That's when Griffin heard Harper whine his name. He didn't hesitate before bolting away, and upstairs, leaving the 15-year-olds, with their mess of fun.
Once Griffin got upstairs. He rushed to his room and opened the door. His eyes grew wide
"Oh god!"
Griffin walked into a distressing scene. Harper lay on his bed, her clothes spattered with vomit and the mattress stained. She was sobbing, but Griffin hurried over to her side, trying to comfort her with words of kindness. "It's alright, don't cry," he said soothingly.
Griffin comforted his distressed girlfriend, Harper, by picking her up bridal style. Unconcerned about the mess she had made on the bed, Griffin walked into the bathroom while he whispered soothing words to her. Harper responded with soft whimpers
Once he reached the bathroom, Griffin flipped on the lights before placing Harper gently on the counter. With a gentle touch, he wiped away the corners of her mouth with a towel and asked softly, "What happened?"
"I had an icky" Harper pouted like a toddler, letting out sobs. Griffin found their display endearing and was amused at her adorableness. He was aware that when she wasn't feeling well, Harper had a much lower threshold for emotional sensitivity, making her demeanor similar to that of a young child.
"Aw" Griffin frowned
"icky's feel bad don't they?"
Harper nodded and bawled even more
"Its ok, Harppie" Griffin said, kissing her nose
"Griffin's gonna make you feel all better" He quoted
"Can you lift your arms up?" Griffin asked
Harper then lifted her arms up, as he said.
Griffin puffed softly "Thanks Lovey" He praised, knowing his appreciation would make her feel better.
Griffin then grabbed the ends of Harper's crop top, and slipped it over her head, tossing the spew-covered shirt in the laundry. Leaving Harper in a Nike sports bra.
"I'm gonna get you cleaned up, ok?"
Harper nodded
"I'm so sorry this happened to you, Babe"
Harper then released a noise of sorrow, before she and Griffin embraced each other tightly.
Eventually, Harper was able to get herself back into good condition, with the support of her boyfriend of course. Despite being ailing, they both agreed that it would be best to end the day there. Both changed into matching flannel onesies and Griffin had switched out his sheets with fresh new ones so Harper could have a comfortable sleep. Lying on the bed together, Harper was completely atop Griffin with her head tucked in his neck as her safe haven.
Griffin was so fixated on Harper that he overlooked the presence of fifteen-year-olds in the house. It was then that screaming, pounding and utter chaos echoed from downstairs. Harper responded with whimpering and whining
"I know, Angel" Griffin murmured, stroking Harper's damp curly hair
At that moment the commotion downstairs increased
"It's too loud, Griffey" Harper mewled into his neck
"They are too loud, aren't they?" Griffin said
She nodded
Griffin quoted to his practical toddler, "Griffey's gonna go see what's wrong." He then lifted Harper off him and carefully placed her on the mattress. He kissed her head tenderly before getting up from the bed and walking out the door. As he descended the stairs, his eyes grew wide when he saw a long tarp on the floor mixed with some sort of soapy water. He moved closer to investigate further and continued to the back of their hotel house where he found his sister, brother, and their friend wearing swimsuitsβtheir hair and bodies were completely soaking wet
"What is going on?" Griffin spoke
"We were slip and sliding" Topher answered
"In the middle of the house?" Griffin questioned
"Yeah," Zoey said
"Do you guys realize that there are people here, in the hotel?" Griffin put a question too
"Yeah," Topher said
"Nash is here too!" Wyatt smirked at his sister
"Who's Nash?" Topher questioned
"No one, and he isn't here," Zoey said, quickly
"Woah, why so defensive" Topher spoke
Zoey raised an eyebrow
"Is Nash your crush-"
"YOU GUYS!" Griffin said, focussing back on the kids
"Why didn't you do this outside?" Griffin asked
"It's too hot" Wyatt complained
"Just a second ago, you guys were "snowball" fighting," Griffin remarked
"Yeah, and we got bored, so-"
"I don't even care. Just pick all this up" Griffin demanded
"Um, pretty self-explanatory" Griffin uttered
"I mean your 15-year-olds, don't you guys know better?"
" Even better question, what's for lunch?" Zoey asked
"I'm starving," Topher said with dramatics
"Lunch" Griffin mumbled under his breath. He had totally forgot
"Um, you guys just get all this stuff, change, and by then lunch will be here" Griffin conveyed
"Thank god" Wyatt sighed, before he, his sister, and a friend walked away
Griffin was in a pinch. His sick girlfriend, along with three unruly teens were proving to be too much for him to handle on his own. Difficult as it was for him to admit, Griffin needed some assistance. Taking out his phone, he opened the contacts list and searched for a name that could provide the help he so desperately sought after. And who always seemed to make one feel good and be someone you can depend upon? The answer was clear - someone of celebrity status - and so Griffin made that call
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