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His staff aimed around him as he glared in defence, panting slightly.
"Sorry I was distracted earlier," Skara walked up to Hunter with a smile. "I've been playing Grudgby for so long I needed to catch up on the latest Flyer Derby strats."
Skara held her arm out to Hunter, the boy being pulled up as Skara pulled her phone out, showing a few diagrams on her scroll-phone as Hunter squinted at it.
"Those look... complicated," He frowned.
"They are," Skara smiled, feeling proud of herself.
"Whew!" Viney smiled. "Okay, finally. Got Puddles down for her nap."
She pulled herself away from her griffin, wiping her forehead as she cast a healing spell over her head, the dark blue circle travelling down as it healed all her scratches.
"Now, I'm only scarred emotionally," She winked, Hunter blinking at her in confusion.
Suddenly, Hunter flinched as something sped quickly behind him, the guard looking over at Gus as the younger boy did tricks on his staff, spinning in the air before landing.
"I thought you couldn't fly?" Hunter raised an eyebrow in confusion, Gus smiling proudly.
"So I can't fly like everyone else, but my way's more fun," Gus grins, his palisman chirping in agreement.
"Oh. That's, uh, cool. I guess," Hunter looked away, not too willing to admit that he was wrong.
"Uh, what was that?" Gus smiled at Hunter teasingly.
"I said it was cool!" Hunter glared, yelling his answer.
Out of nowhere, the ground beside Hunter began to rumble as Willow soon popped up, Georgia soon walking behind her as the boy squeaked from Willow's sudden appearance, flinching.
"Gus is a natural speed demon, Skara's a strategic wizard, Viney's the best healer in school and Georgia's a natural at sports," Willow smiled, pulling her staff out. "And at one point or another, we've all been misjudged. So, still think we're pathetic?"
Hunter looked aside bashfully, soon shaking his head as Willow smiled at his response.
"Good," She smiled in reaffirmation. "Let's get our game faces on!"
Willow pulled out a small bucket of green paint, swiping it over her face as a determined smile was present on her features.
The others cheered as they walked after Willow, Georgia soon walking up to Hunter as he said nothing, glancing at her nervously now and then as she crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow at him.
"What? I'm not good enough for Caleb now?" She smiles almost teasingly, Hunter sighing inwardly as he felt a blush warm his face.
"What? No! You... you were always good enough for me," He trails off, rubbing the back of his neck.
She smiles softly, bursting into laughter while placing a hand on his cheek, gently placing a peck on his lips.
"You're adorable when you're shy," She smiles to herself, her cheeks slightly pink.
"W-Well... um, I'm on duty so now's not the time to go on a date," Hunter stammers a little, Georgia's eyes widening.
"On duty?" Her eyebrows furrow as she narrows her eyes, Hunter instantly becoming slightly fidgety.
"It's... nothing importantโ"
"Well, obviously it's important if you're at Hexide, which is something I definitely didn't expect," She frowns, pointing a finger at him as he sighs.
"Okay... you got me, Wolfie."
She quirks her eyebrow at the mention of the nickname, Hunter taking in a deep breath before telling her the truth, shutting his eyes tight as though in fear to see her reaction.
"I was trying to recruit more witches for the Emperor's Coven," Hunter hunched a little, opening one eye to see her reaction as he spotted all of her playful demeanour gone, now replaced with one thing present in her golden eyes.
"Georgieโ" Hunter began holding his arm out as she flinched slightly.
"Hunter, I-I'm sorry but... but I can't help you on this one," She backs away slightly, Hunter gently taking her hand as he shakes his head slowly.
"Hey, hey, no it's okay," He gently pushes some of her hair back, Georgia's breathing slowly calming down.
"I'm not asking for your help this time," Hunter frowned in worry, slowly placing a gloved hand on her cheek. "I promise I won't let anyone hurt you."
Her mouth is in a thin line as she looks up at him, looking as though she were a child afraid of the dark.
"Promise?" She held her pinky up, Hunter nodding as he linked hers with his own.
"Hey, love birds!" Willow called out, the two snapping out of their moment as they looked at Willow, a deep blush appearing on both their cheeks.
"Quit chatting and start dressing!" She grinned, Georgia quickly nodding as she hummed, looking at Hunter one last time before leaving his side, running towards her childhood friend.
Hunter was left with his thoughts, Flapjack chirping as he sighed, a small frown growing as guilt from his previous actions started to return.
"I know, but maybe I can find a way..."
Hunter then walked off towards the group, frowning before getting ready with the others.
Luz sighed, resting her head on Amity's shoulder as the two sat on the curb, looking at the cancelled sign sadly.
"What do we do now, Amity?" She frowned.
"I don't know," Amity sighed. "I've never found another store that sold those books."
"We were so close!" Luz grunts, slamming her head back in between her knees as she clutched them close to her.
Amity frowned at her girlfriend in pity, a clattering soon interrupting the moment as Amity's eyes were wide, a small red-head woman, who looked exactly like the poster, squeaked as her red cloak trailed behind her.
"I think that's her!" Amity's eyes widened before shaking Luz's shoulder. "That's the author!"
Luz's head shot up, unknowingly hitting the window's edge as she winced in pain, soon holding her head.
"Mildredโ OOF! Featherwhyle?"
The figure halted, soon running off as Luz held an arm out, her face contorted with fear of losing the author.
"Follow her!" She called out, grabbing Amity's arm as the two ran ahead.
"Call Darius," Hunter grinned, holding a bird-phone.
He stood patiently, a green streak of paint across his left eye as he wore his Flyer Derby uniform, a smile on his features, the head of the Abomination coven, on the other hand, reclined on his chaise lounge, cucumbers over his eyes and in baggy clothing.
His moment of peace was soon interrupted as a bird crashed into the window by his side, the Head jolting up with a cry as he panted, the window opening.
"Darius!" Hunter grinned. "It's me!"
"What theโ" Darius glared at the phone with his piercing green eyes. "How did you get this number?!"
"Doesn't matter," Hunter replied, clutching his staff. "I found some incredible recruits at Hexide. I'm earning my place, just like you told me!"
Darius groaned, looking away while rolling his eyes, muttering to himself.
"Of course, you are," Darius huffed, tossing the cucumbers aside. "I just wanted you to leave me alone."
"What was that?" Hunter asked before his alias was called.
"Caleb!" She called out, Hunter turning to face her as she waved, the two teams warming up as the Professor's head was stuck in the neckline of his jersey.
"Waiting on you, buddy!" Willow waved her arm, Georgia frowning at him slightly as his smile lowered a little.
"I gotta go!" He hurriedly spoke into the phone. "But you'll meet them soon!"
The bird then flew off on Darius' side, the boy running off to join the team. He stood by Georgia's side, glancing over at her with a small frown as he placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, I know what happened last time, but I'll try to keep you safe, okay?" He frowned, Georgia looking over at him with a small gulp before nodding.
"Fine, let's just... let's have a good game," She smiled, Hunter smiling back at her brightly.
"Thanks for asking me to join, guys!" A voice from the opposing team called out. "I think we're gonna have aโ"
Jerbo's smile fell as he looked over to see Viney on the opposing team, a glare forming on her face while he gasped.
"Jerbo?!" She hissed, drawing a line across her neck. "Traitor."
"...fun afternoon," Jerbo finished his sentence, a tear falling from his eyes.
The two groups mounted their staffs, palismen eyes glowing as they glared at the opposing teams.
"All you gotta do is fly high and snag some flags," Willow instructed, the five other members nodding.
"Let's see what you can do, Captain," Hermonculus smugly smiled mockingly.
The game soon began as the abomination blew its whistle, Hermonculus immediately shooting abomination goo at Willow as Viney dashed forwards, blocking the goo with a healing shield. She then flew forwards, every player flying everywhere to snag the flags.
Hunter teleported far ahead, snatching the flags of two of the abomination team members, the small girl watching in disbelief as another student glared.
He grinned to himself, handing the flag to Gus as the illusion-track witch sped over to the opposing team's spire, hooking a purple flag on.
"Gus! That was amazing!" Hunter cheered, Gus chuckled as he grinned back.
An abominations student gathered goo together into a ball, throwing a curveball as Gus' eyes widened, the boy moving out of the way swiftly as the goo exploded into Skara. Her eyes were wide as she was thrown into the wall by the child and the abomination.
The abomination blew a whistle as the female who his Skara out smirked to herself with her arms crossed.
Viney glared, dashing at Jerbo while screaming, the boy watching her in horror as he soon flew upwards, trying to grab her flag. Unfortunately, it caused the two to crash into one another, their staves flying away.
Georgia raced after Jerbo's, standing on her staff before grabbing Jerbo's mid-air while pulling its flag off, racing over to the spire. Willow and Gus cheered, the two soon flying after the remaining three abomination coven's flags.
Two of Hermonculus' students fired goo at Willow as Hermonculus hissed in fury.
"She's right there! Can't you see?!"
"Boo!" Hunter cried out from behind him, the professor's eyes wide as the boy teleported again, grabbing the teacher's flag.
Willow flew close to the ground, dodging the shots as she stood on her staff, soon pulling two large vines from the dirt.
The abomination student cried out as she covered her face, Willow using the vines to grab her flag instead as she flew past with both flags in her hands, then being knocked off her staff as the group gasped, Georgia crying out Willow's name.
Hermonculus frowned, a spell circle disappearing as he gripped his cheeks.
"Oops, my hand slipped."
The tagged members from both teams glared at the professor as Willow handed Georgia the flags, the girl quickly passing the flags to Hunter as she sped under Willow, catching her friend.
"Gotcha!" She cried out, the two falling onto the ground.
"Go, go, go!" Gus called out, pushing Hunter ahead as the tagged team member shoved Gus out of the way.
Hunter then speedily rushed over to the opposing team's spire, hooking all the flags on before gently landing with a wide smile.
He was soon interrupted as a red drink was dumped over his head, Hunter grunting as his initial shock soon disappeared, the group cheering as his staff soon changed into his palismen, the boy laughing in victory.
He continued to laugh as Georgia hugged him tightly, the two laughing together as he hugged her back tight, Hunter soon spinning the girl as she giggled, the two then pulling away before they blushed, realising that there were others around them.
Willow raised her eyebrows at Georgia, the brunette blushing as Willow nudged her friend's side slightly.
The moment was soon interrupted by Hermonculus nearing the group, his clipboard in his hand with a small frown.
"May I please have your team name?" He asked, Willow soon frowning.
"Shoot," She placed her hand on her chin. "We never thought of a name."
"Theโ Emerald Entrails!" Hunter blurted out, thinking last minute. "Y-You know because we're green and there's more to us than you think?"
He waited a while, a short awkward silence being replaced before the rest of the team cheered, the professor soon walking off with a sigh.
"Entrails team photo!" Willow grinned, pulling her scroll-phone out. "We're number one!"
The next thing they knew, a selfie was soon taken, the whole group grinning brightly as Hunter smiled to himself, the phone soon disappearing.
"I can't believe I almost bailed on you guys," Hunter smiled softly at the pic. "Today was amazing! Thanks for giving me another shot."
"Always nice making a new friend," Viney grinned. "I had an opening for one."
She then glared at Jerbo, the poor boy gripping his heart sadly while gasping.
"We wouldn't have gotten here without you," Willow smiled, Gus placing a hand on his hip.
"Yeah," He agreed. "I shouldn't have been so suspicious."
Hunter scoffed, waving a hand with a wide smile.
"We can forget all about that when we play the next time as a part of the Emperor's Coven!" He grinned, Gus's eyes widening in horror.
"The wHAT?!" He hissed, Skara looking at him confused, Willow frowning and Viney's hand on her hip. Georgia simply frowned, biting the inside of her cheek while hugging her arms close to her.
"My name isn't Caleb," He shook his head. "It's Hunter! And I'm the Emperor's right-hand man, the Golden Guard!"
Willow chuckled nervously, backing away slightly as her voice wavered.
"You can't be serious... You're not the one Luz told us about, right?" Worry began to fill Willow as Viney glared.
"Yes, I am!" He grinned, nodding at Flapjack as the little bird transformed into his staff, his outfit changing into his uniform as he swiped the item across him.
"Yeah, this would usually look cooler with the cloak," He placed his hand on his hip. "But I don't have it at the moment. Long story."
The group gasped, Georgia wincing a little as she said nothing, almost as though clamming herself up.
And strangely, it felt as though her wounds began to sting again...
Out of the woods, coven scouts began to surround the group, Hunter looking at them in confusion as they circled the teens, Georgia's breathing quickening as Willow glared at Hunter.
"Whoa there, scouts," Hunter looked behind at one of them in confusion. "I didn't give you orders to come here."
"Darius sent us to collect all your recruits," Steve replied with crossed arms.
"Ah, okay. Very good. Then there won't be any delay in branding you with coven sigils, and taking you away from your friends and family forever. Hooray!"
Hunter smiled before he noticed a scout approach Georgia, seeing her skittish nature.
"Whoa, hey, she doesn't have to be part of it," Hunter frowned under the mask, pointing at Georgia.
"Sorry, Golden Guard, but Darius said all the recruits. Meaning whoever was part of the team," Steve frowned. "Orders are orders."
With that, Georgia's upper arm was grabbed, her wounds stinging as she hissed, Hunter looking at her in worry.
"Okay, just please make sure that she isn't hurt!" He hissed.
And at that moment, the silence was broken by Skara's sob.
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