fourteen | soft kisses and stargazing

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Persephone nervously glanced around, the darkness of the night blanketing the forrest and making it so that she couldn't see. Jasper and Alice, however, seemed to know their way around just fine. She wondered if they go into the woods often.

"Where are we going?" She asked as Jasper gripped her hip to manoeuvre her around an upturned root of a tree that she had almost tripped over.

"It's a place Alice and I go to sometimes for privacy." He explained, grabbing her hand and giving it a soft squeeze. "We're almost there."

A few moments later, Persephone saw the dark outlines of the trees disappear just as Alice announced that they were at the correct place.

The moon shined down upon the field, illuminating the grass and flowers due to the lack of canopy of trees covering the plants. Persephone couldn't see much, but she knew the place must be beautiful. Jasper removed his suit jacket and placed it towards the middle of the field before easing Persephone to sit on top of it, next to Alice. Jasper himself sat in the grass as there was no room for him, and Persephone would've said more about it had she not been a ball of nerves. He had tried easing her worries, but they always came rushing back.

"What I'm about to say," he paused, cupping Persephone's cheek so that she would look at him. "It goes for both Alice and I. Do you understand?" She nodded, finding that she was holding her breath as she waited for him to speak. He smiled and pulled his hand away now that he had her attention, but stayed close.

"From the moment we saw you, you didn't leave our thoughts. We would think about you even when you weren't around, and you became a common topic of conversation between us. We would speculate on what you were doing, and share with each other how much we wanted to see you. When we did see you," he kept eye contact and spoke gently but with a determination to his voice, as if he needed to get all of the words out and needed her to understand. "it took all of our self control not to touch you. I can't tell you how many times I've almost kissed you, darlin'. I've never loved anyone other than Alice, and so I've also never felt like this with anyone but her.  But with you," He lets out a soft laugh. "It's like it's natural to like you. It's natural for us to want you to be with us, like it was always mean to happen. With that being said; Persephone, will you be ours? Both of us, mine and Alice's?"

Persephone felt her heart blossom with adoration for the two sitting on either side of her. She felt as if she could finally breathe, as if her heart had been given permission to feel everything for these two people whom she had gotten to know over the past few weeks. She didn't realise before, but the guilt and fear had been weighing heavily on her heart. Now, knowing they didn't hate her or feel disgusted with her love for both of them, the weight was gone.

"Yes." She replied softly. Alice beamed again but allowed them their moment, watching with happiness glimmering in her eyes as they interacted.

Jasper's eyes glimmered with happiness and relief, and they all fell into a comfortable silence as they exchanged soft glances. Jasper cleared his throat after a while, and moved closer to Persephone.

"Can I kiss you, darlin'?" He asked, desperation making his voice so soft it was like a whisper. He was close enough now that his breath caressed her lips and her eyes fluttered shut at the contact.

She nodded once, twice, and their lips made contact. It was different from the kiss with Alice. He was, surprisingly, a bit more rough with her than Alice was. The kiss was similarly full of emotion, but he pressed against her mouth slightly harder than Alice did – it was as if he was constantly trying to get closer to her; he was never satisfied with the space between their bodies, but still tried to restrain his strength so as to not hurt her. She sighed against his lips and he moved even closer, causing Persephone's back to brush against Alice's front from where the vampire had turned her attention fully to the two.

Persephone felt a rush of pleasure in the form of a shiver down her spine at the contact from both of them. Their skin was cold, as always, but she had come to crave the feeling. It was pleasurable, now – especially in times like this, when a fever was prickling at her skin due to the closeness of them. Jasper reluctantly pulled away and Persephone released a soft noise of discontent, making the man chuckle. He kissed her cheek gently and Alice slid her hands up and down the human's arms to soothe her, making Persephone blush.

"So perfect." Alice whispered, pecking the human's cheek and reaching for Jasper's hand. He kissed her fingertips and gripped her hand gently, sending her a soft, content smile.

They spent the next hour exchanging soft kisses and stargazing, none wishing to go back to the dance and be around others. The three of them wished to remain hidden amongst the trees for as long as possible, with no other company but their own.

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