7 | a Skirt and a Yoohoo

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After Mrs. Cooper dropped Sheldon and me off, I headed to Missy's room to do my homework. The room's peaceful vibe was perfect for studying. Missy was still at school, so Georgie was picking her up due to Mrs. Cooper's work commitments. As I settled at Missy's desk to delve into my astrophysics assignment, a knock interrupted my focus. Opening the door, I found Missy, tears streaming down her face, clad in comfy sweatpants. "Missy, what's wrong?" I inquired with concern. She sniffled, replying, "Everything," before breaking into tears. "Aw, come here," I comforted, pulling her into a hug as she settled on the bed. "What happened?" I asked softly, handing her a tissue. "I wore my new skirt, and today and I felt good.." Missy started, wiping her tears. "But then these girls called me gross because my legs were so hairy," she explained, tears still falling. "Those..bitches," I whispered. "Thank you," Missy said, continuing to wipe her tears. Seeing Missy in distress made me feel a surge of empathy and protectiveness towards her, like a big sister wanting to shield her from the world's cruelty.

"Is that why you're in sweatpants?" I asked gently. She nodded, saying, "I don't want to go back to school tomorrow." "No, you have to. You can't let them win," I started firmly. "You can wear whatever you like, regardless of how your body looks. Got it?" I explained to Missy, and she nodded in agreement. "Boys have it easy, they can be as hairy as they want," Missy remarked, crossing her arms. "Sure, but they have to go around being clueless and smelly all the time, who'd want that?" I replied, making Missy giggle. She thanked me and hugged me. Even though I'm not the most fun person, I only had one idea to cheer Missy up. "There's this party tomorrow night, me and Sheldon are going, you should come with us." I explain to Missy, even though I had no plans to attend because I'm not a fan of parties. But I know Missy enjoys them, so I wanted to lift her spirits. A big smile lights up her face. "Of course! Wait, Sheldon is coming?" Missy questioned, aware of his dislike for parties. "Well... I haven't exactly asked him if he's up for it yet, but I'm pretty sure he'll come along for me," I explained before Missy shrugged.

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After wrapping up my homework, I quickly shoved it in my backpack and made my way to Sheldon's room. As I entered, I spotted him at his desk, engrossed in writing something. "Hey, Lee!" I exclaimed cheerfully, plopping down on his bed, which startled Sheldon, causing him to jump and almost fall out of his chair. "You scared me, Y/N!" he exclaimed, holding his chest, which made me giggle softly. "Sorry, I just wanted to ask you something," I said tentatively, already anticipating his response. "Okay?" he replied. "Well... you know about the party I got invited to? I was thinking, would you want to come with Missy and me?" I asked, fully aware of what his answer would likely be. "Absolutely not! Besides, my mom would never allow it," he stated, returning to his writing. "Please? I want to go with Missy to cheer her up, we can just sneak out" I pleaded, hoping to convince him. "Since when do you even want to go to parties?" he questioned, swiveling his chair to face me. "I just thought it could be fun and help lift Missy's spirits," I explained, giving him my best puppy-dog eyes.

He rolls his eyes. "Fine. But only for you and i'm not staying long" He says before turning back around in his chair. "YAY! Thank you, Lee" I thank him with a huge smile, planting a kiss on his cheek, prompting a blush to instantly spread across his face. As he gazes into my eyes, I feel butterflies in my stomach flutter before making my way out of his room.

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Third Person POV

Y/N sat on the couch with Missy, watching DuckTales while waiting for dinner. The phone rang, but it didn't seem significant until Mrs. Cooper picked it up. Y/N couldn't make out the conversation, just some murmurs, until Mrs. Cooper called out, "Y/N? It's for you, honey." Y/N got up, picked up the phone, and asked, "Hello?" sounding concerned. The voice on the other end said, "Hey sweetie, it's mom." Y/N froze, it had been a while since they last spoke. Her palms grew sweaty, and her voice trembled. "What do you want Mom? How did you even find this number?" George and Mrs. Cooper exchanged worried looks. "I called around the neighborhood, I thought you might want to visit me, I'd love to see-" Y/N's mother started, but Y/N interrupted. "Mom, you abandoned me. You left me to deal with everything on my own, you knew the risks of driving drunk. I might think about visiting." Y/N slammed the phone against the wall, feeling her chin quiver. She stood there next to the phone, frozen, unable to shed a tear. Anger boiled inside her towards her mother for leaving her.

Mrs. Cooper comes up from behind, placing a hand on her shoulder, causing the girl to flinch a bit. "Are you alright, Sweetie?" Mrs. Cooper asks softly, concerned. The girl just nods before Sheldon walks into the kitchen to grab a YooHoo and notices Y/N's distress. "You okay, Y/N/N?" he says, quickly going over to her. "I'm fine, my mom called, asking me to visit her, but I'm not going to," Y/N says, looking down. Sheldon gently pulls her into a hug, her head resting on his chest as he holds her. He starts to hear her sniffing but doesn't say anything, just holding her. Mrs. Cooper notices Sheldon hugging someone and knows he's comfortable around her. She smiles and continues peeling the carrots.

After a few minutes, Sheldon gently legs to of the girl. "Would you like a Yoo-hoo?" Sheldon asks before handing her a cold Yoo-hoo. She smiles, "Thanks, Lee" He smiles and caresses the girls shoulder.

"alright kids time for dinner." Mrs. Cooper says as she places down the food. Everyone goes to the table. "So, I go back to school next week." Sheldon explains as Y/N feels a wave of relief that he will be back to school with her.

an: thank you for reading <3

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