Chapter 6

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"Griffins coming to see you," Jess said taking her daughter's hands

Harper nodded slowly, trying to avoid eye contact

"Hey, It's going to be ok, I promise," Jess said, putting her face in the direction of Harper's.

Harper gave her a light smile before her mom kissed her cheek.

Just after a while Griffin walked in

"Hey," Griffin said awkwardly to both Jess and Harper.

"I'll be outside" Jess whispered to Harper as she walked to the open door, placing a hand on Griffin's shoulder before she left.

"You did good," Griffin said, coming closer to Harper.

"Yeah" Harper scoffed sarcastically

Griffin didn't bother to say anything back, instead, he just hugged Harper tightly.

Harper tried to hold them back, but the tears just started streaming down her face again.

"I'm sorry" Harper sobbed into his shoulder.

"I wasted your time," Harper sobbed again.

"No, no, you never waste anybody's time, Harper," Griffin said rubbing her back as they hugged

Harper just wept as they hugged each other

She eventually pulled away

"I swear to god, you looked beautiful out there," Griffin said, wiping a tear off of Harper's face.

Harper just smiled (Harpers smiles were the literal best)

"Are you going to the awards?" Griffin asked

"Yeah, I guess" Harper sighed

"You're going to come out with a win today, I promise," Griffin said

Harper grinned.

"Sorry, I took so long," the nurse said, coming back into the room with the wrap.

Griffin watched as the nurse wrapped Harper's ankle up, giving her death glares each time she would accidentally press too hard on her ankle, making Harper whimper.

"Ok, you're about done," the nurse said as she cut any extra wrap on her ankle.

Jess walked back into the room and stood by Harper.

"She's going to be fine, but like I said you might want to see her doctor," the nurse said to Jess who nodded

"Can I still dance?" Harper asked with hopeful eyes.

"Um, I would say that you shouldn't dance for at least a week or two," the nurse said to Harper.

Harper just sighed

"Anyway it was great meeting you two," The nurse said shaking Jess's hand

"Thank you," Jess said gratefully

"You're welcome"

"I hope you get better, pumpkin" the nurse said

Harper nodded just before putting her hands on Griffin's shoulders, Griffin reciprocated by putting his hands on her waist, slightly lifting her off the exam table to gently place her on the floor. Harper making sure her bad ankle doesn't touch the ground

"Harper, they need you backstage for awards," Jess said, putting a hand on Harper's shoulder.

Griffin gave Harper a look, a silent way of asking.

Harper nodded with a small smile.

Griffin crouched down so his best friend (crush) could hop on his back.

He gently adjusted her.

"That works," Jess said, gesturing to them to follow her out the door and backstage.

Griffin walked out the door, Harper still on top of him. Jess walked behind them. She could hear them mumbling to each other, followed by giggles, and she watched as Griffin would slowly spin Harper around at random times.

Jess pulled out her phone to take a photo of them. They were the cutest.


Griffin had dropped Harper off backstage. They hugged one last time. Coach Lotus greeted Harper at the door and helped her walk further into the backstage area, and Griffin went out the door.

Griffin and Jess walked back down the hallway in silence until Griffin broke it

" Harper close with her dance team?" Griffin wondered

"Close? there's not even a word to describe their connection," Jess said as she scoffed

"She loves them with all her heart, you know? She's been dancing with them since she was 4"

"Wow," Griffin said amazed

"Yeah, you can't imagine the number of sleepovers she and her team have had together," Jess said

"Like 10?' Griffin guessed

"Times 10," Jess said back, sarcastically

They both laughed

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