Harper was breathing heavily as she looked like a deer in headlights. The audience was silent, nothing but her music playing. Harper slowly stood back up to continue her dance but quickly realized she couldn't put any weight on her foot. Harper couldn't do anything else at the moment but cry as she limped off-stage.
When Harper was fully off the stage, she collapsed on the floor, holding her foot as she sobbed.
Harper was instantly greeted by all her friends and her coach.
"Oh my god," Coach Lotus said as he and the team rushed over to Harper.
"Harper, are you ok?" Matt said, placing a hand on top of her good foot.
All Harper could do was sob
Just then Harper's Mom Jess entered the backstage area only to see her daughter on the floor crying
"Mom," Harper said quietly and faintly through sobs as Jess came over to her
"Aww, Baby," Jess said as she hugged Harper tightly
"What hurts," Coach Lotus said, his eyes wandering her body checking for any obvious injuries.
'M...my..a..ankle," Harper said through light choked-up sobs.
Coach Lotus wasted no time in carefully slipping off Harper's jazz shoe, to reveal Harper's barefoot, Her toes were tinted rosy red, and her ankle looked practically bloodshot.
Jess gently touched her ankle and she winced
"I think she might have sprained it," Coach Lotus said to Jess.
"Baby, can you put weight on it," Jess said to Harper who had calmed down a little
"I don't know" Harper mumbled as her mom rubbed her back
"Here let's try, babe," Jess said sweetly, holding out her hands.
Harper nodded and took her mom's hands. She slowly stood up using her good foot. Making sure her bad foot doesn't touch the ground.
Harper slowly and gently placed her foot on the ground - full weight, she immediately grimaced
"No, no, mom I can't," Harper said rapidly sitting back on the floor, on the verge of tears again
All her friends watched in shock, Harper Dunn was seriously injured.
"Ok, uh, There's a nurse at this competition right," Jess asked Coach Lotus, still holding one of Harper's hands.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure," Coach Lotus said sounding certain
"Is she going to be ok, Mrs. Dunn" Matt asked worried for his friend
"Yeah, she's going to be fine," Jess said looking at Harper.
"Let's get her to the nurse," Coach Lotus said standing up
Jess stood up and proceeded to crouch down to pick up her daughter, Bridal style.
Harper, Jess, and Coach Lotus exited the backstage area doors. They walked down the hallway to the nurse, as they were walking Harper would whimper here and there, and her mom would just kiss her forehead each time one escaped.
Harper, Jess, and Coach Lotus walked into the nurse's office.
"Hi Guys," The Nurse said, sanitizing her hands.
"Hey," Jess said, still holding Harper.
"Aww, what happened, precious," The Nurse said gesturing for Jess to place Harper on the exam table.
"I fell on my ankle," Harper said shyly
"How did she fall?" The nurse asked Jess.
"She was doing an Ariel, and I guess she lost balance," Jess said as she rubbed Harpers back
"Ok," The nurse said as she slowly lifted Harper's foot, analyzing her ankle.
"I'm gonna wait outside Mrs. Dunn, I'm sorry this happened," Coach Lotus said walking towards the door.
"It's OK,"
"You mean everything to Harper," Jess said, reassuring him of his apology.
Coach simply nodded and exited the room.
The nurse gently pressed around Harper's ankle to determine which ligaments were injured. Harper winced, whimpered, and squirmed while she did.
"I know, baby," Jess said as she held Harper's hands to try to get her to stop moving as much
The nurse pressed on Harper's ankle a few more times before concluding.
"Ok, so the good news is she didn't break, dislocate or fracture anything," the Nurse said to Jess.
"Oh, thank god," Jess said relieved
"The bad news is she has all the symptoms of a sprained ankle" the nurse explained
Jess just sighed
"We can wrap her ankle for now, but I highly suggest going to see her doctor for more information," the nurse said to Jess.
"Ok," Jess said
"I'll be right back," the nurse said, leaving the room to go get the wrap.
Harper sighed.
"I'm sorry this happened to you, baby," Jess said as she hugged Harper tightly stroking her hair.
"It's ok," Harper said quietly mumbling into her mom's shoulders.
Jess then pulled away when her phone began to ring. It was Sarah.
"One-sec babe," Jess said to Harper, answering the call and waking outside the open room
Harper nodded, she waited a while before her dance team came in
A smile grew on her face.
"Hey Harper," Heritage said as she and the team came closer to Harper.
Harper didn't say anything but, stretch her arms out wide
All the dance team hugged her tightly. They loved each other so much, and would always hate to see a dancer down. All 14 of the dancers were so close. They practically grew up with each other.
They eventually all pulled away.
"We can't stay long because our group dance is coming up, we just wanted to say hi," Matt said
"Wait, is your ankle broken?" Emmet questioned
"No, but they think it's sprained," Harper said looking at her ankle.
"How long can you not dance?" Saylor asked
"Oh, I don't know," Harper said unsure
Coach Lotus then stood in front of the open nurse's office door.
"C'mon guys, let's go," Coach Lotus said gesturing for the dance team to follow him
The team and Harper group hugged one more time.
"We love you Harps," Matt said as they hugged
" I love you guys, more," Harper said pulling away
"Bye," They all said leaving the room.
"Bye," Harper said back
"Hey Harper," Heritage said as she and the team came closer to Harper.
Harper didn't say anything but stretched her arms out wide.
Jess answered the call.
Sarah: Hey, what's going on?
Jess: *sigh* Harper sprained her ankle.
Sarah: Oh my god!
Jess: Yeah, were waiting on the nurse to come back and wrap her foot
Sarah: Is she staying for the awards? (The Campbells and Topher were standing outside the auditorium, thinking Harper was gonna leave after her fall)
Jess: Um, I'd like her to
Sarah: Ok, is it fine if Griffin stops by to see Harper, he's really worried about her (Sarah asked as she watched her son's anxiety for his best friend (crush))
Jess: *chuckle* Yeah, of course
Sarah: Ok, well see you at the awards?
Jess: At awards!
Sarah: Kay, Bye
Jess: Bye
Call ended
" I love you guys, more," Harper said pulling away
"Bye," they all said leaving the room.
"Bye," Harper said back
Jess watched as Harper got comforted by her dance team, she knew how much they meant to her.
Jess walked back over to her daughter, standing somewhat in front of her
"Griffins coming to see you," Jess said taking her daughter's hands
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net