"Favourite movie?" Alice questioned as she played with Persephone's hair. It had become a routine for them to sit together at lunch – one that the entire school was still shocked about.
"Beauty and the Beast." Replied the human, a small smile on her lips. Jasper found himself slyly glancing at Alice, whose lips were curved into a smirk.
"How funny, that happens to be on my favourites list as well." Jasper said as he allowed Persephone to play with his fingers. Causal touches had become normal between the three, but Persephone still was waiting for the day one of them realises her feelings and grows jealous or, worse, disgusted.
"Really?" She smiles, moving a thin ring that sat on his middle finger around a bit. "We should watch it together." Alice smiled softly.
"You can come to ours this weekend, if you'd like." The Cullen family stiffened slightly from where they sat across the room, shamelessly eavesdropping. Rosalie was growing fond of the human, as were her siblings, but she still thought her too much of a risk. Alice knew this and expected an earful when she saw Rosalie at the end of the day.
Persephone, on the other hand, was ecstatic. She was nervous, of course, but also very excited to meet the people responsible for shaping Alice and Jasper into the amazing people she has gotten to know over the past two weeks.
"Okay!" She says happily, bouncing a little in her seat out of pure excitement. The two vampires feel themselves softening even more towards the endearing human, both subconsciously moving closer and happily watching as Persephone allows the closeness.
The Cullens who sit away from their lovestruck brother and sister sigh in exasperation, already thinking of how they will have to prepare for a human in their home.
The Cullens lived lavishly. Persephone was in awe at the house – no, mansion before her.
"Our dad is a doctor." Alice explains, seeing the awe on her face. Persephone nods and allows Alice to hold her hand and pull her towards the front door.
"Welcome, Persephone!" The human is pulled into a warm embrace the minute she crosses the threshold. Esme had been waiting excitedly to meet the girl with Carlisle standing close behind. "I'm Esme Cullen, it's so nice to meet you!"
"Esme, give the girl some room to breathe. She's only just got here." Carlisle chastises softly. Esme pulls away and sends Persephone a warm smile. "We're happy to have you in our home, Persephone. Alice and Jasper speak highly of you."
Jasper clears his throat in embarrassment as Persephone beams.
"Thank you for allowing me into your home, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen. You have a beautiful place." She says, observing the room around her. The sunlight falling through the windows causes the light colours to stand out, giving the home a warm, heaven-like feel.
"Please, call me Carlisle." He smiles, squeezing his wife's shoulder and sending Jasper and Alice individual looks. There was a clear message in his eyes: I like her.
"Well," Alice claps her hands in excitement, looking towards Persephone. "Let's go watch movies!" She grabs the girl's warm hand in her own and heads towards the stairs, avoiding her sibling's staring in the living room.
"Alice! Shouldn't you introduce your girlfriend to your siblings?" Emmett calls, clearly set on not allowing the three to escape without meeting the human first.
Persephone, Jasper, and Alice all turn towards the living room, and Alice sighs.
"We're meeting the family first, I suppose." She says, and gently tugs Persephone towards the living room.
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