After detention, me and Reki headed home. We had also brought our skateboards to school, but they got confiscated for some reason, so we rode home. I needed the practice anyways for that 'S' competition. I completely forgot about it. I hope Reki has too. I really wanna do this competition and win.
I started to space out on the skateboard then, I heard my name being called. "Y/n watch o-" I heard before I went flying foward off the skateboard onto the ground.
"Y/n are you okay?" Reki said, helping me up. "Yea im fine sorry, I spaced out" I said, holding my cheek. "Well if you spaced out, you were thinking about something right?" He said. "Yeaaa why..?" I said confused.
"Well.." He says. Im sitting here looking at him, waiting for an answer. "What were you thinkin about?" He said. I look at him nervously. "Uhh.." I say. I sat there looking at my skateboard, thinking of what to say. Then I got it. "I was thinking about you!" I say smiling.
He looked like he didnt expect me to say that. He started blushing alot after I said that. "You thinking me about were?" He said. "Yes, I was thinking about you." I said. He was staring at me and randomly started crying. "Uhh Reki?" I said. "Y-yea?" He said, still crying.
"Why are you crying?" I said. "I-im just happy t-to know that y-you think about m-me" He said, wiping his tears, smiling. "Ohhh Reki" I said, cupping his cheeks. "Wanna go get ice cream?" I said. He looked at me and his eyes sparkled. "Ice cream?!" He said, happy.
"Yes, ice cream" I said, smiling. "Lets go!" He said, running towards his skateboard. I get my skateboard and ride it, as he follows behind me.
We get our ice cream and walk out of the shop to sit down. I got (whatever flavor you want) and Reki got chocolate. We sit down at the table and we talk, laugh, and joke around. Reki tried to do a kick flip on his skateboard while holding his ice cream.
He obviously failed but he almost got it done. He flip the board but the skateboard supposedly 'tripped' him and he face planted into his ice cream. So now his face is cold and theres ice cream up his nose that hes still blowing out.
"That didnt go as planned.." He said, blowing his nose to get the ice cream out of it. I laugh and go "Well you got ice cream up your nose, which was better than the kick flip." He gives me a tiny death stare. "I mean.. it wasnt that funny tho, the kick flip wouldve been way more entertaining than that..!" I say, nervously.
He goes back to blowing his nose. Honestly if I didnt say that, he would have my head right now. After he finishes, he gets up. "Ok, we can go now if you want unless you want another ice cream?" He says. "Yea, for you to faceplant in." I say, getting up, laughing.
"It wasnt that funny ok?!" He says, mad. I laugh basically the whole way home. I kept falling off my skateboard everytime I laughed at him. He just kept going, he didnt care if I fell off and sat there because he was mad. But the ice cream thing was way to funny not to laugh at.
At this point, I was alone riding home because Reki had left me behind. As I was approaching my house, I saw a black figure standing at my doorway. I kinda got scared because I mean, there was someone standing at my home. As I got closer, I started to see some color. I saw red, yellow, and im guessing black but I couldn't really tell.
I started to see a face too. Then realized, it was the one and only, Reki Kyan, standing at my door, waiting for me to open it.
"Shouldve waited for me" I say, smirking. "Shut up and open the door." He says with his arms crossed. I open the door and right as I was about to walk in, Reki pushed me back and walked in instead. I laugh at his angriness.
"Whats so funny?" He says, raising his eyebrow. "N-nothing" I say, laughing slightly. He rolls his eyes and sits on the couch.
I go upstairs to get changed out of my school clothes and about 10 minutes later, I was about to open my door and I get a text from Reki. why is he texting me? he literally can just come upstairs. I read the text and it says
sorry, I had to go back to mr. oka(i dont remember what reki called him or if he just called him boss so i put that) he needs me to make some skateboards ill see you at school on monday?
Right, I forgot he worked making skateboards. I sigh and text him back. k cya monday. I set my phone on my desk and flop onto my bed. I sigh again and start to go to bed. I turn off my light and close my eyes as I slowly fell asleep.
In the morning
Its morning time and my eyes start to flutter open. I slowly sit up with my back against my headboard and I start stretching. I groan as I look at my clock. 7am. Seriously? I woke up at 7? I yawn and get out of bed and head downstairs to make myself something to eat.
As im going down the stairs, one by one, I trip and fall right on the ground. My hand hit the side of the wall when I hit the ground so thats great. I sigh heavily as I walk to the kitchen rubbung my hand.
After I make breakfast which is just eggs and bacon a basic breakfast, I decided to get dressed and go skateboarding to practice for that 'S' competition.
I totally forgot about that competition. I finish my breakfast and put the plate in the kitchen. I then run up the stairs to get dressed. I put a black cropped turtle neck shirt with a red jacket and black shorts and some gloves and black and white vans.
I grab my skateboard and keys and head out the door. After I lock the door, I thought of where I would skate too. Couldn't really think of anywhere to skate so I just decided to skate freely.
I started off with doing a simple kick flip and escalated farther.(yk that first trick miya did when reki and langa were following him to prove they are good skateboarders at S? yea she tried to do that) After trying to do idk the name, I fell face first onto the concrete.
It hurt my nose alot after that basketball hit to the face at school. But that didnt mean I wasnt gonna try harder to join and potentially win that competition.
But speaking of the competition, I wonder how Reki's gonna react when he finds out I did this behind his back. Is he gonna forgive me? Is he still gonna be my friend? Is he gonna be mad? Is he gonna feel betrayed by me?
I have no idea what hes gonna feel or gonna say. Suddenly, I fall head first into a pole. It snapped me back into reality like, really hard. Why is my face always getting abused?
I hold my head as I slowly get up off the ground. I get my skateboard and start riding it again and again until I can perfect everything.
The more I practiced, the more I got better. But the more I practiced, the more I fell, which was like a gazillion times.
I practice until maybe 3 in the morning? As im heading back home, I keep hearing these noises that start to freak me out a little. I skate as fast as I can home before whatever that is, gets me and I die or something.
I get to my doorstep and panick drop my key. I hurry and pick it up and open my door.
I run inside, and close the door quick with my back. Im hyperventilating with my back against the door and arms spread around it.
I lock the door and held my head. I might be crazy but I have no idea what was out there. If anything, it is 3 in the fricking morning so it makes sense thats theres something or someone there..
I go upstairs and open my room door. I prop my skateboard next to my door against the wall. I fall back on my bed with my arms spread. I sigh and get undressed.
The entire time, im zoning out about what just happened to me. But besides the noises I heard, I swear I felt someone watching me too.
They might've been recording for all I know. That night will forever freak me out. I'll always remember this.
(update: i finally finished sk8 yesterday and im sad but happy)
words: 1533
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