* Third-person POV*
It had been 10 months since they had been stuck in phantom dimension, though they didn't have the best weapons they could still hold their own, but now their on the run from a huge horde
*Taylor's POV*
ashlyn-*panting from running*"Come on, there is a mansion over there! we can bunker down there! Just keep*panting* running!"
aiden-"Ash, are you okay?, it's must be so loud for you!"*panting*
ashlyn-*panting* "it doesn't matter. Let's just keep running. We're almost there! Come on!"
taylor-as I'm running, I'm farther behind then the others, aiden is running beside ashlyn, logan running slightly behind tyler and ben running ahead then all of them listening to ashlyn when she said she spotted a mansion "ah!"*thud*
ashlyn-"TAYLOR! You keep running to the mansion, taylor fell!'
taylor-"i-I'm alright. I just tripped. Let's go, ashlyn!"
(In the mansion)
ashlyn-"taylor, are you alright? You're not hurt, are you?
taylor-"yeah, I'm fine. I'm not hurt. You don't have to worry about me, love."i felt a sharp pain in my leg. I hold back a wince
ashlyn-"I'm glad, I love you tay" *kisses her* "alright, logan,ben can you check the rooms to make sure no phantoms are here, just in case"
logan-"alright, come on ben" *they leave the main room and go up the stairs*
aiden-"ya'll are love birds lol"
ashlyn-"Okay, we'll wait here,"
taylor-"oh shut up,ah..I'm gonna go find the bathroom real quick,"
(In the bathroom)
*Third-person POV*
as taylor rolls up the black pant leg she is wearing with her suit, aiden bought them. She sees a cut on her leg she thinks nothing of it, but it does hurt she ignores it and rolls her pant leg back down she looks in the mirror, she grabs a ponytail holder that she notices and puts her hair up in a bun and tucks her bangs behind her ears
*Taylor's POV*
taylor-*sigh* "That's just a cut it should be fine,I hope. It's annoying that only four hours have passed, but it's fine. I should go downstairs. "
(Downstairs with ashlyn and aiden)
aiden-"I'm just saying what if I drank orange juice while brushing my teeth, what would happen couldn't be that bad,"
ashlyn-"aiden, you are an dumbass you know that? Oh hey, tay!, oh god, your leg is bleeding!"
taylor-"what, it shouldn't be that bad. I just looked at it!"
taylor-as tyler walked in the room after finishing looking around the bottom floor where we are at he also notices my leg and quickly is told to go get ben "ah!, it hurts so much more now for some reason"
ashlyn-"tay sit down, ben can you stitch it up. baby, how long has it been like that?"
taylor -"I don't know, three hours maybe more?, it must have happened when we were running from the horde of phantoms"
ben-*texting on phone* "we almost ran out of time to stitch it up. You would've bled out."
logan-"Thank God ashlyn noticed it."
tyler -"ya think!?"
aiden-"well we fixed so it's fine"
ashlyn-"Oh, taylor, you worried me so much!, we almost ran out of time,"
taylor-"im sorry, i love you" *they kiss, then hug*
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