Griffin was in a pinch. His sick girlfriend, along with three unruly teens were proving to be too much for him to handle on his own. Difficult as it was for him to admit, Griffin needed some assistance. Taking out his phone, he opened the contacts list and searched for a name that could provide the help he so desperately sought after. And who always seemed to make one feel good and be someone you can depend upon? The answer was clear - someone of celebrity status - and so Griffin made that call
Matt: Hey, GG
Griffin: Matt! Help!
Matt: What's wrong?
Griffin: My parents, along with Harper's went out of town, and now I'm left "home alone", and I have to do everything
Griffin: Like feeding these kids
Matt: Don't worry, Griffin. I'll bring something over in a little bit
Griffin: There's more
Matt: What?
Griffin: 2 words. Harper. Sick
Matt gasped
Before Griffin had an opportunity to respond, Matt had already disconnected. Knowing that he could depend on Matt for this situation, Griffin felt assured; after all, Matt would do anything for his friends--especially Harper. As a result of the adversity, he and Matt had grown closer as companions and now were always ready to lend a hand.With that thought in mind, Griffin placed his phone back in his pocket and proceeded upstairs. There he found Topher with the twins who had changed their attire. They were now heading downstairs it seemed.
"What are you guys doing?" Griffin asked
"Ice cream," Wyatt said
"No, you first have to pick up all that tarp" Griffin reminded
"Griffin" Zoey groaned
"Zoey" Griffin groaned back before rolling his eyes, as the three 15-year-olds strolled down the stairs.
Griffin made his way back to his room, opening the door carefully to reveal his girlfriend sound asleep. He smiled at this precious sight before shutting the door behind him and lying down on the bed beside her. Gazing up at the ceiling, he waited for sleep to overtake him as well, ensuring that his girlfriend remained safe.
Time had elapsed. The three Musketeers were now inhabiting Zoey's room, playing a tedious game Griffin reported. Griffin was still reclining on his bed, but Harper was now atop him. He wasn't quite sure how she had ascended there, but he didn't say anything; in fact, he savored it. Just then, the doorbell sounded from downstairs and Griffin knew exactly who it was.
"Harper" Griffin whispered
He stated, "I have to get the door," yet nothing happened. Harper nestled closer into him, which caused him to start shifting in an attempt to escape her embrace. In response, she only whimpered.
"No need to worry," Griffin said, trying to provide comfort. "It won't take long."
Harper maintained her grip on him as he managed to leave the bed, cradling his partner in his arms. He proceeded down the stairs and opened the doorway, exiting the premises.
"Hi Griffin," Matt said with a smile
"Matt" Griffin sighed
"Thank god you're here," Griffin said, before letting Matt through the door. They both traveled to the dining area of the Tremont.
"I brought food," Matt said, as he set down sacks of Chick- Fil- A.
"Woah, how did you know what everyone wanted?" Griffin asked, looking through the bags
"I didn't"
"Savvy told me" Matt pointed out
"She also said something about coming over here tonight"
"For what?" Griffin asked
"A surprise"
"What's the surprise though?" Griffin said
Matt chuckled and then walked behind Griffin, so he could be in the line of sight of his best friend. "I don't know," he said, "It's Savannah, it could be anything."
"Hi, Harper-May" Matt said, with a grin
"Matty!" Harper mumbled, before reaching out her hand. Griffin quickly put it back down.
"No touching, Lovey. I don't want you to get anyone sick" Griffin said. Harper whined before burying her face in the crock of Griffin's neck. Matt stepped in front of Griffin again.
"Aw" He simply mouthed
Griffin nodded in agreement
"So where are my other babes?" Matt questioned
"There upstairs"
"Ok, I'll be back Griffey Griff," Matt remarked
Griffin gave an affirmative gesture as Matt proceeded to the front of the Tremont. He ascended the stairs and made his way towards Zoey's bedroom. Upon arriving, he opened the door.
"Matt!" Zoey called out, before running over to him. She hugged him tightly.
"Hi, Zozo," Matt said, as they hugged. She then pulled away.
"Hey, Toph," Matt said, walking over to Zoey's desk, where he was seated at. He simply fist-bumped him.
"WyWy!" Matt grinned, Wyatt waved at him, with a beam.
"What are you doing here?" Zoey asked
"I brought food," Matt said
"Thank god," Topher said
Matt giggled "Also Harper's not feeling too good"
"That's sad," Wyatt said
"Yeah, Griffin told me she threw up," Matt remarked
"Awe" Zoey bummed. Her eyes started watering "Is she gonna be ok?"
"Zozo" Matt said, before grabbing her hands, knowing how she gets about Harper.
"Don't worry, She's gonna be fine, I promise" Matt said
"I hate it when she's sick," Zoey said, as a tear fell
"I know you do"
"You have such a big heart, Zozo. Don't let it leave"
Zoey grinned, before hugging Matt tightly
"It's ok" Matt pulled away, flipping Zoey's hair over her shoulders
"Y'all, I'm starving" Wyatt spoke up
Matt chuckled "Then let's go eat". The 3 teens nodded, before walking out of Zoey's room.
Everyone had eaten (Except Harper). They were slouched in their seats full as ever.
"I hope I fed by babies well" Matt desired
"So good" Wyatt muttered
"Like 1,000 percent" Topher mumbled
"I only needed a hundred" Matt said, with a smile
"Please, Lovey"
Harper shook her head.
Griffin had been attempting to feed Harper for a while, however she wasn't motivated to consume anything at the moment; all she wished to do was cuddle with her partner.
"Still trying?" Matt asked, noticing
Griffin nodded
Matt sighed
"Well I have to get going you guys"
"Noooo" Wyatt groaned
"Why?" Zoey asked
"I have to get some headshots for dance," Matt said
Zoey nodded
"ZoZo, WyWy," Matt murmured as he extended his hands.
Zoey then high-fives one, while Wyatt just looks. He turned to face Matt.
"As hard as you possibly can," Matt confirmed.
Wyatt grinned. "There it is!" Wyatt slammed down with a high five, Matt added.
"Bye, Topher," Matt remarked before fist-bumping him again.
Matt then approached Harper. He stood behind Griffin because she was straddling him.
"I've got to go, Harpies," Matt said, lowering his gaze to hers.
Harper pouted as she shook her head.
Matt laughed, then kissed his two fingers and placed them on Harper's head.
"Bye, Griffin," Matt said as he walked away. Griffin shifted Harper from his lap to his chair. He eventually caught up with Matt.
"Matt!" Griffin called out, Matt turned back
"I wanted to say thanks for the food, you practically saved the day," Griffin smiled
"No problem"
"I'll do anything for you" Matt spoke
Griffin beamed. They both brought it in for a hug. "Take care of her, ok?" Matt pulled away. Griffin nodded
"Bye, GG," Matt said, before walking over to the door. "Bye," He called out, as the door shut.
8:41 pm
Hours had passed. Everyone was now in their Pajamas. Zoey, Wyatt, and Topher were all in the living room watching a movie. Harper and Griffin were in the kitchen. Harper was seated on the counter.
"You have to take it, Harper" Griffin said, holding a spoon with medicine on it.
"Nooooo" Harper whined, before falling in Griffin's embrace.
"No cuddles until you take your medicine," Griffin said, sitting Harper back up
"Please, Harppie"
She shook her head
Griffin had to find a way of helping Harper, who seemed to be deteriorating. He made his way to the freezer and retrieved a popsicle. After removing the wrapper, he went back and presented it to her.
"If you take your medicine," he said calmly, "you can have this popsicle."
Harper inspected the popsicle closely before opening her mouth so that Griffin could put in the spoon with her medication. She swallowed it quickly and started coughing. Without hesitating, Griffin replaced the spoon with the promised popsicle.
All done, Lovey," he said to Harper, who was preoccupied with her popsicle. "Remember I'm supposed to be angry with you?" Griffin reminded her, although she merely smiled back innocently.
Griffin let out a chuckle before retrieving his significant other from the countertop. They then moved into the living room, where a group of fifteen-year-olds were gathered. Just as Griffin was about to take a seat, the doorbell rang
"It's a murderer," Wyatt said
"It's not a murderer" Griffin reassured
"That's what they always say" Topher stated
"It's not a murderer," Zoey said
"Thank you" Griffin spoke
"It's probably some ghost from the dead, trying to steal our souls"
"Jesus" Griffin sighed
All five of them ambled to the entrance. Griffin unlocked it, unveiling an array of vibrant illuminations. Everyone's eyes widened in awe.
"OH MY GOD" the 15-year-olds yelled
"Savannah?" Griffin questioned
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