A LOT of Trouble at Home

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Thanks for the idea hollander_5 hope I've not disappointed you.

Liza's POV:
"Best of luck", Mackenzie mutters as we come to a stop at my place.
"Thanks, I need it.", I feebly reply.
I step out of the car and by the looks of it, the lights in the living room are on. Shit! Tom is awake! And probably waiting for me...
I quietly open the door and close is super slow so as to not make a sound. Next target, heels. They make a clicking sound, so they HAVE to go. I really don't want to meet Tom now. He's going to be mad! And believe me, you don't want to see him like that.
I was tip-toeing my way upstairs with my heels in my hand when I heard a cough behind me and I felt like a deer caught in headlights. I slowly turn around, any attempt of me smiling gets thrown out of the window when I get a glimpse of Tom's face. I gulp really loud.
His face was rigid, jaw clenched and hands rolled into fists, knuckles turning white.
"Living room please", he said through gritted teeth, then turned sharply and went in the living room. I am in trouble, extreme trouble...
I make my way downstairs as slowly as I could. Entering the living room Tom I standing with his back facing me but I could see the veins popping out on his arms and neck. He's very very mad.
"Tom...", I say but I'd be surprised if he even heard...
"Nope. Not going there.", Tom shakes his head.
My mouth opens and closes my no words come out...
"How could you be so very reckless Liza? You were out partying with friends? Coming home drunk? Fine! I understand. But atleast you could've called or texted me! I was worried sick! Grow up will you?", Tom seethes, running a hand through his hair.
"What the hell Tom?", I try to say but he beats me to it, "What the hell what? YOU stay out late, look at the time, it's 12am for God's sake. I tried calling you so many times but did you pick up? No. Why should you? Partying is so much more important now, isn't it?! What if something had happened!!!!". He was almost yelling at this point.
That snapped my last straw and before I knew it, I had snapped. "What on Earth Tom!? I'm 18. Not 13 for goodness' sake! I can take care of myself. I'm old enough to drink here. Just because you're older doesn't give you the right to boss around us!!", I yell back.
"I am older and I will boss around when it comes to you guys' safety Elizabeth!", he yells.
"Oh really! I went to a party Thomas. Not some war. And as you can probably see, I am totally fine!", this was getting out of hand now.
"Bed. Now!" Tom orders.
"What?", I mutter, but he heard me.
"Bed! Elizabeth Teresa Holland!", he yells, a lot louder now.
I just go to my room, slam my door shut, change and go straight to bed. I've had enough drama for a day.


Next Day:
When Liza got up the next day, she had a bad headache. Thankfully not a bad hangover. She thanked the Gods that she didn't drink much. But then she remembered what happened the night before with Tom and she tensed up.
Checking the time, she saw that it was 8:30am. Immediately she texted her gym trainer, Ryan, if she could go early. Ryan texted back saying she could and that's all she needed to sprint out of the door of her bedroom and head to the dining room. Tom wasn't there and thankfully, Nikki and Dom were.
"Mum can you please make me a protein shake. I'm going to the gym. Ryan said I could go early.", Liza says.
"Sure darling. Change and come downstairs then." Nikki replies, unaware of what had happened between Liza and Tom.
Later, Liza was meeting up with Mackenzie to rehearse for a dance video for IGTV and the Holland siblings were going to have dinner with the Spider-Man: Far From Home cast, and that meant Liza would HAVE to have an encounter with Tom, whether she liked it or not.


If you guys have any suggestions or want to see something happen in the story, just send it to me in my inbox. I'll try to make it happen.
Thanks for 19k reads!!

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