𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐲/𝐧

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if boothill was asked what his thoughts were on tourists, he'd say the following;

"those motherfuckers don't know a thing or two about respect- gotta bring em down a peg or two."

"huh? they're good for nothin' assholes who think they're better than us."

you get the gist- he really isn't fond of people who merely go to his town just to litter everywhere and talk as if they're the only 'goddamn' people in this town.

not even when he's met with genuinely decent people, he'd think they're just trying to get in his good graces so that they can convince him to let them buy their land.

though, that doesn't mean that boothill is an asshole to everybody- well, his peers can't say the same but the youngins and elderly can vouch for him.

on the days where he feels the need to slack off (which is every day but no one needs to remind him of that), he's seen around kids as he sings a song for them out on the meadow. or whenever something happens like if a local needs their roof fixed, he's the first to be there and get his hands dirty fixing it.

it's safe to say that he only has a soft spot for his kin.

and just because that 'snobby good-for-nothin' shitty girl' is related to the old couple who he helped countless of times before, doesn't mean she gets an exemption.

often times, he'd think to himself about the 'what if's' of his situation. what if he was born as a city folk? would he still be able to call them rude and hopeless to change? or would he act the same way and even be worse than the him now?

would he suffer from the heat too like the anemic-looking girl? would he also get chased around by the cows he loves so much? would he be on his phone watching those 'tic-tacs' as he calls it?

as much as he'd like to think outside of the box- thinking isn't really in his vocabulary. and he'd rather just enjoy the moment than to think about scenarios that would less likely happen in real life.

"well i'll be damned, look who finally decided to show up." the male smirked, leaning on his chair as his hair fell from his shoulders, swaying behind him as his eyes landed on a (h/c) haired girl who just woke up.

it wasn't his first choice coming to this household knowing that a pest resides in it- but since henry personally invited him to have lunch with the family, who was he to resist a good home cooked meal that wasn't made by his dad? (he loves his dad, but old man edie can't cook for his life- boothill's words, not mine)

he expected to hear the infamous foreigner complaining about the lack of technology when he first came in. yet when he arrived, he couldn't see her anywhere.

as a matter of fact, boothill even prayed she already went back to where she came from- it lessened his headache once he started imagining a 'city person' free town.

that thought was shattered when maize told him that y/n was just asleep.

"why are you here?" the girl grumbled, her lips slowly frowning as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

this wasn't a great start to her morning- or afternoon realistically.

"you're finally up! have you met dear boothill when you were out to town? you guys look like friends already!" maize exclaimed, walking into the dining room with her hands holding a steaming pot of delicious stew.

boothill set aside his teasing, standing up immediately to help the old woman as y/n took her seat at the dining table, glaring daggers at the long-haired man who seemed to not want to do anything other than devour the entire pot of food.

"ever the charmer, boothill!"

"he's boothill? who names their child boothill?" (e/c) eyes stared at the scene in front of them, watching as the so-called boothill was having his ego fed by her innocent grandmother- poor woman was unaware that she was handfeeding a wolf in her opinion.

"i met your lovely granddaughter at the supermarket. she seemed eager to eat all those junk food if you ask me." boothill flashed the girl a teasing grin, before playing the innocent child act in front of her grandmother.

"why you-"

"that's great! i was startin' to get a bit worried 'ere that she ain't makin' any friends 'side from emma!" y/n frowned even deeper at this, crossing her arms as she grumbled on her seat.

the mere sight made boothill chuckle loudly, enjoying the display of annoyance and embarrassment from the one girl he seemed to dislike the most.

"the potatoes are nearly done boilin', why don't you take boothill outside 'n show him 'round the back?" maize's tone was more of a command than a favor- making the (h/c) haired girl looking at the elderly woman with a raised brow.

this was the same tone she used when emma was here to take her out- and she didn't want to hear a 'no' as an answer, so she was left without a choice.

"'s alright meemaw, it's hot as all get-out today. wouldn't wanna burn 'er precious skin now would we?"

boothill can sense the hesitation on the girl when her grandmother told them to go outside, not missing how she glanced out the window and narrowed her eyes while her frown went even deeper- he started to think if all she knows was getting angry at nothing.

still, it really was hot outside- boothill even had to leave his coat inside his truck due to how humid it is outside, leaving him in his polo and jeans. even with a lighter top on, the harsh rays of the sun didn't stop from boiling him up.

as much as he wants to see her suffer, that would also mean he suffers too.

"ah it is ain't it? henry's workin' all night tryna build a small barn for his goats to be in." maize muttered, before turning to y/n who was busy counting the embroidery on the table.

"dear, can ya grab some lemons at the back? i'll make us some iced tea to cool off."

"but it's hot-"

"you wouldn't want your friend to die of dehydration now do ya?"

'i'd rather he die.' even with boothill's unintentional help, she still has to go outside- which made her want to bury herself six feet under at this point.

standing up reluctantly, she made her way over the door, grabbing an umbrella to shield her from the sun as the warm air blew on her face. the (h/c) haired girl had to suck it up as she exited the kitchen, dragging her feet towards maize's small garden to grab those darn lemons.

back at the dining room, boothill was amazed she didn't protest more and just up and left. he was betting that she'd at least throw a tantrum- but seeing her walk out proved him wrong.

"ain't the umbrella a bit too over the top?" he commented, sitting back down as the old woman chuckled, both of them watching her granddaughter from the window.

he had to hold back a laugh when a bug came flying towards her that made her fall over.

"she's a sensitive child- 'er parents spoiled her a bit too much but," a fond smile crept up her lips, staring at y/n who had lemons in her hand and is stomping on the wasp that decided to come near her.

"she's a hard worker in 'er own way. she rarely complains, and tries her best to adjust."

the dual hair colored male hummed in thought, his eyes on the girl who's busy running for her life away from the swarm of wasps that came to avenge their falled brethren.

"i reckon she'll come out of 'er shell if she continues to  hang out with you." this caught him by surprise, turning to maize who was now looking at him fondly.

"me? we ain't close like that meemaw."

"oh? y'all argue like you've known each other since you were babes." she chuckled, opening the door for y/n who ran in sweating. poor girl almost collapsed on the floor as she heaved, panting and handing the lemons to her grandmother with a shaky hand.

"go wash up before lunch." the (h/c) haired girl didn't need to be told twice, dragging her body upstairs to wash off the sweat and dirt that clung onto her skin while muttering something along the lines of 'nature hates me'.

carmine eyes never left her figure until she disappeared from his line of sight, a hum leaving his mouth as he grimaced at the thought of them being friends.

"we ain't nothin' like that. y'know i hate them city folks." his comment made maize sigh as she proceeded to make refreshments, shaking her head and glancing at him for a second.

"not all city folks are the same. ya ought to give 'er a chance. maybe exchange cultures with 'er. ya can't hate 'em forever."

boothill remained quiet, staring at the pot of stew in front of him as he racked his brain up for a response- yet all that thinking drained all the juices from his thinking organ.

the old woman was right- but he was still biased like those politicians.

what's so fun about hanging out with someone who can't even fend themselves from wasps?

he just has to suck it up to maize, he doesn't want to disappoint the old woman like he is to his own father. she was like family to him- and if she says something, he doesn't hesitate on doing whatever that is.

but to hang out with someone who came from the city? he probably thinks that's a line he can't cross.

"take 'er tomorrow to see the horses- i reckon you both will like the experience."

crap- he can't say no to an old lady. sighing to himself, he forced a chuckle from his throat as he acted laid back, grinning as he gave maize a nod.

"alright alright."

he hopes the horses kick y/n on the face.

his hatred to city folks will be explained in later chapters <33 i hope you enjoyed the update!

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