36. Story

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[tw: suicide]

"Where is she?" Andrew raised his voice, sitting in his car and his phone connected to his ear.

"Listen Andrew, calm down." Shane hushed him, "She's in the hospital, from what I know she's doing fine."

"What happened?" Andre questioned.

Shane sighed heavily, pausing because he couldn't fight back the tears, "she tried to commit suicide." Shane choked out, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"W-What room?" Andrew stuttered with shock, turning on the ignition.

"Room 515, we'll be there soon." Shane sniffled loudly.

"Okay, I'll see you there," Andrew answered, hanging up the phone.

Andrew pounded his fists against the steering wheel, releasing a loud, deep scream. He stopped the tears from falling and began driving down the streets of LA. He found himself at the closest hospital and entered it, walking past the reception.

He rushed around and stopped at room 515. He could see through the small glass window, and her small body was laying in the white bed. He opened the door, and walked over to her closely, then sitting in the seat next to her. Her body was pale, and soft to touch. He took her hand, pressing his pink lips against it and then allowing the tears to fall.

"Why lay? Why?" He whispered, tears streaming down his cheeks.

After 10 minutes of him holding her hand, in walked the others. Jack was there too and rushed to his sisters side, tears rapidly falling from his eyes.

"Oh my god," he panicked, sobbing loudly.

The doctor entered, "Jack Grazer?" He asked looking at everyone.

"Y-Yes?" Jack sobbed, looking up to the doctor.

"She stable, she overdosed on paracetamol. Luckily it wasn't strong enough to cause her stomach to be pumped. But she also slashed her wrists, she is sewed up and bandaged, since she is full of her drugs she has had seizures, so they aren't that harmful." The doctor explained, jacks lip trembled at the words that flew out of the doctor mouth.

"T-Thank you sir." He nodded, his facial expression still full of shock. The doctor left and Jack was beside his sister again, "I'm so sorry Lay, I'm such a bad brother."

"Don't say that," Andrew spoke up, "you're a great brother, Lay always spoke great things about you Jack!"

"If I was better she wouldn't be in a bed with her wrist cut and passed out." Jack cried out, rubbing his sisters hand.

"This isn't your fault, it's no ones." Andrew insisted.

"Yeah don't say that Jack," a glossy eyed Garrett spoke up, "you're one of the most important people in her life."

"Thank you," Jacks voice trembled.


Layla's eyes fluttered open on the hospital, just as they did Andrew entered the room yawning. His eyes widened and he rushed over, cupping her face.

"lay, why'd you do that?" He questioned, pressing his lips against hers for a moment.

"I'm sorry," She sniffled, kissing his lips.

She looked around the room, Jack was asleep on the couch with Garrett, "you guys came?" She questioned, feeling the guilt of her actions.

"Yeah, Shane, Morgan and Ryland are gone home because they had no where to stay." He explained, and she nodded.

"Will you sleep with me?" She asked, and he furrowed his browns in confusion.

She pushed herself aside, pulling back the blanket. He understood her gestures, and shoved off his shoes and pulled off his jacket. He slid into the and wrapping his arms around her. She dug her head into his shoulder and his hand rubbed her back gently.

"I was so scared," Andrew sighed.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered.

"I can't lose you." Andrew admitted, pressing his onto her neck, leaving soft kisses.

He really couldn't lose her.

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