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jack sat in his room quietly once again. wondering what he could do. what if caroline finds out, he thought.
it obviously didn't work because he's too powerful for her. a witch, while he is a powerful nephilim.
she seemed like a newbie witch anyways, he thought.
"you could always just..kill her." lucifer suggested.
jack gasped, he wasn't even asleep.
he was there, standing in his room.
"how-" jack started.
"how am i here? and why aren't you asleep?" lucifer finished jacks questions, "well, let me put it this way. your brain can create all sorts of things, and here i am, you did this, not me.
"well, go away." jack told.
"jeez, jack, i just said thats up to you." lucifer rolled his eyes.
"i don't know how to make you disappear." jack said.
lucifer sighed happily.

"am i going crazy?" jack asked.
"jack, you've been crazy the whole time." lucifer patted jack's shoulder.
"how-" jack jumped, "how come i feel you.."
"uhh, i don't know. jack you're creating all of this." lucifer announced.
"no, but when you-" jack started.
"i get it, kid. you're scared that i'm gonna hurt you or try and come back into my son's life like a good father would do. i won't. probably ever." lucifer shrugged.
"but i don't want to see you. ever." jack said.
"then get rid of me."
jack closed his eyes, trying to erase lucifer from the scene.
he thought about the awful things he think's about lucifer.
then he quickly opened his eyes.
he was gone.
it worked.

"who you talkin' to?" dean asked, peaking through the creased door.
"i-" jack stuttered.
"who?" dean came in the room.
"i- nobody. nobody, dean." jack explained.
"right. who did you say "but i don't want to see you. ever." to?" dean asked, furiously, knowing jack was lying about everything he was telling him.
"nobody. i already told you."
"yeah, well that's some bullshit. who were you talking to?" dean yelled.
"you don't have to yell!" jack yelled back.
dean calmed down, sighing quietly.
"can you..- my god, just who is it?" dean asked again.
"i don't know." jack answered.
"son of a bitch." dean whispered, and exited the room.
jack laid his face in the palms of his hands, letting out a soft cry.
he wanted things to get better like everyone said they would.
and he didn't want to disappoint sam, dean, and cas, but he didn't want to say that he's been seeing lucifer.
he just wanted to be a happy family who ate, played games, drank, and slept.
he didn't want anything more.
he loved having these powers, but he thought it was difficult to hide it from people, especially when he really doesn't want to, like in detention yesterday.
jack finally wiped his tears, and grabbed his journal.

dear jack,

today, lucifer was in my room. my real life room. i don't know how. i wasn't asleep. but he said that i'm creating it all. i don't get it. but then once i finally was able to make lucifer disappear, dean had already heard pretty much my conversation. i think he knows, he just doesn't know who. and i don't know if i even want to tell him, or anyone.
or maybe i'm not ready.
plus, caroline might know about me.
well she doesn't. but she tried to fry my brain yesterday for whatever reason, but it didn't work. it only works on humans, demons, angels, werewolfs, and vampires, i'm sure. that's it though.
it didn't work on me.
now she's very curious of me, and she's very confused.
and i don't want her to find out, not now atleast.

sincerely, jack

jack closed his journal, hiding it under his mattress.
he left his room, and headed toward the kitchen, hoping dean wasn't there.

but he was, but he wasn't the only one.

"who's this?" dean asked jack, pointing at..caroline.
"hi jack." caroline waved.
"how do you know where i live?"
"locater spell." she mouthed, hoping dean wouldn't hear.
"okay, um-"
"okay, blondie locks, why're you here?" dean asked her.
"i came to see jack, of course."
"okay..why?" dean asked again.
"because we're friends, right jack?" she turned to jack.
"uhh, sure, yeah."
caroline smiled back at dean.
"okay, whatever. just..okay nevermind."
caroline walked up to jack.
"hi" she whispered.
"why are you here?"
"because, we need to talk."
"about what happened yesterday."she explained.
jack grabbed caroline's arm and pulled her into his room, slamming the door shut.
"what?" he asked.
"i've read something. and jack.."
"what?" he asked again.
"i don't think you're human." caroline explained.
jack rolled his eyes, already knowing he wasn't human.
"okay?" jack finally said.
"well, i read that when you try to fry someone's brain. they can't be a archangel, or god of course. so what are you? you're not one of the four archangels are you?" she asked.
"no, the four archangels are gabriel, michael, raphael, and lucifer." jack rolled his eyes.
"i know, but you could be hiding your identity..but- oh my gosh, are you god?" she gasped.
"no! i'm not god!" jack explained.
"okay..." caroline quietly said.
jack looked around anxiously.
caroline didn't say anything either.
"a nephilim." jack whispered.
"wait, that's a human half angel though-"
"i'm the son of lucifer." jack answered.
caroline said nothing, but snorted.
jack said nothing.
"wait, you're serious?" caroline asked.
jack wanted to show her.
he grabbed caroline's arm again, and he pulled her and himself outside so he could show her.
"okay, show me." caroline begged.
jack looked up and glowed his bright yellow eyes to prove it to her.

caroline watched him carefully, admiring his eyes.
"woah." she whispered.
jack stopped and looked back at her.
"you really are lucifer's son?"
"yes, and i've been seeing him for some reason. like, in my sleep, but now i see him when i'm awake." jack told her.
"maybe he's still alive."
"no, he's not. it's just me. i'm creating stupid scenarios of him." jack shook his head.
"show me more." caroline begged.
jack sighed, not wanting to, but still giving her what she wanted.

jack showed her what she wanted, knocking down a large tree, leaving it to crash on the ground, loudly.
"holy shit!" caroline called out.
jack sighed.
"that was so fucked! you're so lucky." caroline said to jack.
jack looked down, knowing he wasn't very lucky at all.
"again?" she asked.
"no thanks. i shouldn't waste what i have on stupid trees." jack said to her.
"are you saying you kill people?"
"are you saying you haven't?" jack said back.
caroline stopped, "wait, you've killed someone?"
"nobody good, wait..yes. i have killed good and bad. but the good was..when i lost my soul and was out of control."
"you lost your soul before?"
"yes. i did."
"it's not something i want to talk about." jack shrugged, "but i had to kill someone just to lose my soul."
"was it worth it?" caroline asked.
"i don't know." jack shrugged.
caroline and jack continued walking through the woods.
"you got a girlfriend?" lucifer asked.
"she's not my girlfriend."
"who are you-" caroline started.
"shh." jack interrupted.
"she's cute, i'd say go for it." lucifer shrugged.
"no." jack answered.
"okay, sorry, just a dad trying to help his son get girls." lucifer told.
"i don't need your help with anything." jack said.
"obviously you do. your flirting game is a no go." lucifer laughed.
"i wasn't even- whatever." jack rolled his eyes.
then lucifer disappeared. now it seemed much easier to jack on how to get rid of him.
"was that-" caroline started.
"lucifer? my father? yes." jack told her.
"what was he saying?" caroline asked.
"nothing important, of course." he said.
"okay.." caroline said quietly.
"caroline! is that you?" a voice called.
"who's that?" jack asked caroline.
"oh jeez." caroline rolled her eyes.
a boy approached the two. but it appeared he went to the same school.
the boy stared at jack, growing fangs.
"dexter stop!" caroline yelled.
"so, you're flirting with other boys now." dexter said, continuing to grow the fangs on his teeth.
"he's not human, dexter."
dexter stopped and stared at her and jack.
jack smiled and waved, preciously.
"what- what is he?" dexter asked.
"he's a nephilim."
"what? like human half angel?" dexter raised his eyebrows.
jack rolled his eyes, not wanting caroline to tell dexter that.
"what?" dexter gasped.
"i'm not lying." caroline explained.
"he's a vampire?" jack finally said.
"yes." caroline quickly responded.
dexter examined the way jack looked.
"he's your type?" dexter asked.
"what? dex, no. you are." caroline smiled to him.
that's her boyfriend? jack thought.
"then, okay. i'm dexter kilpatric." dexter said to jack.
"jack." jack answered back.
"jack what?" dexter asked, for literally no reason.
"who gave you the last name 'kline'?" dexter asked rudely.
"where is she?"
"she died when i was born." jack answered.
dexter coughed and turned back to caroline.
"can we go now? let's get away from..uh..freak show boy?" dexter told caroline.
"um-" caroline started.
"now." dexter grabbed her wrist and pulled her with him.
jack could see that caroline was fighting to get away from him, but he didn't help her.
he sat down on a tree stump and looked up at the clouds, just to feel free.

that's all jack wanted.

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