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We're all sitting around the camp fire, I'm sitting in between Duncan and Cody.
"Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills. I'm not gonna lie to you. Some of you may not come back alive." Beth and Owen gasp "Just joking!" Chris laughs "All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest. You just have to find it. Oh, and watch out for bears. Lost a couple of interns in pre-production. First team back for breakfast wins invincibility!" Chris blows his airhorn. "Well, off you go!" He pauses. "Oh and Morgan, you better be careful!" He winks at me and does the finger guns.
"Will do!" I do the same thing back.
"Hold on a damn second, Did he say there are bears up in here?" Leshawna says anxiously, I nod to her.
"I had a little encounter with a bear once. Let's just say his head looks real nice up on my mantle." Owen says and clutches his 'muscles'.
"Ooh! This one time, I saw a bear eating our garbage! He had old spaghetti noodles hanging from his big, huge teeth! It looked like blood and guts!" Lindsay groans at her. "It was so gross. And we thought he was eating the neighbor's cat Simba, but it turns out he was just lost for a week... Uh, you didn't eat spaghetti, did you?" Lindsay shakes her head. "Good, let's go!" Lindsay gulps and I shiver.
We're walking to find a camp to pitch our tents and make a fire
"So Are you and Chris actually dating?" Bridgette asks me.
"Well, I- How do you define that?" I ask confused.
"You don't know how to define dating?" Duncan scoffs and walks ahead.
"Yo Duncan! Why are you so mad at me?" I catch up to him.
"I just- didn't expect Chris... but it's fine, if you're happy I am too!" He nudges me, I nudge him back.
"Aw... how sweet..." I say disgusted and fake gag.
"I could imagine you two dating..." Geoff says quietly and we spin around in unison.
"You could?" Duncan says and look at me. "I mean... really dude!" He fake gags, Duncan jogs further to the front.
"He definitely likes you..." Harold says, I scoff.
"Well it's too late..." I inhale sharply.
"Are you mad at Heather for telling everyone?" DJ asks me.
"I mean... no not really, we had to tell everyone someday..." DJ nods at me.
We're at the campsite denting up camp, Harold is trying to make a fire and a Duncan is watching, Tyler's looking though our bags for no apparent reason, and Me, Courtney, Bridgette and Geoff are pitching the tent.
"Wow. You pitch a tent like a guy!" Geoff turns to Bridgette and says, we all just stare at him blankly. "I mean, you're not all girly about gettin' dirty and stuff." He tries time save it but it doesn't really work.
"Gee. Thanks." Bridgette answers unamused, suddenly Duncan walks up behind Courtney.
"What's for dinner, woman? I'm starving." He casually says, I stare him in the eyes.
"Woah, there!" I say quietly to myself.
"I hope you don't expect me to dignify that with a response." Courtney says rather annoyed.
"Hey guys, look what I found!" DJ says and pats a bunny on the head.
"Well, I've never had rabbit stew before, but what the heck? I'm game." Duncan says while Me, Him, Courtney and Harold walk over to DJ, DJ sighs
"This is my new pet! I'm callin' him Bunny!" DJ says happily to us.
"You couldn't find any food?" She sighs. "Then it looks like we're eating grubs and berries for dinner." She walks away to continue on the tent.
"Has anyone seen Tweedledumb and Tweedleidiot?" Duncan asks and looks around.
"Nope, and I'm already done tryna look for them." I say and lay down on the wet floor.
"What are you doing?" Duncan asks me confused "Get up!" He offers me his hand.
"Nah, I'm alright here..." I groan as Duncan also lays down next to me. "What are you doing?" I ask him.
"I'm doing a Mo!" He says and then we realise everyone's watching us, we look at each other and laugh. "Okay, I'm getting up, need a hand?" Duncan offers me his hand.
"Sure!" I grab his hand and stand up.
"Your backs muddy..." He says and walks away.
"So do you, idiot!" I shout.
"Shut up!" He shouts back jokily
An owl hoots as the fire cracks, Bridgette sighs.
"Be cool. It's just an owl." DJ comforts her.
"Sorry. I just get real freaked out in the forest." Shes says rubbing her legs.
"This reminds me of this really scary story I heard once." Duncan immediately says.
"Awesome. Tell it, man." Geoff says excitedly.
"Are you sure? Because the story I'm thinking of is pretty hardcore." Duncan says, I'm pretty sure it can't be that scary.
"Ooh, we're so scared." Courtney sarcastically says.
"All right. But don't say I didn't warn you. One night, a lot like this one..." He trials include about this man with a hook for a hand, it really wasn't that scary.
"So suddenly... They-they heard this tap-tap-tapping on the side of the car. The girl started to freak out, and by this time, even the guy was getting a bit scared. So he turned the car on and he stepped on it. When they got back to the girl's house, she opened the door and screamed! Because there, hanging from the door handle..." He turns sinister "Was the bloody hook. They say that this killer is still alive, wandering these very woods. He could be just about anywhere, really. Maybe even right here!" He pulls out a hook that he randomly had, Killer Bass screaming, I just jump at the screaming, Duncan laughs evilly.
"Did I not scare you Mo?" I shake my head at him.
"Okay, how about... this!" He shoves the hook in my face and I don't move an inch.
"Nope, but it was quite funny to see you all scared though" I laugh with Duncan.
"that was so not funny!" Courtney says to us
"Oh, yes it was! I just wish it was all on camera!" He drops the hook, "Uh, oh wait, it is!" He smiles at her
"You are so vile. Do your parents even like you?" Courtney questions him.
"I don't know, Jumpy McChicken. I haven't asked them lately." He says smugly.
A wolf howls and it scares Courtney, me and Duncan laugh at her
I'm laying in the tent with the others as Bridgette squirms.
"What's wrong? Gotta go pee?" DJ asks her sympathetically.
"Like crazy, but I'm too scared to leave the tent." Bridgette answers.
"Yeah, me too." DJ whispers, I sit up slowly.
"Speaking of which, so do I..." I say and accidentally scare them, they jump at me.
"Oh my god, Morgan, you scared us!" DJ complains.
"Aware, Anyways lets go." I say and we leave the tent.
We're walking to the toilets as bats screeches and scares Bridgette causing her to stumble backwards and flick fire at our tent.
Bridgette gasps as do I, Courtney, DJ, and Geoff start screaming in fear as the tent around them burns to a crisp.
"Great, now we have no tent." I sigh.
"And we have nowhere to sleep!" Courtney complains.
"Yo, drama queen. Relax, it's cool." He says putting his hand on her shoulder, she pushes it off.
"Cool? It's "cool"?! Things can not possibly get worse!" Courtney screams hurting my ears.
I feel a drop on my head then put my hand out to see if it was rain as it starts pouring it down, Courtney screams again in annoyance.
As soon as it started raining DJ held up a tree branch with leave to try and keep up dry but he couldn't do that all night so we went to sleep wet.
I'm laying on my back staring up at the sky, same as Harold except i'm awake, Tyler and DJ are leaning on each other while sitting up, Bridgette is laying on Geoff and Courtney is laying on Duncan.
Courtney sighs happily.
"Morning, sunshine." Suns an says to her smugly, Courtney gasps.
"Oh my gosh! Ew! You were cuddling me!" Courtney says disgusted.
"I was calmly lying on my back and trying to catch a few Z's. You were snuggling up to me." He says back to her.
He does have a point though, she was sprawled over him like a blanket.
"You are such an ogre." She says to him.
"Insult 101," I say quietly.
"I've been called worse." Duncan says smiling at her,
"Ugh!" Courtney moans and walks off,
"I've gotta say! They could be a perfect couple, she's annoying and Duncan is," I pause. "Also annoying."
We run back to the campfire and I wave at Chris as I make it back, Courtney gasps for breath.
"We're the first ones back!" She says happily as the Gophers make it.
"Oh no! They beat us here!" Heather says defeated, she turns into to Owen "This is all your fault!" She points.
"Uh uh uh uh. Not so fast, Gopherinos! It seems that the Killer Bass are missing a few fish." Chris says smiling.
"Oh, you mean Katie and Sadie? I'm pretty sure they got eaten by wolves last night." I nod at her.
"Statement accepted." I say to Courtney.
"Darn shame." Duncan then says as Katie and Sadie run to the campfire area panting.
"We made it!" Katie yells
"We're safe! Oh my gosh, guys! We got totally lost and then got in this massive fight!" I yawn at their conversation.
"And there was this huge bear, and he was all 'Rahhhh! You're in my crib, so get out!'." I then sigh and sit on a log behind me.
"And we had to run, and it was like, so scary!"
"Oh, Sadie, I'm so sorry I said I was prettier than you."
"And I'm so sorry I brought up the snack shack."
"And I'm sorry I said your butt was too big to fit in the bus seats."
"You did?"
"Um, well, not to your face."
"Oh, who cares? We're safe! And you're my best friend and I love you!"
"Oh, I love you too!" Courtney clears her throat.
"You two finished your little love-fest?" They nod. "Good. Because thanks to you, we just lost the challenge!" She screams.
Chris: All right, Killer Bass. One of your fishy butts is going home."
"Cheers," I mumble to myself.
"Gophers, you're going on an all-expense paid trip to... the Tuck Shop!" Chris says surprising excited for them.
The Screaming Gophers cheer and the while of the Killer Bass except Katie and Sadie gasp.
"You've all cast your votes The camper who does not recieve a marshmallow must immediately hit The Dock of Shame, grab the Boat of Losers, and get the heck outta here. And you can't come back. Ever. Now. I can see you're all tired, so tonight, I'll just throw them to you. Savvy?" I nod to him.
"Courtney. Duncan. Bridgette. Morgan. DJ. Harold. Geoff. Tyler. Ladies. This is the final marshmallow of the evening. The brace themselves "Sadie." He says.
"No! Why Katie? Why her?!" She says grasping her.
"It's so unfair!" Katie shouts
"I so can't do this! I've never been anywhere without Katie! We have to be together or I'll totally die!"
"Sadie, listen to me. You can do this. You are strong and beautiful, and like, maybe even smarter than me. And plus, you're like, the funnest girl I know. You have to do it for both of us!" Katie gets on the boat and starts sailing away.
"Sadie!" Katie starts crying "I miss you already!"
"Katie! I miss you more!"
"No, I miss you more!"
"No way! I totally miss you more!"
"I miss you infinitely more! Bye!"
I walk up to Chris after watching two equally annoying girls say their goodbyes.
"Did that make you wanna did too?" I say looking at him.
"Yep!" He says still smiling and puts his arm around my shoulder, he looks down at me. "How was it in the wild?" He asks me.
"Well, we accidentally set a tent on fire." I say as he laughs.
"You sent a tent on fire!" He says dying.
"Well, I didn't but I had a part in it." He sighs.
"Then why'd you tell me that?" He asks me confused.
"I don't know, to impress you?" I say going red.
"You don't need to impress me, you already have!" He says encouragingly.
"I jumped off a cliff," I say confused.
"And stayed awake for like, 4 days straight." He smiles at me.
"Fair enough." He goes to kiss my head but I redirect it to my lips, it was quick but he seemed rather confused.
"D-did you want that to happen?" I roll my eyes at him.
"Of course I did, dummy!" I say and kiss him again. "Anyway, I'm going back to my cabin, see you later Chris!" I smile and walk away towards the cabins.
I'm sitting outside on the porch with Courtney as Duncan walks out and stands in front of us, Courtney sees him and scoffs.
"What do you want now?" She asks him
"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I scared you." I make a confused face.
"I was not scared. It was completely circumstantial. And there is no such thing as a hook man." Courtney complains.
"Yeah, you're probably right. Or are you?!" He says and pulls out his hook, Courtney screams at him.
"Ugh! I hate you!" She yells, gets up and leave.
"She so doesn't hate me." He turns to me and says.
"She so does hate you" I reply.
Puts his hands behind his head forgetting he had a hook on his hand and manages to pierce his own neck with the hook.
"Ah!" He screams.
"Hehe, Karmas a bitch."
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