CHPT. 25 Windblume's start

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Noir stood by the windwail highland a bright grin on his face, reveling at the sight of Monstadt. The cool and calming air of Monstadt, spring has finally come. It was finally time for the windblume festival.

"GASPβ€” Aether, Noir! Look at the statue!" Paimon pointed to the decorated statue of the seven, several flowers only seen in Monstadt at the bottom of the statue. It was wonderful, a beautiful commemoration of the Windblume festival.

"Hey~ Why is the statue decorated like that?" Paimon asked, floating up the statue to observe if there were any more decorations on it.

Noir chuckled, "It's for the Windblume Festival. Monstadt often decorates the statues in commemoration to the Anemo Archon during annual Festivals like this." He explained, gesturing to the city of Mond. If you look closer, you could see the several dandelions flying high up in the air over mond.

"Amazing... Let's get back to the city, quickly." Aether exclaimed, grabbing Noir by the wrist and dashing towards the city walls.

"H-Hey! Wait for Paimon!"


As they entered Monstadt, the two outlanders loudly gasped at the decorations. Flowers and banners were everywhere, along with a teal carpet sprawled on the stairs. The atmosphere was festive, much more carefree than Monstadt's usual 'carefree' nature.

"Oh, my Archon! Paimon thinks everywhere is amazing! Aether let's go check out Good hunter to see if Sara needs help!" Paimon's eyes were shimmering, drool dripping from her mouth.

"You just want to get some food!" He exclaimed as the little pixie dragged him off without further hesitation. Aether loudly protested, but Noir simply waved him off.

The disguised Archon was left alone, as he exhaled a sigh. His hands were in his pockets as he stared back at the decorations of the festival.

"What is a prince compared to a god."

He remembered, chuckling lightly to himself. Windblume alone was not simply just a commemorative Festival, but it was a day of hearts to the people. To spend time with those you cherish and be with the person you love.

It was what Windblume was also known for.

"Now... where can I find my dear familiar?" He murmured, wandering around the city until he found himself at the front of the tavern. Sweat rolled off his forehead, immediately regretting his awful habit.

He wasn't an alcoholic, he simply... He would unconsciously approach someone from a certain family. Knowing that this person was now the last of his clan and a former 'student' of his.

'Wait... Could Barbatos be here?' He asked himself before his eyes flashed gold for a moment.

"Nevermind... At least he's putting effort during the festival... Albeit to get some mora for wine."

Without further ado, he entered the tavern to be greeted by someone's back. His bright crimson hair was tied back into a ponytail, as the subtle glow of a vision appeared by his thigh. Noir couldn't help but smile to himself.

"Oh. It's you again."

Noir gave him a crooked smile, "It's nice to properly meet you this time Master Diluc. I'm the Reisender, Noir." He chuckled, taking a seat by the counter.

"A glass of Apple cider please." He asked, trying to calm the excited wolf within his shadow. If the familiar continued and attempted to jump out, he would mercilessly stomp on his own shadow.

"Reisender huh. That friend Nyx of yours arrived two days ago. If you're looking for her, she may be up the cathedral." Diluc explained, sliding the cider to his new customer.

Noir choked on his cider, hitting his chest as he continued to cough. Diluc blinked in surprise, handing the young man a glass of water.

"Do you find it odd?" Diluc asked, taking back the glass Noir shoved back.

"Y-Yes. Someone like her doesn't go to church." He coughed, wiping the saliva from his lips.

Diluc let out a small chuckle, "She's only there because of Sister Rosaria." He assured, making Noir chuckle under his breath.

It was unpredicted that his familiar somehow became friends with a sister of church Favonius. A church dedicated to the god she constantly bickered with.

"Seems like entering a tavern was actually useful."

Diluc raised a brow, remembering how much this fellow had drunk during his last visit with the Cavalry Captain. Notorious Kaeya Alberich was on the brink of getting drunk while this man in front of him looked unfazed.

It was peculiar but he knew nothing of the man in front of him.

"Is that so? It's not her alone, our bard seems to be rather obsessed with you. Why is that?"

Diluc commented, narrowing his eyes at the traveler. To have the great God of freedom obsessing over him, was almost unthinkable.

Noir chuckled coldly, raising his glass to his lips. His silver gaze met with Diluc's Vermillion optics, an intense stare-off commencing.

"Who knows. Maybe, Venti just... Sees me as a good friend."

Even now, the Archon had begun to pretend the man was someone else.


Nyx played with her dagger as Rosaria puffed out smoke from her cigarette. They were hidden on top of a windmill, avoiding people as much as they could. Windblume made the citizens more lively, making it a nuisance to both of them.

"I still dislike these... Joyous Festivals." Nyx murmured, tossing the dagger without a care in the world.

Rosaria wondered what would happen if it fell and impaled a person's head, but she was sure that Nyx wouldn't make that mistake.

"It is inevitable. For the Anemo Archon Barsibato, they say... Or is it Bartobas?" Rosario scoffed, smirking as she heard Nyx cackle in delight. Unlike others, Nyx would openly laugh at the smallest insult to the Anemo Archon, peculiar to many.

The dark-haired lady sighed, "My companion should have arrived by now." A pout formed over her lips, impatiently swinging her leg as she hoped to feel her master's presence. Alas, Astaroth's ability to hide was able to keep him hidden from her as well.

The silence covered them, only the sounds of chatter and the winds blow were heard by the pair. Was it always this quiet between them?

"I see you made a new friend."

Out of instinct, Nyx threw the dagger to the perpetrator. To her surprise, it was none other than her companion who caught that deadly blade. The dagger rest between his fingers, playing with it as if it was merely a dull blade.

Rosario narrowed her eyes at the white-haired boy, before noticing who he was. Nyx's companion, the infamous Noir. Truly, in her opinion, the man was too elusive for her taste, but he carried a dangerous and intense presence. Even she thought not to cross with him.

"And here I thought I was updating get a... Warmer welcome"

Noir sarcastically commented, rolling his eyes as he threw the blade back to Nyx.

Rosaria was impressed with his precision and skill, taking note of it in her mind.

"Your back! Maβ€” Noir." Nyx coughed into her palm, slightly embarrassed to make such a trivial mistake.

"Miss Rosaria, I must trouble you by taking back my companion here. I must find an... insufferable friend of mine."

His words were playful, but Nyx took them seriously. She bid her new friend farewell, as the two of them fell back into the shadows.

Left alone, Rosaria continued to smoke her cigarette, but her mind lingered with the mysterious pair. They suddenly appeared out of nowhere yet, so many have taken an interest in them. Her included.

"I hate festivals."


The lights melodies created from poems filled the cathedral's plaza, obscuring the silence the pair oh so enjoyed.

From afar, they looked like siblings, but it was far from that. Family yes, but not siblings.

"How will we ever find that ratβ€” never mind. He's in the middle of those festivities." Nyx glowered, pointing to the center of the plaza.

Neither found it difficult to slip into the crowd and sneak up behind the busy bard. Nyx found extreme joy in dragging Venti away from his followers and dragging him out in the open.

"Heyβ€” Ow! What'd you do that for?!" Venti yelled as he rubbed his neck.

"What is with you two and not welcoming me properly," Noir whispered, pouting silently to himself.

"Huh? Noir! You're finally here!!" Venti exclaimed, launching himself for a tight hug. Noir thankfully was able to catch him with ease.

The bard was so happy, yet his eyes began to linger on the girl he had seen not so long ago. Assumptions and worry began to bubble up in him, inappropriate thoughts swirling in his mental storm.

"Who's this? And why does she look like you!?" Venti plopped himself away from Noir, pointing an accusing finger to the 'unknown' lady.

Immediately did Nyx feel offended and resisted the urge to hiss angrily at the bard. Who wouldn't be, if the person you disliked accused you of something without your knowledge?

Noir stood there silently, not knowing how to softly break the news to the bard. he looked in between Nyx and Venti, sighing tiredly to himself. He thought,

'Maybe I shouldn't have left Paimon and Aether.'

Shaking his head, he finally decided to introduce the young lady to his friend.

"Venti, this is... Nyx."

Blunt and simple yet it brought a strong impact.

Venti stood there, frozen and stunned at the information he was given. He was trying to process what Noir had said, yet his expression of shock and disbelief remained even after he processed it. A few minutes had passed and Nyx was left smirking at the bard.

"You're... YOU'RE NYX!?!?!"

Nyx scoffed, "As usual, he's a dimwit. Are you actually unable to feel aura or determine one's presence at all?" She asked, silently judging him as she narrowed her eyes dangerously.

Venti was just sputtering out his words, staring at her in surprise. "I thought....I thought you'd be taller. Guess not." Venti snickered, boldly mocking Nyx as per usual.

The satisfaction in his face once he saw the familiar's flared expression, clearly outraged.

"Say's the idiot with only a 160 cm worth of height!" Nyx argued, earning herself an offended gasp from the bard.

Noir was just by the side, looking dead inside. He was used to their bickering and found a bit of normalcy when they began once more, but he would be lying if he wasn't extremely annoyed by their constant arguing. Like two children fighting over candy.

"Be thankful you have not died yet!"

"As if I could be killed."

Venti smirked, mocking the snake as she stopped herself from stabbing the bard in front of her. Noir sighed, pulling the bard by his collar, causing the poor archon to choke.

Sometimes he wished he stayed in Liyue and indulged in the momentary peace the nation offered him. But alas, Monstadt had a certain atmosphere he could not easily resist. Along with something special for him...


He sighed, looking down at the entrance of Monstadt. A sense of longing inside of him, as if waiting for someone to walk by those gates. But no one he knew ever did.

'Outlanders from beyond. My precious princess, my old friend, and my dear sister. May our paths cross once more.'

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