ยฒโน Betrayal of Trust

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Published on 1st April 2021, 11:18 am, IST

ยฒโน Betrayal of Trust

"This is an infirmary! Not a fish market!"


โ˜†    "-CK?!" JAMES yelled, his eyes nearly popping out of their sockets at the sight of the two intertwined teenagers in front of him.

    Rin and Sirius' horrified faces snapped sideways to meet his.


    "James, I-"



    "What the fuck, Sirius?!" James shouted, advancing towards Sirius and shoving him into the desks.

    "My sister?!"

    "Rin tried to pull James back, "Please- James-"

    "Are you fucking serious?!" James pulled him up and pinned him against the wall, his wand pinned at Sirius' throat.

    "Well, technically, I can't fuck myself, Rin does that-"

    "NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR JOKES, SIRIUS!" Rin cried, and James socked him right in the face.

    "Shut up, Sirius! You kissed my sister! Sister!"

    James threw him to the floor and kicked him multiple times.

   "Please- James- you're hurting him!" Rin gasped, trying to pull him away by his arm, but to no avail.


    Blood spurted out of Sirius' mouth, his whole body was bruised.

    James grabbed him by his collar and threw him against the student tables, and all of them clattered, breaking into pieces.

    "Prongs- stop-" Sirius tried to stand up, but James punched him right back in the face, making him go back down.

    "That's it!" Rin yelled, pointing her wand at James, he flew apart from Sirius and landed on the opposite wall with a thump.

    Rin rushed to Sirius, attempting to patch up the blood from his nose with her shirt.

    James attempted to go at Sirius again, but he was thrown back into the wall by a flick of Rin's wand.

    "I'm only letting you both go after you talk it out like adults!" Rin huffed, tightening her arm around Sirius, ignoring her brother's protests.

    "James, you go first."

    "Fine!" James huffed. "Rin, Sirius?" James yelled, crossing his arms. "You know that Sirius doesn't care about girls, you're just a way for him to pass the time!"

    "Oi-" Sirius barked, sitting up. "I care about Rin! I lo-"

    "And Sirius!" James interrupted. "You could've had any other girl in the world! And you just had to screw my sister? She doesn't know you as well as I do, she doesn't know that everything is just a game to you! Rin doesn't know shit of how the world works! She thinks everything is all sunshine and rainbows! And you let her believe you cared for her! Fuck you!"

    "He does care for me!" Rin roared, finally losing her cool. "As I care for him!"

    James scoffed. "He's fucking playing you, that's what! He doesn't care about anything!"

   "Mate," Sirius said lowly. "You're taking it a bit far-"

    "Oh, am I?!"

    "Yes, you are!" Sirius snapped and stood up, James did the same.

    "Both of you you sit the fuck down- "

    Rin was silenced by a look from both the boys.

    "Do you really think I would do that to Rin?!" Sirius yelled. "Why don't you have some trust in me?! I lo-"

    "Have some trust in you?!" James fired back. "Okay, okay, fine, then! How long has this-" James gestured to Rin and Sirius. "-Charade be going on?"

    The couple said nothing.

    "Come on! Tell me!"

    ". . . Since Last May-"

    "MAY?!" James shouted. "May? That's how long you two have been going behind my back for?! Six months?!"

    "James-" Rin tried.

    "Oh, I don't want to hear anything from you! He snapped, then rounded on Sirius. "I'd have thought at least you would've said something, my best friend, my brother!"

    "Prongs- We didn't say anything because we knew you'd blew up like this, I understand you're upset, she's your sister, and I'm your best mate, brother, even-"

    "Well, not anymore, you're not."

    Both Rin and Sirius had horrified looks on their faces.

    "Prongs- you don't mean that-"

    "Don't talk to me! We're not friends anymore! Stay the fuck away from me!"

    With that, James left the room.

    The two in the room were frozen, staring at the door James had just left through.

    "Well," Sirius dropped to his knees. "The decision of leaving future Nessie and Sirius to deal with it was a bad idea, huh?" His voice broke at the end, his eyes started to fill up. "Rin. . . James. . ."

    "Oh, Sirius," Rin brought the boy into her arms, and let him sob into her shoulders.

    "James hates me now,"

    "No, he doesn't," Rin cooed, rubbing soothing circles on his back. "James is just. . . upset that he didn't know- it'll blow down eventually, we'll figure it out."

    Rin felt Sirius nod against her shoulder.

    "You know nothing about what James said was true, right?" He mumbled. "You are not a game to me, I am not playing you. I love you, Nessie. So much.

    "I love you too, Siri,"

    Both of them cringed at the name, shaking their heads at it.

    "Yeah. . . Siri doesn't sound as good as Nessie."

    Rin helped Sirius to the hospital wing, the boy was bruised all over and needed immediate fixing.

    But the pair were surprised when they saw Lily Evans there;

    wrapping bandages around the bruised knuckles of James Potter.

    "Sirius!" Lily gasped when she saw him. "What happened to you! Don't worry, Madame Pomfrey will be here soon."

    Rin looked at her brother, and Lily noticed.

    "Oh, he won't tell me what happened!" Lilly grumbled, gesturing to James. "He came into the common room his hands all bruised and bloody, I had to force him to come here to the infirmary!"

    Sirius opened his mouth to speak but cast a quick glance at James (who turned away, face stone cold) and decided against it.

    Sirius felt his heart shatter into a million pieces.

    "Oh, um, there seems to be some tension between you two. . ." Lily frowned, looking between the two.

    "Sirius went and screwed Rin-"

    "James! We didn't-" Rin exclaimed

    "That's what it looked like!" James spat, and Lily looked shocked.

    "Oh, so he uh, found out?"

    James' head snapped sideways. "You knew about this too?!"

    Lily stayed silent.

    "What the fuck, Lily?!" He shouted. "At least you could've told me! You're my-" James hesitated before continuing- "-Girlfriend!"

    "Girlfriend!" Sirius grinned, but nobody paid him any heed.

   "Girlfriend!" Lily exclaimed. "James, I'd love to be your girlfriend, I'm happy about that, but don't you dare go acting pissy with me! None of us did anything wrong!"

    "But Sirius and Rin-"

    "WHAT THE FUCK, JAMES?!" Rin yelled. "So, you're angry at us for dating- your best friend and sister, but you go and do the same to me? You, my brother, the boyfriend of my best friend?! How is that any different?!"

    "It's totally different! The Potter boy fired back. "We don't have Sirius' date and ditch personality-"



    Everyone stopped yelling at the Madame Pomfrey's arrival.

    "This is an infirmary! Not a fish market! Take your quarrelling elsewhere! I want everyone out now!"

    "But my knuckles-"

    "Your hands are fine now, Mr. Potter. You all may leave! . . . Except Mr. Black."

    "Yes, Madame Pomfrey," The teens muttered and left.

    "I'll come to visit you later," Rin whispered to Sirius before leaving.

    "Goodbye, love."


    James shoved past the girls to go into his dorm room, but he paused before taking the stairs.

    "Who else knew?" he asked quietly.


    "I asked," He whirled around. "Who else knew about you and Sirius."

    Rin bit her lip, exchanging a look with Lily. "Dorcas and Remus. But that's all-"

    "Remus?!" James let out a howl of disbelief. "Remus knew?"

    He stormed up the stairs before the others had the chance to say anything more.

    Lily and Nesrin entered their dorm room, where they saw Dorcas waiting for them.

    "Where the hell have you been?" she demanded, "And why is Rin covered in blood?!"

    Lily and Rin exchanged looks. They had a lot of explaining to do.


    "So, long story short, your brother walked in you and Sirius making out, he got angry and beat him up, and Lily kissed said brother, and is now his girlfriend?"

    "Pretty much, yeah."

    "I've been meaning to talk to you about that," Rin said to Lily.

    "I know my brother, and I aren't on speaking terms right now, but," She took a deep breath. "Don't you dare hurt James."

    Lily laughed "Rin, What-"

    "I know this may seem funny to you, but it's not."

    "James has lo- liked for years now, since the fourth year, I think. And you've hurt him. He used to cry a bit because you were so harsh on him. But now that you're dating him, you have a better chance of hurting him, and I won't have that. Okay?"

    "Uh- Right!"


    "Okay," Dorcas huffs. "I just have one question about all of this."


    "Where the fuck was I during this?"

    "Oh, I dunno, screwing Marlene McKinnon-"


    The rest of the night was ended in a huge pillow fight.


Heyyy I'm back! But I'm not really happy with this chapter,,, so I might come back and edit it
(Oh, and also happy April fools day!!)


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