~ twenty six ~

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I'm quite proud of myself. Proud that I've kept my mouth shut about texting Connor for about two weeks.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm really good at keeping secrets.

For example, I still have Jessica's secret from the time she thought she was going to a big party with some kids, but it ended up being an orgy.
And that girl booked it out of there like tomorrow wasn't guaranteed.

I just remember laughing so hard when she told me the story.
She begged me not to tell anyone. So I didn't. And I still haven't.

So I am good at keeping secrets. But I just thought that this one would be difficult. Why?
No clue.
I've just been worried that one day Louis would find out.

But as of right now, I wait off set, texting Connor while the producers set up the scene.


How many scenes are you filming today?

Just one
But it's a few minutes so I'm sure we'll have to do several takes before we get a good one.

I'm so excited to watch this movie
I'm sure your amazing

Aw thanks :)

Connor is typing...


"You ready?" A voice startles me and I quickly turn off my phone, praying that he didn't see who I was texting. I turn to see Louis, with a tiny grin as his arms fold across his chest.
He wore a simple black tee, along with some shorts and once more, his rings.

I still have the one he dropped on my bed.

And I don't plan on giving it back.

"Way to freak me out Partridge," I place a hand to my heart and use the other arm to give him a little push.

The boy furrows his brows, "Who were you texting?"
My entire body heats up.
"No one! It's just uh- Jess..." I slightly stutter as I shake my head and walk behind Louis to set my phone down.

"You aren't a very good liar are you y/n?"


"W-What are you talking about?" I nervously chuckle and walk back over to him as my heart beat pulses through my chest.
The boy looks me dead in my eyes for a few seconds and then laughs.
"I'm just joking, I believe you."

"Oh, hahaha!" I awkwardly laugh and re-adjust my hat. That was way to close.

Louis grins and looks down at my ankle.
"Is it getting better yet?"
I also look down and shrug, letting out a quiet sigh of relief, "Yeah a little bit. That battle scene with Burn didn't help though."

He nods and looks back up, forcing eye contact with me.
"You're quite accident prone aren't you? First burning your hand, then spraining your ankle, what's next?"

A/N: That may or may not be a foreshadow

I guess you could say that he and I have become friends. I mean we joke around with each other, but still cheer each other on. And I mean he could go home and spend time with his family in this break, but he chooses to stay here and hype me up.

Like friends do.

And don't get me mistaken, it's great. But the closer we get, the more protective I have to be of him finding out I've been talking to Connor. Because you don't lie to your friends.
But I am. And it makes me feel horrible.

"Thanks shit-head," I smile as the scene is about to begin, and I walk on.

See? We're friends now.

"Everyone in their places? Cameras, mics, all good?" Some stage producers go around, double checking that everything is ready.

I find my spot for today's scene, which is when Enola finds Tewksbury's little tree house. Some wind was blowing gently through the fabric of my costume, which felt really relieving. Today was really hot and humid, meaning tomorrow it's supposed to rain pretty hard from four to eight.

"Alright everyone we're rolling in three, two, one, action!"

I walk along the bright green grass, looking up at the trees, and the scene begins.


"Scene! Wonderful job today y/n and Frances!" Harry announces out to the two of us. Today's scene was about as long as the scene with Burn was. Just reaching a couple minutes.
"Thank you," I smile and turn back around to everyone, my vision stopping on Louis who was smiling brightly at me.

He had that same face like he was gonna annoy me again.
"Don't even think about it Louis," I roll my eyes and giggle, holding my index finger up to his lips.
The boy chuckles a bit and grabs my hand, pulling it down.

"Damn you're getting to know me a little too well," he smiles.
I grab my phone that had been sitting behind him on a little fold up table full of snacks, purses, phones, and other random things we all brought.

"I'd expect that of myself, I mean after all I have seen you everyday for the past month..."

Louis and I carry on our conversation, pausing for me to chug down a water bottle because I'm so thirsty. We talk about summer, the movie, our families, how annoying today's her heat is, and a shit ton of more stuff. It's gotten to the point where it feels weird for me to have ever hated him.

Once we wrapped things up, walking along side of one another in comfortable silence. Things finally felt normal between us.

I just hope he feels the same way.

"Hey y/n?" Louis suddenly speaks up, turning to me with some sort of worry in his eye as if what he was about to say could ruin our little "vibe."

"Mhm?" I say in response.

The boy clears his throat and looks down at his shoes.
"You aren't... hiding anything from me... right?" He asks quietly.


"No, of course not. Why would you think that?"
Lying to him hurts. Really bad.
"I don't know... I guess you've just seemed a little off."

I shrug and stuff my hands into the pockets of my costume.
"You're probably just paranoid with finally having this long break. No worries Lou."

It literally feels like a knife is being jabbed straight through my heart.

Why though?

Why do I suddenly care?

"Yeah... yeah probably. Sorry," he scarcely chuckles under his breath.

The once comfortable silence turned awkward. The two of us no longer had anything to talk about. It was just silent.

As we approached the trailers, I looked up from the ground with a half grin.
"Well I'll uh... I'll see you tomorrow for your first day back?"

He nods and gives me the same look back, "Yeah uh, I'll see you then..."

My blood was boiling in embarrassment under my skin, heart beating like crazy.
Who knew lying could do this to you?

He and I parted ways as I walked over to Amara and Willow, whom also don't know about the Connor thing.

I could hear quiet humming from inside the trailer, though it sounded like only one person was inside.
"Ah y/n! How was the day of filming?" A young voice asks happily as I open the door.


"Yes, that's my name?"

"Where's Amara?"

"Sick," she sighs, pulling out my chair and allowing me to sit down.
"Sick?" I repeat as a question.

"That's what she told me to tell you," she shrugs, taking off my hat and removing bobby pins from my bun, "But you know Amara. Odds are she isn't actually sick. Point is, I'm here today to help!"
The girl smiles brightly.

I furrow my brows slightly, looking at my reflection in the mirror as I bite my lip. I bite harder and harder. My urge to scream grows louder and louder.

"I've been lying to Louis!" I blurt uncontrollably, letting my head fall into my hands.
Willow immediately stops and takes her hands away from my hair.

"Care to explain?" She asks, and I can tell she's very curious.

Fuck. What did I just do?

"Well you see um..." how on earth do I phrase this?

"I dated this boy a while ago... his names Connor," I feel Willow slowly continue taking out pins from my hair.

"Well you see... I didn't know at the time, but he had done some pretty nasty things in his past. And once I found out because Louis told me, the two of us got in a huge fight. He called me some pretty nasty things and Louis knows how it hurt me."

Willow nodded and took out the last bobby pin, but continued listening even if I was finished and just needed to change.

"He doesn't want me to get hurt again. He tells me it. But you see I- I got a phone call from Connor about two weeks ago and... we started talking again."

Willow's expression slightly changed in her eyes. And though it was a little change, I could see every emotion that laid behind it.

"And Louis doesn't know. He's been suspicious and even asked me if I was hiding something but I said I wasn't and I just-"

I stop myself and close my eyes.

"I feel horrible lying to him."

And I do. I feel absolutely terrible. Like a gut feeling deep inside me that kills. But I still don't know why I care so much. He's Louis.

Willow looks down as if she's deep in though, and I slowly stand up from my chair.
It's silent for a moment.

"I think you need to tell him," she finally speaks up.
"What?" I feel myself slightly panic while my eyes grow wide.

"Y/n you guys have gotten pretty close. If you think me and Amara don't notice it, you're wrong. You two look happy when you're with each other. And I know that it would hurt him more if you kept that secret."

I know she's right. I know it. But I'm so fucking scared because I know how much I lo- care that he and I stay as friends.

"I know..." I slightly mumble in shame that I haven't already said something.
"Hey," she slightly smiles and pats my shoulder, "just be honest with him. You got this."

I nod and take a deep breath, contemplating how I'm supposed to tell him.
"Thanks..." I paste on a fake smile and turn to go to the changing room.

I'll tell him... tomorrow. In the morning? No after filming... or maybe the next day?
But I don't want to ruin his first week back...
Maybe I'll tell him the week after.
No because then Willow will be upset.

You know what? I just won't tell him.

But then I'll feel even worse...

Shit what am I supposed to do...

A/N: Thank you guys so much for all your kind replies on my conversation board :)
My schedule just got really really busy and it's hard to find time so I appreciate the patience!!
Love you all!! Bye!!

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