad.

jack's eyes glowed bright and he lifted his hand to use his powers.
dexter launched in the air, leaving his back to hit a tree. it'd be surprising if dexter didn't break his spine.
"now, maybe you should stay away from caroline." jack finally said, and turned away to finally head home.

once jack opened the door, sam, dean and cas were staring at him suspiciously, but also angrily.
"hey guys." he smiled.
"so, jack, you have been lying to us?" dean asked.
"about what?"
"you know what, kid." dean yelled.
"i dont-"
"you've been seeing the goddamn devil for god's sake!" dean yelled again.
oh no, jack thought.
"how-" jack started.
"we found your journal." sam finally said.
"you went through my room? cas-"
"it wasn't my idea, jack," cas said, "but now that we've seen your journal, we know everything now."
"why would you do that?" jack yelled.
"well it may not seem like a big deal to you, but we killed lucifer for god's sake, and now you've been seeing him?" dean yelled.
"i've been seeing him for a while, dean, it's not a big deal. i promise." jack rolled his eyes.
"look, smart ass, i don't give a hell what's a big deal to you. if you really wanted to hide something, maybe you shouldn't have wrote about it!" dean yelled again.
cas shook his head, feeling sorry for jack. sam stood quietly.
"you can't tell me what to do!" jack yelled back at dean.
"oh really? cause by the looks of it, i can."
jack got mad, but wasn't going to hurt them, ever.
"you can't just bring someone in your life but make them feel like they don't belong in your life! it's not-..it's not fair!" jack explained, and ran away to his room.

jack slammed his door, and locked the door.
he slid down the door, sitting in a ball to cry.
i hate my life, he thought, i hate it.
"yikes." lucifer said.
"shut up." jack sniffed.
"don't cry, bud, it's not that big of a deal. i mean it's dean we're talking about." lucifer sassed.
jack looked up at lucifer and sniffed again.
"i saw what you did to that vampire kid." lucifer winked, "you could've just killed him."
"no." jack shook his head.
"ugh, why? he didn't matter." lucifer groaned.
"i know that. but caroline would hate me." jack explained.
"ohh, i get it now. you don't want pretty girl to hate you, okay." lucifer said.
"i want to kill him so bad though." jack said.
"well, better luck next time." lucifer shrugged, "but what you did was crazy amazing, you get it from your old man."
"no, i don't. i get it from myself. i hate him." jack informed.
"right, sorry, whatever." lucifer rolled his eyes.
jack stood up and approached lucifer.
lucifer stared at him like it was nothing.
jack then hugged him out of nowhere.
lucifer had a very shocked face and would've never expected that from jack.
but lucifer finally put his arms around jack.
"you know i care about you, jack, even if you hate me." lucifer whispered.
jack didn't answer but continued to hug him.
"i'm always going to care about you." lucifer said again.
jack finally stopped and sat back down in the floor.
"but there's nothing to cry about, kid." lucifer told jack.
jack shrugged.
"you can go now." jack said, making lucifer disappear.
jack climbed into his bed, pulling the blanket over him, and fell asleep.

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