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Sapphire Westlock
Jah had came back hours later. "I can't believe you're back in the hospital because of this bitch" shakes his head, referring to DeMarco.

The doctor comes in holding a clipboard. "Is this your boyfriend?" she asks, motioning to Jah. I nod and she sighs.

"Sapphire, did you know you were pregnant?" she asks, flipping through a file. "Tuh. You forreal?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. She has to be kidding.

"Yes. You were two weeks along" she looks up at me with a sad look. "W-were?" I ask and she lets out a sigh. "The damage to your abdomen and ribcage harmed the child. Lethally" she says, sympathy coming from her voice.

"Fuck man. This bitch kilt my fucking child" Jah yells, punching a whole in the wall.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to calm down" my doctor says, calling for security on her walkie talkie. "Jah, Jah! Sit down. Now" I yell at him, which hurt my ribs.

"That bitch ass nigga kilt my fucking baby yo! Everybody dying ion care anymore" Jah says, heading to the door.

"Jah, please sit down" I beg. He looks over at me with a sad look and sits down.

Tears start running down my cheeks, not accompanied with sobs. I'm going to kill these bitches.

"Can you please let me grieve?" I ask my doctor. She give a faint nod and a frown before exiting the room.

"Jahbari" I try to say but it comes out as a sob. "I swear, I'm going to kill them bitches Sapphire. I swear on my unborn child" he comes over and lays in the bed, pulling my head onto his shoulder.

We sit there, crying together until there were no more tears to shed.

Destiny Micheals

I woke up in Sapphire's bed, with Teyanna next to me. My face is burning.

"Tey" I shake her a little, no response. "Teyanna" I shake her more and she moves around. "Hm. What" she asks, sitting up a little.

"Where's Sapphire?" I ask. "We all took her to the hospital last night. Skylar and Lamia cheap shotted her" she says, putting on the pants that were at the end of the bed.

There's a knock on the door and Tey opens it.

"Whatchu want, Kooda" I ask, turning around to see who was at the door. "Um. Me and DiamontΓ© were cleaning up downstairs and we found Skylar's phone" Kooda hands the unlocked phone to me, which had text messages loaded up.

"Who is this?" I ask, looking through the dozens of freaky and "on my way" text messages.

"Zion" Kooda says, sadly. "Lemme see" Teyanna says and sits next to me as I scroll to the top.

The first "on my way" text message was four months ago. "What the fuck..." Teyanna says from behind me. I scroll all the way back down through the hundreds of text messages and see that Zion said he was on his way, 5 hours ago.

"Kooda..." I start. "Aye, I'm not gone tell Jah 'less you want me to" he interrupts, throwing his hands up in surrender.

"Aye, you show her the phone?" DiamontΓ© asks, coming into the room. I raise my eyebrows and shake her phone that was in my hand.

"Damn. I'm sorry Destiny. For real" DiamontΓ© hugs me and I hug him back. "Can't believe I ever dated that whore" he mumbles and I laugh a little, but it sounds like a broken sob.

"You want some alone time, Des?" Teyanna asks, rubbing my back. "These bitches are ruining my life" I shake my head. "Hold up. Jah calling me" Kooda says and puts him on speaker phone.

"Yeo my boy" Jah greets. "Whaddup. You on speaker with Des, Tey and MontΓ©" Kooda clarifies.

"Where Zion at" Jah asks. "I'll tell you about it later, Jah. What's up" I ask back.  "Shit. Sapphire was pregnant" he says, the tone of his voice going down.

"W-whatchu mean was?" Teyanna says, her voice cracking. "Mane, these bitches killed my child" Jah sighs and I let out a sob. "Jah, I'm on my way" I say, getting up. Teyanna gets up with me and grabs her keys.

"Nah, Destiny we on the way home. Sapphire just got out the hospital" Jah says. "Who is that" I hear Sapphire say quietly.

"Put her onna phone" I say and snatch Kooda's phone.

"Sapphire?" I question. "Hi, Destiny" she says tiredly. "Baby, I'm so sorry all of this is happening" I say, sympathetically.

"Thanks Destiny. I'll see you in a second. Nile's babysitter is on her way so if she shows up before I get there just put Nile down for a nap" Sapphire says and hangs up the phone.

"I can't believe this shit yo" Teyanna shakes her head, tears coming down her face. "We gon kill em bitches" Kooda says, taking his S&W out of the back of his jeans.

"I'm with it" DiamontΓ© daps Kooda up and they nod to eachother. Sapphire comes in the room, holding Nile on her hip and Jah comes in right behind her.

"Hey" she greets and puts her head down. "Hey Sapphire" I say softly, a frown on my face.

It was quiet for a couple minutes before Kooda gets a phone call.

He comes back in and sits down with his face in his hands. "Koods, what happened" Teyanna asks.

"I got the pin on all these bitches mane" he looks up and starts loading his Smith and Wesson. "Ight then. Y'all ready?" Jah asks, pulling out a Glock 9 from Sapphire's drawer.

"Zion's there" Kooda mumbles. Jah and Sapphire both have a confused look. "Now why the fuck would Zion be- oh hell nah. Let's go Kooda finna drop all them nigga's shit" Jah tucks the gun into his pants and leaves the room.

"You ain't gon do nun to stop them?" I ask Tey and Sapphire. "Those fucking bitches killed my child. Fuck no I'm not gon stop them" she snaps. Nile stirs around and she puts him next to her.

"Since when can that nigga sit up" I ask. Sapphire shrugs and lays down on her bed.

"We fin dip" Teyanna says, getting up. "Bye y'all" Sapphire waves and so does Nile.

I kiss him on the forehead and leave with Teyanna.

Jahbari Micheals

Me and Kooda pull up to a run down house and get out.

"You ready?" I ask Kooda and he nods, pulling out his gun as soon as we enter the house. That's weird. The door was open.

"Aye! Where the fuck Skylar at" I yell and hear a door slam. I pull out my gun and run up the stairs, Kooda behind me.

I open up all the doors, searching every room for them. "Aye!" Kooda yells from the room at the end of the hallway. I run into it and see Skylar and Lamia crying in the corner.

I approach them and wrap my hand around Skylar's neck. "S-stop... I'm sorry" she whispers as my grip gets tighter and tighter.

"Fuck allat. You killed my kid" I spit at her. Lamia tries to fight me off but I punch her in the face.

"Kooda, kill DeMarco" I say and he nods, searching the rest of the house. I feel Skylar's movements starting to slow down and I let go of her neck. She still alive, but she won't be able to function for a couple weeks at least.

Lamia's crying in the corner and I shoot her in the shoulder and then in the leg. She screams in pain and I leave the room, closing the door behind me.

"He ain't in here" Kooda says and we hear something drop in the kitchen. I nod my head towards the kitchen and we enter, seeing Zion trying to hide.

He was only wearing his underwear. "Mane what the fuck are you doing. My sister only been good to you. I outta kill yo ass" I say, raising my gun and pointing it at his head.

"Please please please Jah. We been boys from the jump come on now" he starts moving back towards the back door. Kooda runs to him and punches him in the face.

I get on top of him and start punching him repeatedly, blacking out until Kooda pulls me off of him.

"Let's go. Right na c'mon" he pushes me towards the door and I push my gun back into my pants before jogging back to the car.

"We gotta go tell Hammer. Lemme drive" Kooda says and I get on the passenger side. "I tell you I seen my dad" I mumble, minutes into the drive.

"Nah. When you see him?" Kooda asks. "Right before I got locked up" I nod and he nods back. "Y'all back cool?" he asks and I chuckle.

"We was never coolin' inna first place. Nigga's chill tho" I shrug and Kooda parks at the new trap.

"This the first time you seeing him?" Kooda asks and I nod, unbuckling my seatbelt.

We enter the house, which had way more security than before. "Yeo. Who you is?" a bigbody dark skin asks me, putting his hand up when I try to enter Hammer's office.

"Tuh. He with me" Kooda says and he nods. We enter the room and Hammer's chair is turned around.

"Who dat" he asks. "My nigga" I laugh and Hammer's chair swivels around quickly. "My nigga! When you get out G" he says, dapping me up and pulling me into a side hug.

"Shittt like a month ago" I rub the back of my neck as he sits back down. "Why you ain't drop by?" he asks. "Mane them nigga was watching my every move fuck you meannn" I laugh, sitting on the couch that was in the room.

"Oh ight. So wassup why y'all here. If y'all wanna chill we can go somewhere else you feel me" he says and I nod. "Nah, we actually need you to clean sum up for us" Kooda says and Hammer's eyebrows raise.

"They dead?" he asks and we both shake our head. "DeMarco finna be. The nigga got bitches to stomp out my bitch. She was pregnant" I shake my head and put it in my hands.

"We was finna get that done tonight anyways. He'll die slow" Hammer says. I nod and smirk, thinking about it. "Aye gimme the pin on y'all's mess tho. Imma make sure they'n say nun" he nods and I text him the address.

"Aye Jah, I got sum for you" he goes into his safe and pulls out a couple bands. "That's unnecessary Cousin" I shake my head.

"G, we eating right na cause you'n switch up like that bitch nigga Isiah. This your's. It's four" he hands it's to me and I dap him up.

"Aight. Y'all dismissed. I gotta call these nigga to clean your shit" he waves us out of the room and I drop Kooda off at his house after giving him one of the bands Hammer gave me.

I park at Sapphire's crib and unlock the door with the key she gave me. I walk up the stairs and hear faint sobs, making my heart break.

"Sapph?" I call out, walking into her room. She sniffles and throws the blanket over her head.

"C'mere" I pull her up so she sitting on my lap. "I love you. Everything is gon be okay" I slowly take the blanket off her face and her eyes are red.

"Are those bitches dead" she asks. "Shit, Lamia got bullets, Skylar stopped breathing for a hot second and Zion got his shit rocked" I laugh and she laughs too.

"If you really want a baby, we can make it happen" I kiss behind her ear. "Boy, what in the fuck" she laughs and shakes her head, getting off of my lap.

"Chill. I was playing" I laugh, pulling her back. "Nah you is weird bruh" she laughs and I laugh back.

A/N: hey y'all πŸ‘‹πŸΎ

okay imma chill frl i might do a lil filler next




but yeahhh tell me what y'all wanna see in the future i been hinting at what the next chapters finna be about

but yeah expect one or two fillers of them just chillin cuz it's been too much drama 😩

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