~ thirteen ~

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"We're here," Louis mumbles, parking the car outside of a huge lot that was filled with people and trailers.
Right after I mentioned Connor, we both just immediately got quiet. Well I only did because Louis did.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and push out the door, when I could hear my name being called.
"Y/n and Louis! You've arrived!" Harry announced, waving to us as he stood by the entrance of one trailer.

I gave him a quick smile and a wave, before heading to Louis' backseat and pulling open the door, at the same time he pulled open his on the other side. I ignored eye contact at all times with the boy as I grabbed out my suitcases and set them on the floor.

"Do you want-"

"I'm carrying them myself."

Louis looked down and nodded, grabbing his last things out and then shutting his door.
I reached for the duffel bag and threw it over my shoulder, then took the hand bag out and finally closed the door.

"You guys are getting fitted first. You have about thirty minutes to unpack, and then meet me here at this trailer," Harry instructed, "Over there."

He pointed to two trailers, parked side by side with the windows aligning.
"The one of the right is Y/n and left is Louis. Got it?"

I give him a nod, "Thank you Harry."

Louis begins to walk away just fine, rolling his luggage over to the trailer, which was literally side by side with mine.
And knowing that our windows are straight across from each other, he'll probably annoy me all day, every day.

I trudge over, carrying as much as I can, nearly tripping over air several times.
"Do you need any help Y/n?" I could hear Harry call out.

"I'll be fine, thank you!" I lie, yelling back. We were originally supposed to have two whole hours to prepare, but now that I've missed the train, ridden with Louis, and we had to stop twice, I only have thirty minutes.

Finally, I arrive at my trailer. There was a small sign on the door that read:

Enola Holmes
Y/n Downey

That's me. I wonder what Louis' says with his whole big name of Viscount Tewksbury Marquess of Basilwether.
I pull open my door, and reveal a tiny, but nice living area.

Full size bed, which can be tucked into a sofa, small fridge, counter space, little oven and microwave. Then there was a door which probably led into a bathroom.

Not to bad. But it'll look even better when I'm finished with it. I may have packed just a tiny bit of room decor to make it feel more home-like.
I smile and walk over to the bed. First thing to do is make sure it's comfy. Because if I'm sleeping three months in here, it better be live-able.

I flop on my bed and just as I hoped, it was perfect. Not too hard, not too soft. Bouncy, but also something I could sink into.
"At least something today is good," I sigh and sit back up.

Twenty minutes.


"Finally," I huff, wiping some sweat from my forehead and staring at my trailer. I had my bed made, my clothes unpacked, and my toiletries put in place. A few little things still had to be unpacked but I'd get to them after the costumes try-ons.

My forehead was a little sweaty, and my hair was a frizzy mess, so before I headed out, I decided to tidy up myself.
I went into my new bathroom and used a bit of water to wash my face, and then I combed my hair and tied it back into a messy bun.

Now it was time to go.

I grabbed my phone and a water bottle, and headed to the 'green room' trailer.
This day already has felt long. I was up at six, and had to drive five hours with Louis, and now I have costume fittings. Ugh.

Finally I arrive at the small trailer and knock on the door a few times. Then there were footsteps, and the door opened.

"Y/n! Come on in your just in time!" A young woman with beautiful short black hair smiles. Her teeth were perfectly white and straight, her white long sleeved turtle neck shirt fit tightly on her skin.
She was really pretty.

"I'm Amara, I'll be your costume, hair and makeup designer. It's a pleasure to meet you," she smiles kindly, allowing me to step inside. Louis sat on his chair, staring into the mirror that was decorated with bulbs that surrounded the edges.

His eyes turned to me, and I felt my face heat up in small embarrassment.

The boy looked like a million dollars while I wasn't worth a penny.

"You and Louis met at the read through?" Amara asks, patting the seat right next to him as I awkwardly sit down.
"Yeah..." I mumble.

When we're on set, let's make an agreement to act as if we don't have any history.

I remember Louis texting me those exact words. And although we aren't technically on set, it's better if we act professional when around anyone at all.
Except for each other.

"We've met before," I shake off all my annoyance from earlier and put on a smile. Louis gets my memo, and soon we both have small, fake smile on our faces.

"Well good because you guys should get comfortable with that kiss at the end."

(Yes I switched it up because this is a fanfic and we all wish they kissed anyways)

"What?" Louis and I say at the same time, eyes flying open.
Amara and Louis' designer both exchanged glances to one another.

"He didn't tell you? They changed the hand kiss to a real kiss?" Louis' designer shrugged.

Oh god no. No no no this isn't happening. I am not kissing this boy. Not if it's the last thing I do.

"Amara we can't do that..." I stutter, shaking my head as Louis relaxes a bit and looks down. I even thought a small, and I mean microscopic smile appeared on his lips after hearing the panicked fluster in my voice.

"And why would that be?" She asks like it's no biggy.
"I-" Here goes nothing, "Can we talk? Outside for a moment?" I twist back in my chair, and her expression quickly changes to confusion.
"Uh sure but make it quick. We have a whole cast to get through..."

I immediately stand up and she follows me out of the trailer until I gently close the door and take a deep breath.

"I knew Louis before the meeting," I quickly admit while biting my lip. Amara's eyes grow wide.
"That's a good thing then you should be more comfortable with hi-"

"No... we uh... we don't exactly appreciate one another's presence."

Amara must be a pretty intelligent girl because she immediately raises a brow skeptically, "Are you trying to tell me that you hate each other?"

Yup. One smart cookie.

"I- well- we just- okay yeah we hate each other. He got a role that we both wanted and I've always been kinda jealous I guess..."

Amara seemed to understand, giving me a few head nods and sighing a little bit, "I get that... and I know you guys don't want to kiss but I don't think they're filming that scene for a bit so just try not to worry about it yet."

Ha. Easier said than done. But she's right. It's one of the last scenes to be filmed. Maybe me and Louis will warm up to each other after a while. But to the point where I would kiss him? Yeah I don't think so.



"Just please don't tell anyone that you know me and Louis have history. We're trying to keep in secret. Just to stay professional and all that," I say as I awkwardly twist my red cheeks away after the thought of kissing Louis.

"I won't... but don't worry. You'll want to kiss Louis once I'm done with you two," Amara winks.

"Wait what's that supposed to mean?" I say with wider eyes. She shrugs and opens the door, before giving me a whisper.

"I'll make you two fall in love," she says quietly. While I was still thinking of what kinds of romantic things she has in mind, I caught Louis' stare on me as I walked back inside. A stare with a look I hadn't seen in him before. It made me feel something. And I just couldn't look awa-

"Alrighty so here's the first costume I need you to try on," Amara handed me a blue dress, with three golden buttons falling down after the collared neck, and a blue corset to match the shade of fabric. It actually seems as if it might balance with my skin tone quite nicely.

"T-Thanks..." I take my eyes away from Louis and hold the clothing in my arms, "Where do I change?"

Amanda smiles and directs me to a small room in the back of the trailer, with a few clothing racks and a large mirror. It made me feel like royalty.

"Come out when you're ready!" She claps her hands. I grin and carefully close the door behind me. Laying the dress down flat on the bench, I let out a small sigh and look at myself if the mirror.

My frizzy hair, my short lashes, thin eyebrows, everything. I could never look as perfect as someone like Amara.

Or Louis.


After changing into my dress, I lift the corset and place in around my waist. I've never worn one of these, and have absolutely no idea how to put it on.

I tried for what felt like forever until I gave up. This thing is practically impossible to put on.

"Amara?" I carefully open the door to see everyone's head perk up. "Y/n! You look lovely!" Louis' designer clapped her hands and Amara hurried over to me, instantly seeing the corset and nodding to help tie it.

I locked eyes with the beautiful boy again. He couldn't hold back his smile. It peered right through his delicate lips, and caught my eye. He had a look as if he were admiring me... but what is there to admire? I mean if he can look at me this way, I wonder how he'd look at someone likes Ruth, who's a trillion times more pretty than me.

I really hope she hasn't started talking to him.

"There," Amara says as she finishes tying the back of the corset, "Ah! You look beautiful!" I look at myself in the mirror, breaking my stare at Louis. I looked alright! Not to bad I guess...

"You look wonderful," Louis blurts out which causes my vision to flicker back at him in his cream colored suit, "At least you aren't wearing a wig."

He holds up this light colored mop of hair and sets it on his head. I can't help but chuckle a little bit at the boys ridiculous look, "You have to wear that?"

He nods a few times and takes it off his head, handing it back to his designer, whom after reading her name tag, seemed to be called Willow.

"Yeah, but only for three scenes," he shrugs.

He even looked good with long hair.

No he didn't. It was horrendous.

Amara had me try on several more costumes. Willow, Louis, and her all hyped me up with each one. But now every time I look into the mesmerizing eyes of Louis, all I can think of is what Amara said.

"You'll want to kiss Louis once I'm done with you two."

What is she gonna do?

And why am I looking forward to finding out?

I mean, I have a boyfriend... but this feeling is exciting

A/N: No additional notes today :)) thank you for all the votes and comments!!

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