CHPT. 24 Thorny Benevolence?

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Klee dragged Nyx into Monstadt and right to the Favonius headquarters. People found it odd, but the amusing smile Nyx had on and the delight in Klee's expression made some giggle at the scene.

"spark knight Klee, reporting for duty!!" She yelled, slamming the door open as she grinned brightly at the compatriots of the room. Jean, the acting grandmaster, blinked in surprise at Klee's sudden appearance. However, she stiffened once she noticed the young lady who was dragged into her office.

"Klee... who is this?" jean hesitantly asked, gesturing to the woman with their spark knight. The dark-haired woman was fixing her attire and adjusting her hair, giving a smile to the acting grandmaster.

"This lady fixed my hat after I burned it! Her name's Nyx! Don't you think she's really pretty?" Klee smiled brightly, pointing at Nyx with childish glee. It was clear that Klee was fond of her.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion acting grandmaster, I'm Nyx. I'm a Reisender that recently arrived in Monstadt." Nyx smiled, blatantly lying with the skill that would make Astaroth proud. She gave Jean a friendly smile, not showing a hint of hostility.

"Oh! Another Reisender...?" She whispered, before turning to Nyx with a welcoming smile. "Welcome to Monstadt, the city of Dandelions. I hope you have an amazing stay, Miss Nyx." She greeted, though tilted her head curiously. She wondered how the second Reisender met their troublesome yet loveable spark knight.

Nyx caught her curiously, "You must be wondering how I met with this little one. She... Uhm... bombed a hilichurl camp in the Wolvendom." cold sweat rolled off her forehead, genuinely surprised by the child's firepower.

Jean sighed tiredly, looking at Klee with a scolding gaze. The little spark knight shyly fiddled with the back of her dress, avoiding eye contact with the acting grandmaster. With an adorable pout across her face, she looked to Nyx for help. The dark-haired young lady smiled,

"Although, I find myself thankful for that. I had noticed them slowly approaching the city for some odd reason." Nyx placed her hand on her cheek, worry washing over her expression. It was a blatant lie, extremely believable of course.

Astaroth was a good and bad influence at the same time after all.

Jean let out a solemn gasp, muttering something that normal people could not discern, however, Nyx was able to hear it perfectly. She clicked her tongue, finding something to report to her master once more. Being in dragonspine for more than a week, her senses kept flaring within the lands covered in snow and the dark presence of a once corrupted being. She found it truly pitiful.

"Oh, I see then. However, Klee, please be more careful and report these kinds of things to me..." Jean started scolding the little knight in red, who lowered her head in 'shame'. After finishing her lecturing towards their explosive Knight, Jean turned towards Nyx who silently observed her office.

'As expected, there are still remnants of Vanessa here.' The supposed 'Reisender' smiled softly, remembering the courageous and amazing Lionfang knight. She would be lying to herself if she said that she never admired Vanessa. Truthfully, she was impressed by the mortal woman that endured Barbatos's irritating presence.

"Well then acting grandmaster, I must take my leave now!" Nyx excused herself, offering a friendly smile.

"Bye-Bye Nyx! Can't wait to see you next time!"


Nyx was... not at all happy to stay in monstadt. She hated the smell of alcohol and Mond had several drunkards roaming around. Her simple reason as to why she hated the scent was because she was constantly reminded of Barbatos. Even his statue made her feel irritated.

By no means did she hate the god of freedom, but both didn't get along too well. Constantly fighting and bickering with each other as expected.

Walking the streets of Mond, Nyx was well aware that she did not walk without eyes following her. Especially someone whose presence was nearly non-existent to normal people. She smirked, her silver eyes glowing a venomous purple as a shadow of a snake crept under the feet of Monstadt's citizens, it was until it found a human that carried that hidden presence.

Nyx sighed, 'A sister of the Favonius church... the one that has no such piety to barbatos. How nice.'

Taking a sharp turn into a dark and secluded alley, Nyx sank into the shadow of the walls, waiting for the culprit to show herself.

The woman halted on her tracks, feeling an ominous aura within the alley, however, she proceeded instead of retreating. She couldn't believe her eyes once she saw that no one was there instead of herself, cursing under her breath.

That is.... until a blade was pressed against her throat.

"now why is A nun from church Favonius following me?"

Nyx whispered into her ear, finally recognizing the woman from her characteristics. Sister Rosaria, a nun who discards her duties of the church and would much prefer to slack off and investigate rather than attend choir. Nyx who stood a head shorter had floated up the ground slightly just to place the dagger up to the woman's throat.

Seeing that Rosaria chose to keep quiet, she pressed the blade further before a burst of Ice and snow made her jump back. Cursing under her breath, Nyx found herself raising a brow at the nun armed with a polearm.

Rosaria glared at her, ready to summon ice at the tip of her blade, however, Nyx was someone who could easily counter her. Defeat her.

"You... Who the hell are you? Depending on your answer I can arrest you on the spot." Ice began to coat Rosaria's spear, but Nyx looked unfazed. She mockingly yawned, looking at Rosaria with a blank stare.

"Monstadt truly is peculiar. Even the nuns can arrest people." She chuckled, placing a hand on her hip. "However, you have no right to question me on my identity. But~ I'll entertain you." Rosaria glared at her, retracting her spear, though it was ready for battle.

"I am a Reisender. With how you act, I suppose you have heard of my companion Noir coming to Mond." Nyx explained, beginning to feel uninterested in the conversation.

Rosaria took some time to think until the name 'Noir' came to mind. A rumored traveler who had a rather peculiar vision. What she heard was that he could control shadows, the long-forgotten element Sceo.

"I merely arrived in Monstadt after conducting some business in Dragonspine, but... It seems my companion has yet to arrive from Liyue. Is it wrong for me to patiently wait for him?" Nyx smirked, twisting the truth for Mortal understanding. No one, other than her master and herself, knew of the dimensional rifts all over teyvat, and they would rather keep it that way.

Rosaria's instinct told her that this woman did not tell the whole truth, however, she conducted a flawless and understandable excuse that she could not speak against. Seeing that Nyx had left the Favonius headquarters, it was expected that Jean had already spoken to her.

Still... Nyx's arrival unnerved her. Noir had been seen with a snake following him around from time to time, but that serpent had been absent for a long while now. She would have to investigate Noir first before she could even try to pry on Nyx. The problem was that the Reisender Noir's personal information was extremely hidden that even Ordo Favonius's Cavalry captain could not find anything. It was the biggest obstacle she had now that Nyx suddenly arrived.

If information about her companion was already difficultโ€” correction, impossible to obtain, Nyx's information would surely be protected by Noir himself. Now it was difficult to discern whether they are to be allies or foes to any of the nations. Sumeru on the other hand seems to have a good relation with them. Since Noir introduced himself to be a reisender from Sumeru.

Next was the rumors of him being a snezhnayan whose family kept traveling and never had a permanent home.

"Alright! I get it... But- If you pose a threat to Monstadt-"

"highly unexpected. Noir wouldn't dream of harming Monstadt, what reason do I have?" Nyx interjected, growing tired of the woman's constant doubting.

"Okay! How about we go get a drink and clear the misunderstandings?"

Rosaria, bewildered by the suggestion, was somehow giggling at Nyx's demeanor. The woman, at first glance, looked to be cold and aloof, however, she uncovered a small bit of her personality.

Nyx gave her a smile, her silver eyes glowing for a small moment. Rosaria was left in a daze, her senses tingling as an unknown scent entered her nose. Her thoughts became blurry, her once cautious self towards Nyx quickly vanishing.

"Hah~ You know what? Screw this. I need a drink."

The manipulation Nyx had, truly a snake. But there was another reason why Rosaria agreed to such a thing.

The sister has already found her attractive, amplifying the effects.


Venti sighed to himself, awfully desperate to see his dear Schatten. He didn't dare visit Liyue, or he would have to encounter an overly smug Morax, now known as Zhongli. He refused to acknowledge that Noir chose that rich-looking broke man over him.

"Oi... I expect you to pay this time around." Diluc spat, glaring at the Bard. He noticed that the bard was more miserable, even though the windblume festival was nearing. He would often come into the tavern and drink more than usual. It was worrying and unnerving to the tavern's patron.

"2 glasses of dandelion wine." An unfamiliar voice reached their ears, causing them to raise their heads and turn their gaze to the two women that just entered the tavern. One was a usual customer, while the other was a new person to enter.

Venti, however, choked on his wine once he saw the dark-haired lady. She had a striking resemblance to his precious Astaroth, with her obsidian hair that cascades down to her waist, and shining silver eyes. To her pale skin and a very similar pseudo smile, it seems like they were siblings.

'Wait... Astaroth never mentioned any younger sibling of some sort, and he claimed to only have a single sister that was currently absent... so does this mean..'

Venti quickly paled, a sense of fear blooming in his heart. He began to worry about his outrageous thoughts.

' Astaroth even Virgin?! Is this girl his descendant or- or daughter?!' He felt like he was about to faint, not even caring to listen to the conversation between the three.

"I... wasn't aware that... you had a friend." Diluc scoffed, however, he faltered once he saw Nyx.

Black hair paired with silver eyes, made him shiver with that. The only thing those characteristics lead was him thinking of someone he found dear many years ago.

"Hello there, Master Ragnvindr. I'm Nyx, the Reisender Noir's companion." She introduced herself, glancing at the frantic and confused Venti who paid no mind to them. She couldn't help but smirk at his crisis. How foolish of him to not even listen to her.

'yes... suffer from your ignorance barbatos. Make sure to humiliate yourself in front of my master.'

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