fifteen | different

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The Cullens were different.

Persephone already knew this, of course, but in the week since she began seeing Jasper and Alice it became more obvious. They had never eaten before, but now with constant dates and days spent in each other's company, Persephone realised quickly that never truly meant never — she had yet to see Alice and Jasper do more than shove food around on their plate.

All of the Cullen's had cold skin. When she was at their house and playfully fought against Emmett for the T.V. remote, she had brushed hands with him and Rosalie and found their skin was the same temperature as Jasper and Alice's. Later, she intentionally brushed hands with Esme while helping rearrange a picture frame, and got the same results.

Their eyes changed colour without contacts. Before, she was too ashamed to look directly into their eyes for longer than a few seconds. Now, with her being their partner and them being her's, she was able to do so and found that their eyes switched between black and honey brown every couple of days.

She also noticed that they never went to school on sunny days, and Alice and Jasper were always out of town during those days. They went out almost every weekend, too, and would only say that it was a family camping trip – she would rarely get where these trips were going to be, and was often ignored for hours on these days.

So, the Cullens were different, and Persephone was very, very confused.

"You've got to either tell her or leave her, because she's quickly realising there's something weird about us." Edward says quickly, glancing around to make sure Rosalie wasn't around to hear the conversation. "She's already noticed the eating, eye colour, sunlight problem, and cold skin. It won't be long until she puts two and two together, Alice. Be smart about this, okay?"

Alice breathed out in frustration but nodded. She wanted to tell her, of course. She had wanted to tell Persephone everything from their first conversation. It was just that she didn't know where Rosalie stood anymore, and didn't feel like arguing with her sister over something that she knew was going to work out fine. She had seen Persephone accepting her – accepting all of the Cullens.

She supposed it was time for a family meeting.

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