Its been about 4 weeks and ive been practicing every. single. day.
I fell a bunch but after 2 weeks, I stopped falling and got my balance straight.
Reki was always asking me where I got my scars and I had to come up with so many excuses to why I look like I got in a street fight.
But that is no more. I go to the skatepark alone at night for maybe 3 hours long. It always closed so I have to sneak in.
Which is also why im always tired when I get to school.
Im walking to where me, Reki and Langa meet up everyday. And im so tired, I didnt even wanna go to school today.
When I got there I saw Langa there but no Reki. "Hey Langa!" I say, trying to sound as energetic as possible.
He turns his head and smiles at me. "Hey y/n" He says, with that bland voice of his. We did the little handshake all 3 of us did that Reki came up of course.
School starts at 7:45 and its 7:28 and we have a 5 minute walk from where we are.
Reki is gonna make us late again. Im sitting here bored waiting for Reki while Langa is just staring somewhere like he always does when we get here.
Then I remember I left my skateboard at home. "Aww fuck!" I say, kicking the pole thats next to Langa. "Whats wrong?" He asks.
"I left my damn skateboard home!" I said, flipping my hair back and holding my head.
Langa looks at his watch then looks back st me. "You can still make it back here in time. I doubt Reki will be here when you get back" He says, kind of under his breath.
"Ok ill be back! Wait for me if Reki gets it!" I say, screaming snd running. "I will!" He says back.
Im running to my house and I get the same feeling I got that one night when I first started to practice skateboarding. I felt like I was being watched again. And maybe recorded.
I brush it off and keep running. I get home, unlock my door, and run up to my room. I look around for my skateboard and I finally find it. leaning next to the door I came into my room with.
I facepalm and grab it and run out the house. I lock my door and started skating to Langa and hopefully, Reki.
As im skating, I get the same felling of being watched. I look around to see anyone who looks suspicious. I see this tall guy with a red hst and green jacket just standing on the sidewalk.
Hes not looking at me but I think he was the one who was. I'll have to look out for him the whole day. Or at least when schools over.
I get to where Langa, me, and Reki meet up at and I see Reki and Langa doing the handshake we have. Langa looked like he enjoyed it with Reki.
But when we did it, he only smiled. With Reki, he looks like he just got accepted into the college he wanted to go too or something.
I get they've been friends longer than I have but me and Reki's relationship matter too. I really shouldn't be worried about something this stupid. It makes literally no fucking sense either.
I guess I was spacing out and I accidentally fell backwards off my skateboard. Reki and Langa heard that and turned their heads snd saw me on the ground.
"Y/n!" Reki exclaimed, running towards me. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yea im fine." You say. He helps me up and I brush my skirt off that im wearing and grab my skateboard.
Right when I get up, I see Reki's fist infront of me. I look up at him and he has a smile on his face. My face turned into a smile and we did the handshake.
"Alright, lets get to school before we're late." Langa says, getting reading to ride his skateboard. "K, cmon y/n" Reki says, as he starts riding his.
Langa follows behind him and I follow Langa. They both start doing tricks and stuff and im amazed by them. I hope one day I get to do those without, well, dying.
Them 2 are just doing tricks the entire time we are going to school and im just watching them. I think about doing a trick but what if I embarrass myself infront of them?
I might have been practicing but im not as good as them. "Cmon y/n try one!" Reki says. I look at him suprised but I try one anyways. I try one and surprisingly, I didnt fall on my face.
"Yeahhhh! y/n!" Reki says with his fist in the air. He starts laughing after and so does Langa. I start laughing because of them.
We get to school and we start laughing about how Reki almost faceplanted trying to show off. Me and Langa are just dying right now and Reki isnt amused by it.
"It wasnt that funny ya turds.." He said, under his breath but we heard him.
We get in the school and we remembered that we are late for class. Me and Langa stop laughing and Reki stops lecturing us.
We all look at each other and we bust out running to class and we all have the same class right now.
Long story short, we got detention after school. Which sucks for me because I was gonna practice after school. So thats 3 hours down the drain.
After we get out, I immediately start head to the skatepark. "Catch you guys later bye!" I say, quickly leaving. "Wait y/n! I-" Reki says.
I heard him but I wasn't looking back. He was the last person I wanted to know who knew about my practicing for 'S'.
But as I was riding to the skatepark, I felt an ominous presence near me. Like they were creeping up on me. School ends at 3.
And we stayed 3 hours at school for detention. So its 6pm right now but its still daytime so I shouldn't be worried.
I felt the presence get closer and closer behind me. When I felt like it was the right time, I punched. I felt my hand hit someone. I open one of my eyes and I see Reki.
I open both my eyes, shocked. "Augh!" Reki goes, wrapping his arms around his stomach and kneeling. "Oops my bad Reki! Are you okay?" I ask. "Do you think im okay after getting hit in the stomach by my girlfriend? No!" He says in a raspy voice.
I partially laugh but I dont wanna make it obvious to Reki. "Im sorry Reki but we went over this when I was asleep did we not?" I say, raising my eyebrow.
"Y-yea we did" He said shaking every 2 seconds. "So you have no one to blame for that but yourself." I says, putting my hands on my hips. If anything, he deserves this for being late this morning.
"Anyways, why'd ya follow me?" I say. "He gets up slightly but still holding his stomach. "I called you before you left me and Langa so I followed you and that didnt exactly work out correctly as you can see.." He says.
"Oh you did? Sorry, I didnt hear you call me." I say, lying. And when I lie, I scrunch up my nose or avoid eye contact and Reki knows that unfortunately.
"Why are you lying?" He said. "Im not tho?" I say, avoiding eye contact, which he also knows about. "Your avoiding eye contact. Which means your lying" He says.
"Y/n." He says in a sad tone.
I fully turn my body around so my back is facing him.
He walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist. He sets his chin on my shoulder. "Y/n.." He says. "Did I.. do something wrong..?" He says in my ear. My heart broke after he said that but I couldn't say anything.
He takes his arms off from around me and backs up. I turn around slightly and hes just standing there with his head down.
"I understand.." He says. He starts to ride off on his skateboard and I scream for him as loud as I can.
"REKI!" He stops on his skateboard. But didnt look back and continued on his skateboard. I saw some tears fall from the darkness under his hood.
I start to cry after he left. I didnt mean to hurt his feelings. I should've answered him after he asked if he did something wrong even tho he didnt do anything. Oh my fucking god y/n, your so dumb! dumb! dumb!
After that night, I didnt see Reki ever again..
(reki sad = ultra terribleness)
words: 1502
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