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lizahollandofficial Ah it's good to be back!๐Ÿ‘€
๐Ÿ“ท harryholland64
6.6million likes, 645k comments
harryholland64 at least someone gives credit!
tomholland2013 I do too๐Ÿ˜ค harryholland64
lizahollandofficial for example? tomholland2013
tomholland2013 bloody meanie! lizahollandofficial
zendaya meet up asap!!!
lizahollandofficial: zendaya soon! Now that ya'll are in London!
lifeisaloha my boo๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’› I missed you!!
lizahollandofficial I missed you too๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’› lifeisaloha
username1 why you so pretty?????
username2 your outfit is cute!!!!
username3 I stan my queen!!!!!
hazosterfield I remember when she fell flat on her face after this picture was taken๐Ÿ˜‚
lizahollandofficial no one knew... but thanks to you everybody does now hazosterfield ๐Ÿ˜ 


Liza's POV
Being back in London was so good! Cuddling with Tessa was probably the best thing ever! Tommy boy is stuck up doing interviews and press, so one brother less to annoy me. I have been gymming again. God it's good!
Coming back to the present, I was in my room, playing with Tess when my phone buzzed. Mackenzie had texted me that Jeff (my crush) was throwing a party today at his place and if I'd go. I WILL. I WILL!!!
I race downstairs andย I crash into Harry with a loud thud. Mum and dad come rushing in to find us laughing our asses off!
"Mummy..." I trail off, but mum beats me to it, "What do you want?", she questions, smirking.
"What! Can't I call you mummy now!", I exclaim, quite flabbergasted, like, she always knows everything!
"No darling. You've apparently grown too cool for that, as you said last year.", Mum says, a full shit eating grin in her face.
Damn! She used my own words against me!
"Okay you win. Mackenzie texted. Jeff is throwing a party at his place today. Can I go?", I admit, defeated.
"Surely. But be careful. Dad and I are going to Dublin today for a day. Tom's in charge tonight.", she says.
"Thanks mum! You're an absolute sweetheart! You're the best!", I state, hugging her tightly.
I get ready for the party and I'm wearing this:

(Tom got me these for my 18th birthday)

And my makeupโ˜๏ธ
I prefer minimal makeup and like to you know, keep it classy.
Mackenzie is here just as I'm wearing my heels. Mum and Dad have left. The other boys are playing video games, apparently. Thankfully, Tom isn't here yet to go into the 'over-protective brother' mode.
"Damn girl! You look good!!", Mackenzie compliments.
"Thanks man. You too!", I fire back.
We finally leave after bidding goodbye to my brothers.
We make it to Jeff's house, and my god! The music is loud. It looks more like a club than a house. We get inside and the smell of alcohol is the first to reach my nose. Tipsy teens dancing with each other. Nice! (kindly note the sarcasm)
Before I could ponder any further, the man of the hour, Jeffrey Taylor, pops out of nowhere. Jeff motions me to meet him outside. I am waiting in his garden, when he comes in, two beers in his hand. He hands me one and takes a sip from the other.
"So Liza-", he says scratching the back of his neck, "how's things?"
"Umm... Pretty good. How about you?", I question.
"So-so. Umm... Y-you look r-r-really good tonight", he says, the moon illuminating a light blush on his cheeks.
Jeff and fumbling with words? What the hell?
"Thanks Jeff", okay now I'm blushing.
"I meant to say.... Umm I wanted to say-", he trails off. I motion him with my hands to go on.
"Ireallylikeyousowillyoubemygirlfriend?", he says, all in one breath.
"Pardon...", I say raising my eyebrows, a blushing mess.
He takes a deep breath, "I really like you-" he starts but I interrupt, "I really like you too.", blushing like anything.
"So will you be my girlfriend? Maybe... I don't know-" I shut him up by kissing him, I feel him tense but he returns the kiss.
We break apart when we hear cheers in the background, our classmates.
"That should answer your question.", I reply and walk off.
The night was so fun! We danced like there was no tomorrow. I had just said my goodbyes to everyone and am heading out with Mackenzie, when I pull out my phone.
22 missed calls from Quackson Kingย  (Tom)
16 texts.
Shit! This can't be good and I'm kinda drunk. Fabulous!
Oh, this can't be good.

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