"i see you've met our dear emma."
y/n finally arrived at her grandparents' house just as the sun was about to set, feeling how sore her body is the moment she walked through the front door.
everything around here was different from what she was used to- the rustic and homey feeling of this wooden house contrasts the cold and empty room that she calls home. the fire crackling on the mantle, frames aligning the walls and tiny trinkets tied together the ambiance of the house.
yet, she's a stranger to warmth such as this. unable to grasp that such a house could exist outside the metropolis. she felt out of place, sticking out like a sore thumb inside of this familial compound.
her grandparents were kind folks- welcoming her almost immediately and apologizing since they forgot what time she was supposed to arrive. she didn't have a heart to hold it against them, and told the couple that she's fine and got help from a local.
"yeah... she's a kind girl." the (h/c) haired girl smiled softly- thanking her grandpa, henry, who handed her a cup of warm tea.
she never expected such treatment from her mothers' parents'. believing that if her mother turned out to be that way, then her parents' must be like her too.
however, she was proven wrong when they dotted on her. their personalities a complete 180 from her moms'. and for some reason, she felt guilty that she had to bother them with her stay knowing that she wouldn't be of much use around here with her lack of skill and willingness.
"how was the trip? you must be exhausted. we prepared your room- it was your moms' before that girl up and left." her grandma, maize, chuckled.
the old woman saw some similarities between her daughter and y/n. how quiet and reserved they are when they're in places they aren't used to- or how they always seem to smile with their eyes. it was like looking at her daughter before she left for college, and never came home.
but for some reason, she knew that her granddaughter would be different.
"the way here is fine. a bit hot, but the breeze cooled me down a little." not really. in fact, the wind made it even harder for her to last a minute out there due to how sticky it made her feel.
her hands were toying with her phone, texting her mom that she arrived when it was charged. the message is yet to be sent- making her mumble unconsciously about how bad the signal was.
henry heard her little grumbles, and chuckled from the couch, his eyes crinkling in delight as he looked at his granddaughter.
"sorry missy, but it's hard to fin' cell service in this part o' town." this made her visibly deflate, hiding her disappointment quickly by letting out an awkward chuckle as she placed her phone in her pocket.
"oh, is that so?"
"it's nothin' to worry 'bout. there's plenty of things to do 'round here other than bein' on your phone." maize piped up from the kitchen, the smell of cooked mutton filling the already warm house with warmth and greatness.
"ya could hang with 'em horses. or if ya feel like it, butcher some pigs down the barn."
great- now she totally has zero plans this summer break. y/n thought of spending most of her days indoors to avoid the summer heat and just laze around on her phone. the only activities she wanted to do was to go swim in a lake and stargaze. other than that- it should've been only her and her phone.
with no cell service around, texting isn't even possible.
she was silent, pondering on what she'd do now which didn't go unnoticed by the elderly couple.
"we know it's hard, not having to use your phone for the whole summer. but trust me, you'll learn to love the life 'round here." henry offered her a comforting smile, rocking his couch as the television played in the background.
"it may not be as extravagant as the city you're used to- hell, this town might even exceed your expectations!"
"what i'm sayin' here is that, have some fun! get to know some of the folks, play 'round with emma- look for a husband if that's your cup of tea."
a hearty chuckle left the old mans lips when y/n almost choked on the tea she was drinking, looking like a dear caught in headlights while she stared with wide eyes.
"sure, we folks here are simple- but that doesn't mean we don't know how to enjoy. we appreciate the nature and make the most of it. i reckon you'll wanna stay once you grow used to this life."
the (h/c) haired girl knew that he's right, biting her lip as she gave him a nod. it'll take some time- but she'll surely get used to not using her phone all the time.
she appreciated his words, and sucked her pride up for the first time. it wasn't their fault that signal here was total shit- nor was it their fault that she grew up as an ipad kid. she saw on the way here how the kids were having the time of their lives running around and riding horses- if they can be happy without technology, then she can too.
though she had to admit that it'll take some time for her to get used to this- and it'll take her some hissy fits too in front of a mirror.
nevertheless, she's here now and there's no turning back. might as well make the most of this vacation.
besides, it'll only last for two months.
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âť â II ⡠âş
dinner was exceptionally delicious, way different from the take-outs she'd get all the time. eating a homecooked meal for the first time in a while really made her feel better about her current predicament.
during dinner, she caught up with her grandparents' about her life and how she's been. it's safe to say that the elderly couple now had a favorite grandchild.
the sky is painted with a gorgeous blue hue, the wind isn't as sticky as it was in the afternoon. crickets chimed in from the tall grass as she ventured behind the barn, walking past fireflies and a sleeping herd of sheep on her way to a meadow.
maize thought that it'd be great to take in some fresh air before going to bed, and told y/n about the small pond just around the meadow behind the barn. although she was tired, she wanted to tire herself out even more to ensure that she'll pass out once she goes to bed- and what better way to do that than to walk?
the way the old lady talked about the pond sounded like a five minute walk from the house. in reality, it was fifteen.
the (h/c) haired girl was scolding herself for wearing shorts out on a field, feeling the insects nip at her skin as she finally reached the spot.
the pond was beside a probably historical oak tree, looming over the body of water as the moon peered past its leaves and shone hues of silver across the pond. if it wasn't for the moon to light the meadow with its beauty, she wouldn't have seen how the fishes swam in groups.
now this was something you could rarely see in the city- if it was, then there'd be a ton of people around trying to take pictures. her only companions were the crickets and the mosquitoes biting her.
or so she thought.
with no one to disturb her, she can fully take in the picturesque view around her. how the grass and flowers swayed with the wind- how the water rippled and mirrored the moon above it, or how creepy it made the man look...
a man?!
just across the pond was a silhouette of a man leaning against an oak tree facing her. she couldn't see him clearly, but she saw specks of red and white when the leaves rustled and the moonlight shone down on him. she could feel his eyes on her, and she has never felt the need to have a gun than now.
she was frozen in place, crouched on the ground with a hand inside the pond as the fishes nipped at her fingers. not even the possibility of having a big fish eat her hand could get her to stand up as her eyes were on his.
sensing that she was scared, the man let out an amused chuckle, shifting his weight on the trunk of the tree.
"no need to be afraid, darlin'. i ain't gonna bite." his voice was thick and low, his accent shining through to every word.
y/n made no efforts to speak, contemplating whether or not to wake the sheep up and having them charge at the stranger.
"i can tell you're not from 'round here." he continued, chuckling once more when all he received from her was a blink. she couldn't grasp what was going on, and opted to focus on her fingers being nibbled.
"go back home. wolves are gonna getcha if you don't." this time, he took a step out from under the oak tree, illuminating his figure except his face which was covered with his hat. he looked like a sheriff or his assistant since the man looks young- her age or maybe a little older. his hair was a mix of white and black, a red cape surrounding him as the guns shone from their holsters.
the sight of his weapons made her stand up immediately.
"i don't have money."
"darlin' i don't think you understand just how dangerous it is to roam at night." he chuckled lowly, tipping his hat up as his carmine eyes met with her (e/c) ones.
"if you're going to rob me just because i'm not from here- i'm actually really really broke." was what she said, taking a step back despite the pond separating the two from each other. he couldn't help but laugh loudly at her words.
"miss, you're a funny one for a city-dweller." a grin was on his face that made her fight or flight signals go off.
running was out of the equation, seeing as he has guns with him. throwing rocks was also out of the question.
"it's obvious that you're livin' in high cotton- so why don't you run back to where you came from? a shame if you die to the wolves." just as she was about to speak, the howling of wolves could be heard from the distance.
the man knew that she thought he was pertaining to himself when he was talking about the wolves, and couldn't help but laugh at how gullible and utterly idiotic of her to just stay frozen in place in front of him like that.
if he was a man who didn't know any better, then the wolves wouldn't be her only problem.
"... thank you for the warning." the (h/c) haired girl called out, giving him a small not before jogging back to the house that was fifteen minutes away.
she silently prayed that the wolves wouldn't get to her- she wouldn't taste delicious anyway for someone who eats processed food and drinks vodka every chance she can get. no, they shouldn't even think twice about not eating her.
meanwhile, boothill chuckled to himself as he watched her leave, going back under the oak tree as he stayed vigilant for any wolves daring to come near the flock.
he was just out here on a regular patrol and was planning on ditching when he saw y/n arrive across from him. he couldn't help but have a small interest in her, wanting to see more of how easy it is to frighten her.
she was like a little lamb surrounded by wolves.
but for some reason, he feels like he'd rather be the shepherd rather than the wolf.
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