๐ฉ๐ง๐๐๐๐๐ง ๐ฌ๐๐ง๐ฃ๐๐ฃ๐:
๐ฉ๐๐๐จ ๐๐๐๐ฅ๐ฉ๐๐ง ๐๐ค๐ฃ๐ฉ๐๐๐ฃ๐จ ๐ข๐๐ฃ๐ฉ๐๐ค๐ฃ ๐ค๐ ๐๐ก๐ค๐ค๐ ๐๐ฃ๐ ๐ฉ๐ง๐๐ช๐ข๐. ๐ง๐๐๐ ๐๐ฉ ๐ค๐ฌ๐ฃ ๐ง๐๐จ๐ .
"๐๐ฆ๐บ, ๐ญ๐ช๐ด๐ต๐ฆ๐ฏ. ๐'๐ฎ ๐ด๐ฐ๐ณ๐ณ๐บ ๐ข๐ฃ๐ฐ๐ถ๐ต ๐ต๐ฉ๐ช๐ด ๐ธ๐ฉ๐ฐ๐ญ๐ฆ ๐ค๐ฆ๐ญ๐ญ ๐ต๐ฉ๐ช๐ฏ๐จ, ๐ฃ๐ถ๐ต ๐ฅ๐ช๐ฅ ๐บ๐ฐ๐ถ ๐ณ๐ฆ๐ข๐ญ๐ญ๐บ ๐ฉ๐ข๐ท๐ฆ ๐ต๐ฐ ๐ฑ๐ถ๐ฏ๐ค๐ฉ ๐๐ต๐ฆ๐ท๐ฆ, ๐๐ฌ๐ข๐ณ๐ข?"
Hunter frowned, pointing at the poor scout as he gathered the teams' staves.
Gus, Viney and Skara glared at Hunter, Willow hugging herself in a corner as Georgia stood in another, the one closest to the cell's bars, unknowingly sinking her teeth into her knuckles in anxiety, the stinging along both her arms still present.
"Hey, I get it," Steve waved his hand. "Emotions are running high. Icepack for Steve."
He held his thumb up, his other hand holding the ice pack as there was an obvious dent in his armour.
"Well, I don't get it," Hunter shrugged. "You're joining the best coven there is. You can keep all your magic, you get free room and board, you can even play Flyer Derby on your day off!"
He smiled before shaking his head and placing his hands on his hips.
"Well, this year's already passed. But next year's is only 52 weeks away!" He grinned.
"We don't care!" Skara hissed. "None of us want this!"
"You will eventually," Hunter smiled proudly. "Trust me, I'm your friend now."
"Friends don't stab each other in the back," Gus glared.
"Sure they do!" Hunter smiled. "The Coven Heads do it all the time back at the castle. Captain, you're on my side right?"
Hunter looked over at Willow, the witch gripping her head sadly.
"I thought I could be good at this," She mumbled to herself, Hunter's smile dropping. "But we're here because I made a bad call."
Hunter's eyes widened at her statement as Georgia frowned, reaching her hand out to place it on Willow's shoulder before her friend glared at her, the brunette's eyes widening.
"You... you knew, didn't you?" Willow's eyes narrowed in betrayal as Georgia looked down guiltily.
"Willow, I'm sorryโ"
"No, you don't get to be sorry," Willow frowned, tearing up. "You... You put us all in danger by letting us trust him?!"
"I-I... I didn't knowโ"
"You didn't know what? That he was the Golden Guard?" Willow glared, Georgia's gaze darting around as Gus watched her in betrayal, her breathing panicking.
"Georgia, please I need you, to be honest with me," Willow pleaded, nearing the girl as Georgia backed away slightly, eyes widening as tears appeared.
"I-I... I can't go back," Georgia shook her head, her eyes darting around in slight panic as her breathing quickened, flashbacks of the knife sinking in her skin returning.
The others backed away, Willow's eyebrows furrowing along with Gus' as the two looked at one another. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes as she clutched her arms close, the pain of her wounds stinging becoming more prominent by the second.
"Georgia what are you talking about?" Willow frowned, reaching her hand out in concern.
"I can't go back there," Georgia muttered to herself, a crazed look in her eyes. "He's... He'll kill me... I'm... I'm not gonna come backโ"
She then whipped to look at the group, tears streaming down as she gripped her body close, the others watching her in concern as their eyes then widened at the glowing crimson stripes that seemed to litter her arms.
"Willow, I'm sorry, I'm sorry this is all my fault!" She cried out, before dropping to the ground, hugging her knees close as she sobbed.
The group watched the girl with wide eyes, unsure what to do before whipping around to look at Hunter, his own eyes wide in horror.
"What's she talking about?" Willow muttered, looking over at him. "I know... I'm mad at her now, but if you know how to help her, if you know what to do... please... please just help her."
Hunter pursed his lips, frowning as he was unsure before letting out a small sigh, walking over to Georgia and kneeling before her.
He hesitated, reaching for her through the bars. He was scared of what would happen if he touched the glowing wounds before frowning, gently placing a hand on her forearm as he felt her tense under his touch.
"I'm sorry..." He whispered to her before humming, Georgia relaxing slightly as she continued to feel tears roll down her cheeks.
"We were playing in the sand..." He hummed softly, the group watching him curiously.
"And you found a little band. You told me you fell in love with it, hadn't gone as I planned..."
He continued to sing, Georgia's breathing slowing a little as the glowing had dimmed to the bare minimum.
"When you had to bid adieu, said you'd never love anew? I wondered if I could hold it and fall in love with it too..." He lifted his other hand through the bars to gently push her hair away while rubbing her forearm in soothing circles.
"You told me to buy a pony and all I wanted was you..."
He then continued to hum, Georgia's sobbing down as her scars stopped glowing, Willow looking over at him in slight surprise, the witch opening her mouth to speak before Hunter ended the song.
"How did you know what to do?" Willow frowned.
"It's uh... it's a long story," He shrugged.
Willow frowns, before crossing her arms, her eyes widening before purple abomination goop swiped over the group, sucking them in as they disappeared, Hunter watching in horror.
The group were soon placed on the airship, the team looking over at Darius as their palismen were sent up, Hunter soon appeared out of the building while looking up at Darius.
"Darius! I did it! I found recruits!" He smiled nervously.
"Yep..." Darius sighed. "And you're making me work on my day off. You did find the Hathaway though. Just take this and quit bugging me."
Darius drew a spell circle, sending the white cloak he had confiscated before down to the boy as Hunter watched it, taking it in slight awe.
"I can wear this proudly now, right?" Hunter raised an eyebrow, looking at the terribly-sewn sigil.
"Can you?"
Hunter's smile was lowered as Darius turned away, leaving the boy behind as the airship took off.
"I do not envy those kids, man," Steve sighed, walking out.
"They just have to go through basic training before becoming scouts, and all I need is to make a truce of sorts with the Emperor... It's not too bad," Hunter shrugged.
"Dude, do you even remember what we had to do?" Steve frowned. "The duels, the mazes with the traps, that time we were left alone on a mountain?"
"Classic," Hunter chuckled, shaking his head.
"And of course, Belos likes to collect everyone's Palismen," Steve huffed, Hunter, frowning as he recalled his uncle's actions with the familiars.
Hunter held a witch's staff in hand as Belos snatched it.
He then began breaking the piece of wood as a green essence came out, Belos breathing it in deeply, while his eyes glowed green before turning into an electric blue, the man sighing in relief, dismissive of the staff that had completely crumbled into ashes in his hands.
Steve shuddered, slowly walking down the stairs, Hunter watching him leave.
"Steve is beginning to regret his choices," Steve shook his head, Hunter looking up at the ship that was flying away.
"I think Hunter is too..." Hunter frowned, watching the group leave.
Luz and Amity continued to chase after the mysterious figure, the small woman running across the shores of the beach. Luz leapt up, slamming a plant glyph into the sand as Amity ran ahead.
The cloaked figure rolled aside as plants grew from under, Amity drawing an abomination spell as a large three-eyed abomination appeared, the small figure casting a fire spell as it burned through the abomination, then jumping through the hole.
"Maybe it's Kikimora," Luz raised an eyebrow. "And her only way to express herself is through fiction."
"Maybe it's another shape-shifting basilisk trying to write their story through metaphor," Amity responded as they ran.
Eventually, the figure came to a halt, trying to reach a ledge as they jumped, too small to reach the cave above. Eventually, the cloak came off as they were jumping, the figure slipping on it as they fell.
"Awe, wats!" Tiny Nose snapped her fingers, looking over to Luz and Amity as the witch looked at her in confusion.
"Tinella Nosa?!" Amity exclaimed in surprise.
"She's had a name this whole time?!" Luz cried out in disbelief.
Tinella sighed before trying to climb up the cliff, Luz soon lifting her up as she and Amity climbed up, the three soon at the mouth of the cave.
Tinella said nothing as she walked into the cave, Luz and Amity following as Tinella soon frowned, Luz and Amity looking around the place as Amity's eyes widened.
"Sowwy boss," Tinella pouted. "The jig is up."
Luz gasped, looking at the top of a small mound, spotting a cross-legged figure with a book in his hands.
He lowered the book, glaring down as Luz's eyes widened in horror at the small pig-like demon who tossed the book aside.
"Edited a few more of those author photos, boss," A new voice chimed in with books in his hands, a pen behind his ear. "Some of my finest work."
Mattholomule's eyes widened in horror as he noticed Luz in the corner, gasping as Tibbles watched him, unamused.
"Luz?!" He exclaimed, hiding the pen with a blush of embarrassment.
"Mattholomule," Luz hissed, glaring.
"Oh, calm down," Tibbles rolled his eyes, waving his hand. "Human garbage is constantly leaking into our water. And about a year ago I found this box of books washed up on the shore."
Tibbles hopped off of the mound, landing while glaring at the stack of books that lay on the floor.
"I've been trying to make a snail off it ever since. But no one's buying!" He screamed, tossing a book aside.
"Wait, I'm still getting paid for this, right?" Mattholomule raised an eyebrow.
"Not now, kid," Tibbles frowned. "According to the owner of the Book Nook, he's only ever had one customer purchase from this series."
Amity's eyes were wide as Luz's eyes widened, looking over to Amity as she blushed in embarrassment. She scratched her cheek before looking over to Luz with a frown.
"Iโ I didn't know! I swear!"
"This is the worst scam I've ever run!" Tibbles hissed, kicking the stack of books.
"So the author is human after all," Luz frowned, Tibbles' eyes widening.
"Oh!" He exclaimed. "Were you expecting some dramatic discovery?"
He started to chuckle, his eyes soon widening as the ground beneath him rumbled, a giant abomination fist punching him as he smacked into the ceiling.
Amity frowned before Luz pouted, the Latina resting her head on Amity's shoulder as her girlfriend placed a soothing arm around her shoulder.
Hunter continued to fly after the airship, teleporting on his staff to get closer as Darius sat on the ship, scrolling through his Penstagram home page before groaning, seeing Alador's face.
"Ugh, mute," He huffed, sitting beside the palismen cage with crossed legs.
The Entrails team glared across at him, Skara going on all fours as she reached for her staff before abomination goo lifted her up, landing her on the ground as the others looked at her in concern.
Willow cast a plant spell, leaves appearing before an abomination fist appeared, Skara jolting back as the plants shrivelled, the spell broken.
The hand hit the top of Willow's head, leaving a patch of Abomination goop as it disappeared. Georgia huffed at his actions before trying to cast a portal spell, but the scars along her arms started to sting painfully.
She hissed, the portal being weak as Darius' eyes widened before he used his abomination goo to flip the hood of Georgia's uniform, the spell being broken once more.
"You're going to be a little more clever than that," Darius stood up, placing a hand on his hip.
"Darius!" Hunter called out, appearing on the railing of the ship as Darius looked away, Willow crying out.
"Now!" She exclaimed, all of the group running before hopping off the other end of the ship as Gus stook his tongue out, saluting.
Darius and Hunter looked over the edge as the five falling figures collapsed, turning into blue dust.
"An illusion," Darius growled, looking back on the ship as the five students sat above, smiling to themselves as Gus stopped the spell.
"Land the ship!" Willow smiled, the group hopping down as they stepped on the abomination, Viney pulling a lever.
Darius cried out but it was too late, they crashed somewhere in the sea, the vehicle bursting into green flames as the five of them grabbed their staves, hopping off the ship before running to shore.
They halted, an abomination rising out of the sand as it slammed its hands around their sides, leaving no escape. The group turned around in horror.
"Did you really think you could get away with endangering a Coven Head?" Darius hissed. "Do you have any idea what I'm capable of?"
His arm morphed into a scythe, glaring as Willow glared back, sending plants after him as he sliced the roots with ease.
Willow cast another spell, pulling the plants overhead as protection before Darius sliced them away, Georgia's eyes widening as she grabbed Willow's hand.
"Willow I know now's not the right time, but we might die and I just want to say I'm sorry!" She frowned before Willow smiled back a little.
She said nothing, squeezing Georgia's hand as the brunette smiled back, the two standing in front of the group as though protecting them as Darius raised his arm, about to lower it before Hunter ran in the way.
"Out of my way, little prince," Darius hissed.
"No!" Hunter frowned. "I was mistaken! These five are insolent agitators who aren't fit for the Emperor's Coven! And... and you should let the Hathaway go because she has to have a say in it! It's her blood!"
Willow frowned, looking over at Georgia in confusion. Her friend said nothing, sending her an 'I'll tell you later' look as they then shifted their gazes back at Hunter.
"And I'm unfit to wear the sigil of the Golden Guard," Hunter frowned, pulling the cape off of his shoulders, and dropping it on the ground.
"You can go," Hunter frowned over at Willow, her frown remaining as she shook her head, raising her staff.
"Please, Captain," He frowned, Willow's frown softening before lowering her staff.
"Let's move team," She frowned. "We need to find a replacement. After all, it'll be 52 weeks until Caleb's next day off."
The group turned away, Willow's arm on Georgia's back as the brunette looked back at Hunter in worry, Willow nudging her ahead.
He smiled a small smile, Georgia nodding before allowing Willow to guide her away, wincing at the fading stings on her arms.
"You... befriended them?" Darius spat. "And then you disobeyed me to protect them?"
Darius raised his scythe-arm again, Hunter flinching as Flapjack covered his eyes, the two waiting for the blow before Darius lowered his arm, patting Hunter's head as his arm was normal again.
"I'm impressed," Darius smiled. "I had you all wrong."
"Huh?" Hunter let out a noise of confusion.
"You're what, sixteen?" Darius raised an eyebrow. "It's about time you made connections outside the castle."
Hunter narrowed his eyes as Darius cast a spell, a scroll-phone appeared in front of Hunter, the boy took it in his hands, opening it up to see a sign-up page for Penstagram.
"I was just gonna drop them off at Hexide, and well, same with the Hathaway. I didn't take it the last extraction went too well, and we have more than enough recruits, in my opinion," Darius shrugged.
"Are you... gonna tell Belos about this?" Hunter narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
"Are you gonna tell him about your secret palisman?" Darius raised an eyebrow with a small smile.
Hunter gasped, covering a hand over Flapjack as his eyes widened.
"Magic or not, I think you'll make your predecessors proud," Darius smiled walking back as he picked the cape up, tossing it at Hunter's face.
The sigil on the cape glowed as Hunter pulled it off, looking at the piece of cloth before its sewing was renewed.
"But you could still use a sewing lesson."
"So, are you upset?" Amity looked over to Luz, the two walking along the shores.
"Nah," Luz smiled. "Azura's author may be a human, but I'm human too. Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that you don't need to be a powerful ancient witch to make something special."
"Well, I had fun coming up with those theories," Amity smiled shyly. "They were like our own stories."
Luz gasped, an idea coming into her mind as Amity continued to smile, the Latina's eyes shining with excitement.
"What if the Azura Book Club was also a writing club?" Luz grinned.
"What would be our first prompt?" Amity smiled back.
"Hmm... how about the mystery of..." Luz hummed, placing her hand on her chin in thought, her eyes widening as she soon saw the group of Flyer Derby members walking towards them.
"What they were up to all night?" Luz pointed at the group, Amity soon following the direction of her girlfriend's gaze.
"Did he just make an account?" Viney questioned, looking over Georgia's shoulder as Willow grinned at the speed of Hunter's texting.
"Wow," Her eyes widened. "He is a slow typer."
Gus peered over Georgia's shoulder to see her scroll, squinting his eyes.
"He's worse than my dad," Gus chuckled, pointing a finger at her scroll.
"Oh, hey guys!" Willow waved to Luz and Amity, the two girls running over to the group as the Latina grinned brightly at the team's outfits.
"I am really digging those outfits," She grinned, pointing finger guns. "So, how was the rest of school? Did we miss anything?"
"Just... had our first team win as the Emerald Entrails."
Willow flicked her pigtail, Viney flexing her bicep, Gus holding a peace sign up as Skara flicked her ponytail. Georgia smiled shyly as Willow hugged her close, glad that they had gone past their problem.
"Ooh!" Luz grinned, walking over to the group, gently taking Georgia's phone to see the picture on Willow's account.
"Lemme see! Lemme see!"
Luz and Amity gasped, spotting Hunter grinning in the picture as they shrieked.
It took a while for the two to get over their initial shock, but when they had, the group had begun walking back, Luz and Amity chatting with Viney, Gus and Skara as Willow and Georgia walked ahead. Willow looked over at Georgia in concern as her friend looked down at her forearms with a glare.
"Hey... do you wanna, talk about it?" Willow placed her had on Georgia's forearm that was being glared at, the brunette looking over to Willow with slightly widened eyes.
"Oh, uhm... yeah, okay," She nodded. "So remember that time where... where I told you I was sick?"
"Mhm?" Willow frowned.
"Well, I wasn't lying about the recovery but... I did lie about being ill," She looked away in embarrassment. "I got caught by the Emperor's Coven and... and he extracted my blood... I think I nearlyโ I nearly... it was just one of my worst living nightmares."
Georgia looked down at her hands, frowning as Willow kept her hand on her friend's shoulder, looking at her in pity.
"And... And ever since that extraction, today was the day I used my power to the most and... and now I can't even cast a simple portal
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