Published on 7th April 2021, 2:54 pm, IST
ยณโฐ Mother-Son Talk
"He's never been seen with the same girl twice."
โ THE DINNER was awkward as hell.
Fleamont and Euphemia knew there was some tension between their kids, but they tried to ignore it, deciding that the teens would tell them when they wanted to; if they wanted to.
"So!" Fleamont grinned awkwardly, after a few minutes of tense silence at the table, James nearly cracking his plate in half at the force he was scraping his knife on it. "James, how's school going for you? How are you handling being Quidditch captain and the head boy?"
"Fine," He muttered, not even looking at his father.
Fleamont pursed his lips, sharing a glance with his wife.
"Rin!" Euphemia tried. "I know you broke up with Leonard, but are you dating anyone else now?" She smiled.
Rin opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by James' scoff.
"Got something to add, Prongs?" Sirius seethed, tightly gripping his cutlery.
"No, nothing," James rolled his eyes. "Nothing at all, it's just that-"
"Shut the fuck up, James!"
"Rin! Watch your language!"
"Shut up?" James jeered, "Oh, you're one to talk! Screwed any of my other friends lately?"
"Oi!" Sirius joined in. "Don't talk like that about Rin!"
"I'm allowed to talk whatever way I want-"
"Everyone, stop it!" Euphemia shouted, standing up her seat. "You can have your dinner when you decide to act civilly towards each other! Go to your rooms!"
The teens trudged up the stairs to their rooms.
Euphemia and Fleamont exchanged a look.
"I'll go talk to James," Euphemia sighed.
"Knock knock!" Euphemia put her head through her son's doorway, huffing when James turned his head away.
"Alright," Euphemia took a place next to James on his bed. "Want to tell me what happened for you to be this mad?"
"Nothing!" He snapped. "I'm fine!"
"Oh, Jamie," Euphemia sighed, stroking her son's head in an attempt to tame his messy curls. "I've literally known you since you were in the womb, I'd like to think I know my son better than that."
James replied after a moment of stiff silence. "Sirius went and dated Rin,"
"Oh. Um, is that what you've been so angry about?"
"No, mum! Well, part of me is angry that Sirius broke my trust and screwed my sister, but that's not all of it!" James took a deep breath before continuing. "You don't know Sirius' reputation at school."
Euphemia frowned. "What reputation?"
"He's- he's the snog and ditch type. He's never been seen with the same girl twice. He doesn't care about girls. I told Sirius that Rin was off limits! But he still went and did this. I- I'm scared he's going to hurt Rin."
"Oh Jamie, come here," Euphemia cooed, bringing him in for a hug.
"I think that it's great that you're trying to be a good brother, but Rin is her own person. She can handle herself. But I think that's not all of the reason why you're mad-"
"Damn right, it's not!" James scowled. "I'm also angry that they hid it from me, for six months! Six. Bloody. Months!"
"Yes, that too, but that's not all I was going to say." Euphemia smiled wanly. "I think that you're mad at Rin for stealing your best friend away from you."
"What- why would I-?"
"You and Sirius have been best friends from the start, James. But you're worried that now your sister is in the picture, you may be kicked to the curb."
James looked away.
"It's understandable that you feel that way, James. But it doesn't mean that you and Sirius will be any less of friends just because Rin is there. He loves you, and you love him. There's nothing in the world that'll ever change that. And you don't even have to talk to Rin or Sirius now. You can do it in your own time, when you're ready, okay?"
James nodded.
"Good. Now you go and get some sleep."
Tbh, I kinda really hate this chapter
Oh and there are only around five chapters left in this book?? Like wtf I'm so surprised I managed to stick to this book???
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