no. 13: Bongo Longo

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Pic: Evan Longoria

Recap of Chapter 12 (for those who skipped the chapter): Hollis and Chris realize that Grady has acted strange, so they investigate. In Grady's POV, heΒ  is trying to look for Lisa, to tell her he likes her, to later find out she has relapsed. Grady feels like she has kept something from him, and he walks off brokenhearted.

"And that's why I currently cannot live with myself." Grady tells us at lunch.

Evan was eying his pizza. "Sizemore. You gonna eat that?"

"Go ahead." Grady mutters, sliding the dish towards Evan.

"Eva Longoria!" Matt called. "You better share."

"Eva Longoria?"Β  I ask Evan. "Isn't that some actress?"

"And my girl alter ego."

"Girl alter ego?"

Evan grins. "We all got one. Eva Longoria, Chrissy Archer, Marilyn Moore, Kesha Kiermaier, and Katy Sizemore."

"And the girls are guys?"

"You would Archer?" He turns to Chris.

"Wha?" He asks, a mouthful of ice cream sandwich in his mouth.

"If Hollis were a dude, what would her name be?"

"Deez nuts?" Matt asks.

"Dude. Deez nuts isn't cool anymore." Evan wags his finger at him.

"Hollister Surf Company." Kevin says, winking at me.

"Kiermaier, you cheap dipstick." Evan says.

"Holla' Bills, Y'all." Jake Elmore yells.

"Shut up, Elmore Fudd." Evan replies, making fun of that cartoon dude Elmer Fudd.

Elmore ain't huntin' no Wabbits, he huntin' baseballs.

"Okay. Let's try something else." Evan shakes his head. "Middle name, ma'am?"

"Rebecca." I reply.

"Rob Santiago." Evan says, taking a swig of his milk. "It's a close shot."

"My middle name isn't Robecca."

"Well, now it is." Evan smirks. "A-ha."

Not soon enough, Kevin taps me.

"Hm?" I ask.

"I'd like to call you Reb."

"Why?" I ask. Reb? That's strange.

"'re my rebel."

Later On
I forget about these stupid idiots, I tell myself.Β  In idiots, I mean Matt Holliday and Steven Souza, Jr.
Matt had his iPhone propped up, and he held the button, to reveal Siri.

"You ask, bro." Matt pushes Steven.

"Nah, dude." Steven shakes his head, just as Siri spoke.

"Matt, make up your mind."

Matt smirks.

"Siri, how do you say Netflix and chill in Chinese?"

"Screw Netflix and chill," Kevin says, taking a seat by me. "how about ESPN and chill?"

"Or Baseball Tonight and chill?" I suggest.

"That's on ESPN." Kevin says. "But it's baseball. It counts."

"Of course."

"Have y'all considered NBA TV and chillΒ  or NFL Network and chill?"Β  Evan asks behind us.

"No," Kevin shakes his head, "But you're missing NHL Network and chill."

"True!" Evan exclaims, looking at his Tampa Bay Lightning hockey shirt.

"And we can stop and chillΒ  now." I nod to them.

Ape Woman finally comes in, and starts instruction.

Evan muttered "ooh-ooh-ah-ah!"Β  and pretend-scratched his armpit.

Me and Kev giggle.

Ape Woman looks at Evan.

"Mister Longoria. Is there a problem?"

"Uh, yes." Evan says. "Do you like bananas?"

The class stifles their laughter.

I can't choose the class clown:Β  Grady or Evan.

"Sure." Mrs. Roswell says. "Why?"

"Is your husband named George?" Evan says. "George Of The Jungle?"

Everyone cannot contain it, and they erupted in laughter.

Kevin whispered to me, "Evan has just started either Jungle Book 3 or World War III."

I shake my head. "Run, Outlaw. I think there's a new sheriff in town."

Mrs. Roswell stomps towards Evan.

"Longoria. Office. Now." Mrs. Roswell rips out a referral.

"Just sayin', Mrs. R." Evan looked around, "I can see you at your natural habitat....Rainforest Cafe."

"Leave, Evan." She (as in Ape Woman) gave him the pass. "Now."

"Proudly." Evan salutes her. "Bueno suerte!" (Or see ya!)

He circles back around and tells me:
"Meet me after school. I'll take you home."

"Thanks, Longo." I nod.

He then speedwalks off before Mrs. R could notice.

"Okay. Sorry about that. Today we will be reviewing function notation..."

End Of The Day
After 55 minutes in Hell, school finally let out for the day. I smelled of bacon after cooking class, so I knew the Longoria's car was going to smell so good.

"Hey." Evan waves. He grabs my backpack. "You smell like bacon."

Well, duh!

"I just had cooking." I shrug.

"I have it fourth hour." He returns the shrug.

"Was it eggs and bacon?"

"Duh?" I look at him.

"I totallyΒ  knew that." Evan looks up at the sky, just to look back at me.
"Please tell me you know Spanish." He pleads. "Interpreting for Matt and Kevin is bad enough."

"I know a little Spanish."

"Do your best. My mom knows little English." Evan shrugs. "In sixth grade, I had to take ESL, but I knew perfect English. I hated it."

"I had a friend like that once." I tell him as Mrs. Longoria comes around the corner.

When she comes, she rolls down the window.

"Hola, Evan!" She calls, and motions for us to get in.

"Hola, Mama. Que pasa?" (Hello Mom, what's up?)

"Nada." (Nothing.)

"Okay." Mrs. Longoria nods.

Evan taps his mom and tells her my name.

"Hollis Santiago, Mama." Evan says as the radio blares out Spanish music.

"Hi, Hollis." Mrs. Longoria waves to me.

The whole ride was quiet, Evan pointing out things the whole way.

"Why do you have a Santa in your lawn?" I ask Evan. "In September?"

"My mom thinks it's cute."Β  Evan shakes his head. "Puh-lease. That thing is so embarrassing. The guys tease me about it constantly."

"It's funny."

"Not really." He turns on his phone, revealing a picture with him and a girl.

"Who's the girl?" I ask him.

"My older sister, Emilia." He smiles. "She's 19 and lives in St. Pete. Works at the Trop. Loves life. Damn, I wish I had that."

"Don't you have that already?" I ask.

"I miss my sister, that's all." He lays his head on the car door.

"This you home?" Mrs. Longoria asked me in her thick accent.

"Yes." I nod.

"Wait." Evan holds up his hand. "Can I tell you something?"

"Sure?" I open the car door.

"You're a cool chick."

A/n: So, we finally get a look at who Evan Longoria is! Do you like him, or nah?
Steven's in this chapter.....were you expecting that?
But who doesn't love the Rays?

Teaser: The gang finally gets to hang out, and will Kollis be a thing?

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