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If you'd like to request scenarios and ships, you may, this is what's not allowed to request


WHAT'S NOT ALLOWED:smut, spice , or anything that's inappropriate ,and that's basically all

WHAT'S ALLOWED:angst, ofc anything wholesome, and again, that's basically all

SHIPS THAT I WILL BE WRITING ABOUT:aidlyn(aidenΓ—ashlyn), benlor(benΓ—taylor), tylo(tylerΓ—logan), ashler(ashlynΓ—tyler), tyben(tylerΓ—ben),taylyn(taylorΓ—ashlyn), tyden(tylerΓ—aiden), ashlerden(ashlynΓ—tylerΓ—aiden), taygan(taylorΓ—logan), loden(loganΓ—aiden),benlyn(benΓ—ashlyn),tayden(taylorΓ—aiden)benden(benΓ—aiden)

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net