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We're sitting around the campfire bored as death, I'm watching Sadie crying on the docks while Bridgette is holding her.
"Katie would want you to keep going." Bridgette says encouragingly but Sadie still keeps crying, Bridgette sighs.
"Come on. Let's go back and join the others." She grunts as she tried to help Sadie stand up, I get bored and look over at Duncan, he sees me staring.
"What do you want, Marsh?" He asks me annoyed.
"Jeez, I don't know? just forget it!" I say and look to opposite way towards the cabins.
"No, no, no! What was it!" I tries to redeem himself, I chuckle.
"I was gonna see if you wanted to pierce my nose as we've got nothing better to do," Duncan drops his jaw.
"You'd let me do that?" He asks, I nod.
"Yeah! Your's look reasonably good, and I remember you saying it would look nice." I say as he pulls a needle in a sterile packet out of no where.
"Woah! You just had that needle on you?" Geoff asks confused.
"Yeah, you guys don't know how long I've been waiting for this day!" Duncan excitedly says.
"So you just- you know what I'm not even gonna ask," DJ says, Duncan looks at me.
"Are you sure you want me to do this?" I nod to him and he smiles. "Okay, lay down," He says, I look around me.
"Where?" I ask.
"Uh- I don't know, lay on my lap?" I shrug and spin so I'm half on the log and half on Duncan's lap, he's surprisingly comfy.
"Okay- should I be scared?" I ask him concerned.
"Nah- your makeup might run but that's about it." I stare him in the eyes.
"I'm not wearing makeup," I say to him. "It's 9pm who do you think I am?" I say as Bridgette and Sadie walk back over, Sadie's makeup is running all down her face, well maybe she's wearing makeup.
"It was a long goodbye." Bridgette says to me. "What are you guys doing?" She asks as her and Sadie sit down.
"He's piercing Morgan's nose," Harold says calmly.
"Really? Never deemed you as the piercing type," I shrug to her and Duncan puts his hand over my mouth.
"Stop talking," he says.
"Oka-" I got to try and talk.
"I said stop." He says again and pokes the needle through the packaging and brings it towards my face.
"Ew- I can't watch." Courtney says and covers her eyes as does DJ and Tyler, Courtney splits her fingers to slyly watch.
Duncan presses the needle onto my nose.
"Ready?" he asks.
"Mhm!" I sound.
He sticks the needle through my nose and out the other side, a tear rolls down my face, not because it hurt, it just made my eyes water.
"Aw shoot! Don't have any jewellery on me, I'll be back, needle nose!" He chuckles and runs away to the cabins.
I sit up with a needle through my nose, everyone laughs at me.
"Hey! At least I had the guts to do it," I sigh at them all.
"We're joking, I bet it'll really suit you." Bridgette says to me.
"Thanks," I say as Duncan comes back.
"Got em, any colour?" He asks me as he sits down next to me.
"You got black?" I ask, he scoffs.
"Of course I got black!" He says.
He puts the jewellery on the end of the needle and pushes it through.
"There! The Needle Nosed Princess has her very own Duncan made piercing!" He chuckles.
"Thanks!" I say and hug him. "My parents will probably see this," I whisper in his ear, he pushes me away.
"Wait are they like- anti-piercing?" I laugh at him.
"No it's fine! I don't even live with my parents!" Duncan pulls a confused face.
"Why?" He asks me.
"Uh- that's a story for another day," I say as the Gophers walk over to us with a plate of green jelly.
"What do you guys want? Come by to rub it in?" Courtney yells at them jealously.
"We got you some extra dessert after out tuck shop party. Thought you might want some." Trent say politely.
"So what? You're just being- Nice?" Courtney asks them.
"Okay. Owen stank up our cabin and we need some time to air out." Gwen says annoyed at him, Owen farts, I sigh and go to hold my nose and Duncan grabs my hand and puts it back on my lap.
"Eww. Dude." Trent says and walks over with the green jelly.
"No!" Courtney yells at the jelly and leans back. "I mean, no thanks. I'm good." She sits back up.
"What, are you on a diet or something?" Duncan asks her.
"No! I just don't like green jelly, okay?" Courtney says and folds her arms, Trent walks over to DJ with the jelly.
"Snake!" DJ knocks the jelly on the floor with a splat.
"Chill, dude. It's just a gummy worm." Cody says laughing.
"Sorry for trippin'. Snakes just freak me out." DJ apologises.
"I feel you. Chickens give me the creeps, dude." Tyler pulls up beside him.
"You're afraid of chickens?!" Gwen asks him confused, Duncan chuckles.
"Wow, that's... That's really lame, man." Duncan says to him, I huff at him.
"Eh! This is nice, we're sharing our thoughts, guys sit down!" I signal to them.
"Oh, no- it's really okay!" Heather says to me and goes to walk off as Leshawna grabs her arm.
"Nuh-Uh- I'm not passing up an opportunity to sit and chat with my girl Morgan!" Leshawna comes and sits next to me.
"Me neither," Gwen walks on over and sits on the other side of me.
"Since when did you have your nose pierced, girl?" Leshawna asks me.
"About 2 minutes ago," I answer back
"Okay enough standing around, let's talk, we're doing this!" Gwen says loudly.
Everyone sits down - even if they're not on a log - and we discuss our worst fears.
"Well I'm terrified of being covered in bugs!" Beth says.
She goes on for about 5 minutes.
"Okay- we get it, Uh- Harold?" I ask him.
"I don't like Ninjas, I don't know why, they just freak me out," He says.
"Alright, short and sweet, Uh- Heather?" I ask her.
"Pff! I'm not sca-" I raise my eyebrows at her. "Actually I am afraid of Sumo Wrestlers, but - don't judge okay, they're scary!" I nod to her.
"I'm not gonna judge you!" I say to her.
"Yeah right, what your fear then?" She asks me.
"Clowns." I say straight out.
"Fair enough," Heather answers.
"Gwen, what about you?" I ask her genuinely wondering what a girl like her is scared of.
"What's my worst fear? I guess being buried alive." Gwen answers.
"Walking through a minefield. In heels." Lindsay answers.
"Flying, man. That's some crazy stuff." Owen answers.
"Hah. I would never go up in a plane. Never!" Izzy reply's to him.
"I'm scared of hail. It's small but deadly, dude." Geoff answers.
"Being left alone in the woods." Bridgette answers.
"Bad haircuts." She answers sniffling.
"Oh, okay. I change mine! That's so much scarier than a minefield!" Lindsay shudders.
"The Codemeister?" Cody thinks for a while.
"Having to diffuse a time bomb under pressure." He says.
"Court?" I ask her.
"I'm not really afraid of anything." She says confidently, Duncan coughs.
"Bologna." He says during the cough.
"Oh, really. Well, what exactly is your phobia, Mr. Know-it-all?" We all turn to him.
"Yeah!" I say smiling at him, Duncan groans.
"C-Celine Dion music store standees." He says quickly.
"You what?" I asks laughing.
"Haha, ex-squeeze me? I didn't quite get that." Cody teases.
"Dude, did you say Celine Dion music store standees?" Trent asks confused.
"Ooh, I love Celine Dion!" Lindsay says happily and then her face drops. "What's a standee?" She asks.
"You know... That cardboard cutout thing that stands in the music store." Trent reply's, Lindsay nods.
"Don't... Say it, dude!" Duncan mumbles.
"Kinda like a life-sized, but flat Celine." Trent says.
"So if we had a cardboard standee right now..." Courtney laughs and gets cut off.
"Shut up! What about you guys?" Duncan asks and looks at Trent.
"Okay, well, I hate mimes. Like, a lot. Similar to Morgan's hate for clowns." Trent looks at Courtney. .All right, Courtney, youre afraid of something. Spit it out." He spits.
"Nope. Nothing." Courtney says folding her arms, Duncan snortles.
"That's not what she said last night." Duncan says nudging me.
"Duncan, did you ever consider that maybe I was just humoring you and your stupid story?" Courtney answers annoyed.
"Sure, sure, princess. Whatever floats your boat." Duncan leans back.
"Shut up!" Courtney yells as I yawn.
"Alright, I'm tired, I'm going to bed," I say and stand up. "Also I'm tired of the arguing going on here." I point at Courtney and Duncan.
"Morgan's right, we should probably all head to bed," Trent says standing up.
"Thank you!" I say to Trent. "Come on guys, let's go, I don't want you waking me up." Everyone stands up and we head back to the cabin.
We're all sitting in the dining hall eating Chef's gruel stuff.
"Is this show even legal?" I ask Duncan who is sat next to me, he looks over.
"Well we signed up for it so I guess," He says and scoops a spoonful of gloop and drops it back down. "But this food, I'm not to sure about." He says to me. "Also how's your nose?" He asks.
"I don't know, what's it supposed to feel like?" I question him as he holds my face in both of his hands and looks at it.
"Does it hurt?" He asks me, I shake my head.
"Good, that's all I needed to ask, I don't know what I should be looking for," He says and I pull a confused face.
"Well what were you looking at for the past minute then?" I ask confused.
"Your beautiful face of course." He says smugly and I blush.
"Hey! Quit it, you know me and Chris have a thing," I say still blushing and I put my head in my hands as I hear Chris.
"Campers, your next challenge is a little game I like to call... Phobia Factor! Prepare to face... Your worst fears!" Chris says smiling from ear to ear.
"Worse than this?" Leshawna points to her 'food'.
"We're... In trouble." Gwen mumbles from the other side of the room.
"Now for our first victims, Heather! Meet us all in the theater! It's... Sumo time!" Chris says as I turn to face Heather.
She spits out her juice onto the table as Beth, Cody, and Lindsay gasp.
"Gwen. You, me, Morgan, the beach. A few tons of sand." Chris says grinning, Gwen gasps.
"Chris, what the fuck!" I say to him.
"Wait, how did they know those were your worst fears?" Lindsay says from behind me.
"Ugh. Because we told them." Gwen say to her like captain obvious.
"At the campfire last night." Trent says to her.
"Wait. They were listening to us?" Lindsay says in shock.
"It's a reality show, Einstein. They're always listening to us." Gwen says emotionless.
"That's like... Eavesdropping!" Lindsay says looking directly at Chris.
"Chef Hatchet! Didn't you have an order for Tyler here today?" Chris yells into the kitchen.
I can hear a fryer sizzling from behind the scenes as Chef smirks while preparing the fried chicken.
Chef hands the chicken to Tyler.
Tyler chomps the crust of the chicken as a chicken appears out of the fried crust and clucks, Tyler screams
Everyone is standing around a pool full of worms, DJ pukes right next to me and I walk over to Chris in disgust.
Beth shrugs and squishes herself into a pool of bugs, Cody, Gwen, Heather, Leshawna, Lindsay, and Owen cheer for her
"And Beth sets the bar way up there!" Chris points into the blue sky.
Me, Chris, Lindsay and Sadie are now in the dinner hall.
Me and Chris are holding really bad wigs in our hands and are about to place them on the girls heads as Owen appears and puts them on his head.
"Owen! We those!" I say snatching then back from him head.
I give one to Chris and we look at each other, I mouth 3, 2, 1 and we place the wigs on their head, they both look at each other sadly.
"Ah!" Owen yells witnessing the sight of a plane.
The door on the plane squeaks as Chef opens it, dressed like a flight attendant, Izzy and Owen gasp
A few minutes later they're in the plane screaming.
We sent a few ninjas to find Harold so I don't know what's going on there, I turn to Chris.
"I'm guessing this was your idea?" I ask.
"Yep, good wasn't it!" He answers.
"For you maybe but I've got to do the challenge too," I say shivering.
"Oh yeah! Well let's go find Leshawna." Chris says as she runs in front of us away from chef in a spider costume.
"Found her." I say sarcastically pointing at her.
"Yes- Yes you did." He grabs my hand. "Wanna watch Heather suffer?" He asks me.
"Ha- Yeah!" I say happily.
"Alright beautiful, lets go!" He say pointing to the theatre place.
I'm pretty sure at this point my face was bright red but I didn't care.
Me and Chris are standing at the side of the stage - he has his arm around my shoulder.
Heather is shivering on the edge of the stage, on the other side is a sumo wrestler.
"Heather stepped up to the plate, scoring the Gophers their second point on the board." Chris says as the Sumo Wrestler screams and grunts as he runs towards Heather, who stays crunched like a ball making him trip on her and roll of the stage.
I hear screaming in the sky and look up and see the plane, I laugh.
"What're you laughing at?" He asks and I point up to the sky, he starts laughing too.
Bridgette has just started her 6 hours in the forest alone and now we're on the beach with Gwen who's in a box ready to be buried in the sand, me and Trent are kneeling next to her in the hole.
"There's enough air for an hour. You only need to do five minutes." Trent says encouragingly.
"As long as we decide to dig you up." Chris jokes and we all look at him.
"Not funny, Chris." Gwen yells.
"Sheesh, take a pill." Chris says like a child.
"No, Gwen don't worry we will dig you up." I say to Gwen
"Okay," she reply's relived.
"Me and Morgan will be listening the whole time. Just yell for us if you panic and we'll dig you right up." Trent says and shuts the flap on the clear coffin thing.
"Goodbye, cruel world!" Gwen says and we stand burying her.
As soon as we finish burying her everyone walks off to do another task.
"You okay here with Trent and Gwen?" Chris asks me.
"Yeah!" Chris give me a quick kiss on the lips.
"Don't die," He says walking away.
"Wait what!" I say back and he doesn't answer.
I turn to face Trent who is looking shocked.
"I knew you two were friendly but I didn't know you were that friendly!" He says shocked as Gwen connects to the walkie-talkie.
"Wait what happened?" She asks.
"Morgan and Chris kissed." He answers smiling.
"Really?" She asks. "Well Heather did tell the whole world so they don't really have to keep it a secret anymore."
I sigh and lay on the sand for a while.
"You still alive in there? Only three more minutes." Trent says.
"And then you'll dig me up, right?" Gwen asks scared through the walkie-talkie.
"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I promise." Trent answers as I sit up
"I need some kind of distraction! Tell me a story! Um, why do you hate mimes so much? And Morgan why do you hate clowns so much?" Gwen asks, me and Trent sighs.
"My mom took me to this carnival once when I was four so I could see the elephants. I was stoked!" Trent pauses.
"Yeah?!" Gwen demands.
"I was so busy watching them that I lost her for a minute. I called out, but when I turned, all I could see was the horrible white face with black lips pretending to be me! I screamed and tried to run, but every time I turned around, he was there, doing this creepy fake run and scream routine!"
"Morgan?" She asks as Trent hands me the walkie-talkie
"When I was ten or eleven my parents took me to this carnival themed theme park and I went In the mirror maze with my little sister who is 4 years younger than me, but she decided it was a good idea to leave but I was already at the exit so I had to go back in because my mum and dad would get so mad if I lost her, but little did I know there was clowns roaming around the mirror maze and I bumped into one on my way to find my sister and it wouldn't stop chasing me around the maze, I ran into a couple mirrors too."
"Did you even find her?" Trent asks.
"No, because she never went in the maze in the first pla-" I look up and see a mime and a clown "AGHHH!" Me and Trent scream and run away.
"Trent? Morgan?" I hear faintly on the walkie-talkie buried in the sand.
"Just talk to them brah, and ask them to go away!" Chris yells at us through megaphone.
"No!" I scream as we run towards the dock.
"Ah!" Trent yells and we both stop running and start panting as the mime does that wall thing and the clown squeezes his nose. "There's no wall there, man! Stop being creepy!"
"And I'm not squeezing your nose you freak!" We turn to face the water behind us on the dock and we look at each other and nod, we jump in and don't look behind up.
"Woohoo! Hahaha!" We yell.
"What's the matter, mime? Can't swim?" Trent say blubbering as the Mime and Clown inhales and prepares to jump in the water.
"Stop! Uh... Your makeup will run!" I say to them both, and they nod and leave.
"Take that you makeup-wearing freaks!" He yells at them and we get out of the water.
"We did it!" I grab Trent and hug him.
"Well, that was an experience to say the least... Trent's genuinely a nice guy!"
"We really did!" I let go and see Chris behind me sitting in a chair while clapping.
"Nicely played you two!" Chris turns around and shudders looking towards Geoff who's laying in a sun bed. "Unfortunately, I don't think things are going quite so smoothly for our buddy, Geoff."
Chris suddenly grabs this device out of no where and a cloud appears above Geoff, And it starts hailing on his head, Geoff screams
"Look! That cloud is following him! Aww, it's like his own baby cloud! I want one too! Here, cloudy cloud!" She calls the cloud over as Geoff screams while running in fear.
"Can you make the cloud go lower and pelt him harder?" Trent asks Chris.
"You are one sick dude." Chris says and gives him a high five. "But yeah." Chris pulls a lever and the cloud sinks down more, Geoff starts screaming even louder.
"Aw, that's awesome." I say sitting on the arm of Chris' chair.
"Hey, do you ever feel like you've forgotten something?" Trent asks us.
"Sometimes. I usually ignore it and the feeling goes away." Chris laughs at Geoff running. "Watch this. I'm gonna bury him in hail!" Me and Trent look at each other.
"Bury! Aw, crap! Gwen!" Trent grabs my arm and we run to get Gwen.
"Chris!" I yell
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