37. Story

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"Here's her prescription for her meds, she needs someone to take keep any eye on her a lot." The doctor explained to Jack and Shane, "she's taking a strong antidepressant, so it's important she's cared for. She also still very weak, so be careful with her."

"Thank you so much sir, you don't how thankful I am that she's okay!" Jack sighed, rubbing his neck.

"My job is to help make everything better, now, go help out your sister!" The doctor smiled, leaving the room.

Jack turned towards his sister who was sitting on the bed, swaying her feet back and forth. He gestured for her to come and she nodded, sitting up and drinking slightly.

"You need to eat when we get you to Shane's." Jack added, and she spoke soft 'ok'.

The car ride home was quiet, Layla sat in the back, flipping through the comic book that Garrett had bought her while she was there. She hadn't been on her phone in almost a week and it was sort of refreshing for her.

Once they got there, Layla was greeted by Morgan who gave her a hug. Ryland was there too and comforted her. They post-mated food and the 5 of them sat on the couch. Layla was at the end, and was resting her head on her brother shoulder. They were all waiting for the food to arrive while they spoke about what happened while she was gone.

"The foods here, I'll get it." Shane spoke up, after being startled by a knock. He stood up and opened the door, in walked Andrew and Garrett.

"Hey guys!" Morgan chirped up, looking over st the two.

"Hey!" Garrett smiled.

Andrew took a seat next to Layla, who had fallen asleep. He wrapped his arms around her and rested her head on his chest.

"How long has she been asleep for?" Andrew asked jack.

"Probably 10 minutes." Jack replied, sitting up and stretching his body.

Another 10 minutes passed and the food had finally arrived. Andrew sat Layla up, in hopes to wake her up. She only groaned and shouted her head into his shoulder.

"Lay, your food is here." Andrew whispered, stroking her hair.

Her eyes opened up and she stretched, pushing herself up more. She pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and jack passed her over her chipotle bowl with a fork and chips. She opened it slowly and started eating it.

"God I missed food!" She gushed, shoving a chip filled with meat into her mouth.

"I missed you," Andrew whispered, kissing her cheek secretly.

"Aww!" Garrett pouted, looking at the two.

"Shh," Andrew whispered and he nodded.

Andrew couldn't help be happy with Layla, he was happy they were both in love.

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