no. 12: Something In The Way

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Pic: Grady Sizemore

I want to give a quick shoutout to _outlaw39_ because I absolutely love her story, Safe,ย  and I'd recommend her MLB Imagines!

Another Week Later

(Warning: There will be a suicidal trigger in this chapter. If needed, please skip Grady's POV part. I'll recap in the start of Chapter 13.)

We were in first hour, and I notice that Grady was quiet, and wasn't chewing his daily Cinnamint.

I grab the emergency Snickers I have in my bag and tap Grady's shoulder.

"What?" he asks me sadly.

"Eat a Snickers, Grady." I give him the candy bar. "You're not you when you're hungry."

"Thanks." He unwraps the plastic and takes a bite.

"Rebel." I mutter as he munches on his Snickers.

"Take your time, Arch." I tell Chris as he hobbled on crutches. He had asked me to help him around school, and I had said yes.

A sister looks out for her brother.

"Hey, have you noticed a change in Sizemore's behavior?" Chris asked me.

"Yeah." I whispered. "I even gave him my emergency Snickers."

Chris started laughing.

"Because Grady's not him when he's hungry?"

"Or Evan, or Kev, hell, even you."

"Good plan." We hobble along to Mr. Urlacher's class.



"Are the Kiermaiers divorced?"

"Well...yes and no. They still love and support each other, but they see other people."

"Gotcha." I nod. "Sorry about that."

"Don't worry. You can ask me anything."

I look down and notice Chris' socks. They go up to his knees, and the stripes on top were Rays colors.

"Nice socks." I complement.

"Thanks. They're my favorite pair."

Aww. He has a favorite pair.

The bell rings, signaling us to go in.

Me and Chris get settled in seats next to each other, two rows behind Grady.

"I'm going to figure this out." Chris says as Grady takes his seat.

"I have full faith in you, Archer Vice." I pat his back. "A little birdie said that he likes to draw things out."

Grady's POV
I walk along the halls to Lisa's locker.

Today I was going to admit my feelings to her.

And with a rose in hand, I scanned for her locker number.


She wasn't there.

So I turn around and look left and right.

I had found nothing.

I was starting to get worried.

I took the stairs, and I immediately saw something.

The staff bathroom was open a creak, and what I saw next was traumatizing.

Hollis' POV
"I can't tell." Chris said, looking frustrated. "I mean, damn. It can't be his parents again."

I took a breath. "Relax. It should come to you quickly."

And so he did. Chris tapped his foot and twiddled his pencil.ย  Closed his eyes and hummed to himself.

"Archer, are you almost done?" I ask him.

Just then, he shoots up from his trance.

"GradytoldmethathewantedtotellLisa something." He mumbled.

"What, I didn't hear you." I replied.

"Lisa. Grady had to talk to Lisa-"

"Chris, why don't you shut up?" Grady hissed. "It's not any of your business."

He shot up from his seat and pointed at Chris. "Or Santiago's." He made a beeline for the door.

"Oops?" I shrug.

"Shit just hit the fan." Chris shakes his head.

Grady's POV
"Lisa?" I ask as I walk in.

Blood was all over the floor.

She had her hand to her wrist.

She cuts.

I grab the sharpener blade out of her hand.

"GIVE IT BACK!" she yells at me.

"No!" I throw it away.

"Grady." She shakes her head as I wrap paper towels around her wrist. "I-I..."

"Why....did you do it?" I look at her.

"It relaxes me." Lisa said. "Grady, I really didn't want you to see this."

"Too bad I did."

"Shut up-"

"You promised me that you had stopped-"

"Shut up-"

"You promised."

"SHUT UP, SIZEMORE!" She yelled at me.

I look at the flower. I look at Lisa.

"I can't." I give her the flower. "I was in love with you..."

"What?" Lisa grabs my arm. "You love me?"

"Yes." I look at her. "But....I don't think I could deal with this, seeing as Tim hurt Chris, and you hurt me."

"Well." Lisa gives me the flower. "Understandable."

Then she walks away.

I stand there, my heart shattered in pieces.

Try explaining that to the guys.

So this was a short chapter....but I think it gets the point across.ย  I'm sorry about the trigger warning...the Grady/Lisa stuff needed to be solved..
The next chapter will be a little lighter in ways, and for those who skipped this chapter, I promise you the recap.

Teaser: More Kollis moments; Grady deals with the Lisa stuff; Hollis gets a eventful ride home with Evan.

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