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เณƒโ€โžท STUDY SESSION.*เฉˆโœฉโ€งโ‚Šหš

Julie felt her eyes flutter open as she stirred awake in bed, groaning she turned to see the time on clock and realized she had slept in 30 minutes late.

She quickly hopped out of bed and got ready as quick as she could, racing dont the steps and grabbed a apple from the kitchen. "Well look whos awake" her mom teased as she rolled her eyes and bit into the crispy red apple.

"Bye mom bye dad" she quickly pecked her parents cheeks while running out the door. By her morning she could tell the day was going to be a mess.

She raced down the sidewalk that led to school and quickly walked into school while speed walking to her locker. Grabbing her books she felt a presence next to her, turning her head she let out a relieved sigh to see it was only Ponyboy.

"I thought you were playing hooky" he teased as she rolled her eyes, "i wish" she mumbled and grabbed her books. "I don't understand how i slept thirty minutes late, it makes no sense!" She exclaimed moving her hands around in a eccentric manner.

He let out a small laugh looking at her, "well your here atleast" he reasoned as she looked up to him with a raised eyebrow, "yeah well i dont want to be here" she groaned while slamming the metal locker door shut.

"Your pleasant today" he teased he she narrowed her eyes at him contemplating on what to say. "I know" she agreed with him and walked away from her locker. He followed behind her but kept quiet because he not about to get on her bad side today.

She stepped into first period already wanting to go home, she sat at her desk which was thankfully behind Rebecca so they could chat. "Hey julie" Rebecca greeted her as she looked up to her and yawned.

"Hey becca" she leaned back into the chair, "so how are you and ponyboy?" She questioned her while smiling. Juliettes face lit up as she smiled. "We're really good" she beamed a smile as Rebecca smiled a bit too, "im happy for you" Rebecca told her as Julie smiled at her and nodded.

"Enough about me, how are you and Jeff?" She asked as Rebecca blushed and started to talk about her blooming relationship.

School ended quickly just as quickly as it started which made her feel relieved, juliette strolled out of school and looked over to see a cluster of people and in the center was Ponyboy and Micheal.

Groaning she watched as Michael shoved Ponyboy and glared at the brunette boy, the Curtis boy stood there not doing anything about it nor defending himself. Walking closer she could make out the yelling.

"Shes not your girl! You cheated on her!" Ponyboy defended as her adrenaline kicked in, two boys fighting over her. One her ex, the other her boyfriend. "Yeah well, i treated her better than you i bet! Your just a dirty greaser!" Michael snickered as his gang of idiots laughed too.

"Look man i dont want to fight okay? I just wanna walk away from this" Ponyboy pleaded as her heart swelled. "Well you got yourself into this mess hood!" Michael shouted and punched his face.

Juliette stood there in frozen terror watching Ponyboy stumble backwards, "micheal!" She shouted and weaved throughout the crowd until she reached the two boys. "Look who it is" Micheal smirked as Ponyboy held his cheek

"Stop being such a asshole! Get over yourself we broke up two years ago!" she poked his chest with her finger glaring at him. "Why are you dating that trash anyways?!" He questioned while pointing to him.

"Because hes a lot more nicer guy than you!" She shoved him which fueled his anger even more, he stumbled foward as she walked closer to him. Bringing her hand to his face she slapped him hard against the cheek. Which earned gasps from the crowd along with Ponyboy.

"You dont fucking own me, were not together nor will we ever be" she spat at him and backed away as he stood there dumbfounded holding his red cheek with his hand.

Soon enough the principal came out to see what all the ruckus was which made the crowd disperse as he saw the odd trio in the middle. "What happened here?" He questioned as Juliette crossed her arms while glaring at Micheal.

She sat outside of the principals office while her parents was getting informed about her actions, Ponyboy sat next next to her, and Micheal sat across from them on another bench.

"Listen i didnt start it" Ponyboy informed her as she turned to him. "I know you didnt" She mumbled and crossed her arms while glaring at her ex. "Sorry about this whole thing" he apologized as she gave him a small smile.

"Its okay, its not your fault pony" she rested her head on his shoulder as Ponyboy smirked to Micheal who scoffed and rolled his eyes. Soon enough her parents walked out of the office, her eyes flicked up to here parents.

She lifted her head off of Ponyboys shoulder and grazed her fingers over his hand and stood up, "ill see you later" she whispered and walked away from him. He looked to her with a anxious expression waiting for Darry or Soda to come and get him.

"Juliette what was that?!" Her father shouted at her as they walked out of the school doors, "i was just defending myself" She mumbled as her mom caressed her arm soothingly. "Yeah well your lucky you didnt get a detention or suspension, and only a warning" her dad told her as her mom rubbed his back.

"Its okay honey" Her mom assured her as tears brimmed in Juliettes eyes, they got into the car as she stared out the window staring at the trees as they passed. "I dont approve of that Curtis boy, just look at him its like hes asking for trouble" her dad spoke over the radio and turned his head to the backseat to look at his daughter.

"Well i dont approve of Micheal starting fights with him dad" she shot back at him and looked at in the eye as he rolled his eyes and looked forward back to the road.

She closed her eyes and just wanted for the car ride to be over, and to be back in her room.

---- โ‹†โ‹…โ˜†โ‹…โ‹† ----

Authors note!
Short lil chapter, im seriously running out of ideas for this fic so i really hope it doesnt seem repetitive. But anyways few more chapters to go!!

word count: 1112 โ˜†

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