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They looked around still not believing that they actually time traveled.

There attention shifted to the couple that who were approaching the photobooth.

Collete looked to her right to see a booth with an out of order sign on it, as she grabs it the person who was in the booth grabs her hand.

Collete glared at him as Jamie was trying to stop the couple from coming towards the booth.

"If you don't get your hands off me I will shove the sign down your throats" collete threatens.

The teenager let go of her realizing she wasn't bluffing.

Collete then smiled politely at the bottom before hanging the sign on the booth "Sorry, It's out of order,"

The guy infront of them looked disappointed.

Jamie took a quick look at his shirt, which read FBI federal booby inspector.

She couldn't help but judge him "By the way, your shirt is super problematic."

The guy seemed offended as the women with him pulls him towards another booth making Jamie and collete let out a sigh of relief.

Collete glanced back at the photobooth, as pictures suddenly drop down, she goes to grab the pictures that show them and the Sweet Sixteen Killer fighting eachother.

Collete walks over to jamie who was still looking at the sight infront of her in disbelief "we should put this in a scrap book and title it as our first time jumping through time"

Jamie looked at her sister in disbelief before grabbing the pictures from her sister's hand and puts it into her jacket pocket, keeping them as evidence.

"Seriously your not gonna look at the picture c'mon we look pretty hot in those and we have photographic evidence on the first time we almost died" collete said following Jamie who was making her way out of the amusement park.

As they made it out jamie bumps into a woman"oh, sorry"

The woman chuckled and responded with her own "sorry."

"Excuse me can you tell us the date" collete said wanting to know if they made it to the night of the first murder or the knife the killer plunged into the panel screwed up the destination.

"October twenty seven" the women said blowing the smoke from her cigarette to the blondes faces.

Jamie who was trying to get the smoke away from her face asked the women "what year"

"1987" she replied with enthusiastic.

"Holy shit" collete whispers, they were at the beginning, the night of the first murder and the night that changed her mother's life forever.

"I know. The 80's are almost over, and I haven't even tried coke yet."

The two were momentarily taken back by what she said.

Collete just pointed at the two children that were behind the lady and assumed that they were the women's children.

"Oh they don't know" the lady said taking a puff from her cigarette.

Jamie looked at the women with disbelief before saying "I'm looking for Pam Hughes ,"

The lady had a confused look on her face "Who?"

"Miller. Miller. Sorry. Pam Miller. She's, uh, she's our friend," collete said realizing that her mother was a teenager in the 87s and wasn't married to there dad.

"Okay, then she's probably in school, where you should be. I'll give you a ride."

Jamie looked at her like she was out of her mind "No. I can't get in a car with you. You're a total stranger. You could be a serial killer."

The lady laughed at what she said "Oh, sweetheart. Would a serial killer wear Gloria Vanderbilt?" She gestured to her outfit and showing it off "C'mon, let's go" the woman began to walk away from them leaving her children alone.

"I think you forgetting something" collete pointed at her children again.

"Oh I'll be back in ten minutes they'll be safe here" the women said still walking to her car.

"what the fuck is wrong with the 80s"


The old woman pulled up at the school with Jamie and collete who have been trying to hold there breath for the entire car ride since the car was filled with smoke from the ladies cigarettes.

As they got out of the car coughing and breathing in the fresh air collete turns back to the women "Thank you."

"Yeah, you're welcome" The woman said and before she drove off she said "Love the jackets."

They watched as the woman drove away in her smoke-filled car.

Then they turned to face the school, where Jamie notices the logo featuring a red indian chief. "And there's the racism. Knew that was coming."

Frowning at the drawing collete decides to ignore it "we aren't here to knock some since into these idiots, we're here to stop a murder" then they proceed entering the school.

As they made it to the front desk, they saw a lady sitting infront of a computer.

They walk up to her and jamie began to talk "Hi. I'm...I'm Jamie, um...LaFleur and this is my sister Colette LaFleur and we're exchange students from, uh, Prince Edward Island, Canada and our old school said they would send over the papers to enroll us..."

The lady behind the desk interrupted "What grade?"

"Eleventh," collete answered

The woman hands them a random schedules "There's your schedules"

Looking through the schedule collete questioned "Oh Ok, You don't, you don't need to verify anything?"

"Veri...what is this, Fort Knox?" She then glanced at their schedules and hit the jamie's paper with her pen "You're both late for gym."

"Can I get a different schedule? I'm just--I'm not really a big gym girl." Jamie said with a smile and after a brief pause and a emotionless expression on the woman's face, they had to accept that the first class of the day is gym.

How could it get any worst.


It got worse.

"How is this school-issued?" Collete said to her sister as she tried to make the shorts longer

They were in the locker room looking at the clothes the school provided for them.

A blue shirt, black shorts that barley coverd their ass and knee pads.

"We look like we work at Hooters" Jamie said as they stepped out of the locker room to the gymnasium.

After not hearing a response from her sister Jamie looks over to her and saw that she was starring into the crowd of girls almost like she was in a trance.

She followed collete's gaze and it landed on three girls Tiffany Clark, Marisa Song and Heather Hernandez.

The first three victims of the sweet Sixteen Killer.

The coach snapped blew her whistle pulling the two out of there trance "New Girls! On the court"

Jamie responded really not wanting to since she already got her daily exercise while running from the killer "us? No, we're... No, we're... I'm ok. I'm..."

"me? Oh um, that's okay? Let's go!" The coach mocked Jamie which pissed off collete.

"You do realize your just a gym teacher and not some fitness guru and seriously how pathetic are you that you spend more time critiquing others instead of working on herself, I mean seriously how many times have people told you to move out of the way when they want to see the sun" collete was going to say more but she was interrupted by jamje grabbing her hand and pulling her to one of the two team

"Ignore her, we don't want anyone to pay attention to us"

The coach blew the whistle and all the girls except collete and jamie rushed toward the balls lined up in the middle.

Chaos began as girls began to shove eachother for the balls.

"What the fuck?" Jamie exclaimed, looking at collete as the Balls flew through the air with force.

"How is this even legal?" Collete said as someone grabs them by the shirt and pulled them down

A girl who looked terrified said "Stay low."

Jamie asked, "Hey, I'm looking for Pam Miller. Do you know her?"

The girl replied, "Uh, yeah, everyone knows Pam."

"Oh, great. Um, where is she?" Collete asks as she was hit by a dodge ball.

The girl pointed toward the opposite team, where a girl who looked like the twins stood holding a yellow ball "You're out, bitch!" Pam shouted at collete.

Jamie's eyes widen not believing that was her mother "Wait. No, no, Pam Miller is, like, nice. Like, worried about loud music hurting your eardrums nice."

"Are you smoking crack? Pam Miller is the Wicked Witch of Vernon."

Collete was about to say something as a girl from the opposing team threw a ball at her, which she catches but then she threw it back at the girl straight into her nose making it bleed.


the game ended had ended and the girl that collete had thrown the ball at was sitting on the bleachers holding a tissue to her bleeding nose.

The Coach sarcastically said, "Hot tip. Next time, catch the ball, okay? Then I don't have to touch your gross little kid blood. Disgusting." She turned to collete "and you, you have detention"

"Yea there is no way in hell am going to that"

"Would you rather it be a suspension"

"I would rather seeing you get fired"

The coach ignored the comment and dismissed the class and while everyone was leaving they heard Marisa one of the victims say "My brother bought us a ton of BJ wine coolers."

Heather smiled at that and said "Oh, my God, yes. I love BJs"

Suddenly, Jamie called out to Pam as collete widens her eyes trying to pull her sister back to save her from embarrassing herself but she failed

"Pam Miller?"

"Uh, yeah?" Pam replied unsure on how she knew her.

"I'm Jamie and this is my sister collete were from Canada," Jamie held out her hand.

"I'm... I'm sorry, I'm not gonna shake your hand because I'm not forty five and a man"

Jamie and collete had a small smile on their faces seeing their mom alive

"Come over after school, and you can set up for the party while I do my hair," Tiffany said making the twins remember why they were here in the first place

Jamie commented "You know, where I'm from, birthday parties are considered so lame. Like, I don't know, maybe you should cancel it"

Pam responded, "Maybe you should fuck off and die," making the mollys laugh

Collete looked taken back her mother always told her not to swear and here she is swearing and insulting people.

"Jesus, Mom!" Jamie blurted out realizing her mistake she tried to cover it up "Macita. Ay. Ay-yi-yi, Mamacita,"

"Oh, Hablas espaΓ±ol? Esta bien...vete a la mierda y muerte," Pam bit her lip softly containing a laugh.

"ustedes perras van a ser las que mueran" collete said to them with a fake smile before pulling her sister to an exit.

"What are you doing we need to convince them to cancel the party" Jamie said as they existed the gymnasium.

"there not going to cancel the party so we'll just cancel it for them party"


Collete and jamie were now walking to the police station to report the crime.

"You know when I said we're gonna cancel the party for them, this wasn't what I meant"

"What did you have in mind" Jamie said while her hand was in her pocket to make sure that the picture doesn't fall out.

"Burn down the house, if they don't have a place, they can't have a party"

"Jesus Collete No! We aren't doing that" Jamie looked at her sister like she lost it as they approach the two officers that were outside the stations smoking

Jamie picked up her pace leaving collete behind "Hi. I'd like to report a crime that hasn't happened yet. I know that sounds crazy, but go with me here. Have you seen the movie Back to the Future?"

Collete catches up and stands next to the cops and jamie as an officer said "No, but I heard it's good."

"Yeah, it's great, but... Basically, I'm sort of living that movie right now. Which is how I know there's gonna be a murder tonight."

They laugh at her and the sheriff said "Murder? There's never been a murder in Vernon"

"Well there's gonna be a murder tonight at Tiffany Clark's party and there's gonna be alcohol and no adult supervision so you kinda need to shut it down anyways" collete said as Sheriff Lim leaned in and exhaled smoke into her face "Geez, Seriously?" she takes the cigarette from his hand and throws it on the ground before stomping on it.

Jamie handed over the photo taken in the photo booth with the killer

"Hey, look, we are giving you the chance to stop all this horror before it happens" collete yells at the two.

Lim took the picture and examined it for a moment "Who is this?" Pointing at the killer.

"do you think we would be here of we knew, we just know he is the killer"

"Who has he killed?"

"No one yet, he is planning to kill, Tiffany Clark, Marisa Song, Heather Hernandez and Pam Miller" collete said

The Sherrif had gotten tired of listening to them "Okay look, I don't know what you troublemakers get up to in your old school but down here, we don't tolerate shenanigans, So get the hell back to school, or I'll arrest you both for truancy"

With that, Officer Lim handed Jamie back the photos, and she sighed in defeat.

They walk away from them and collete turns to look at Jamie "Can we go with my plan now"

"No! and besides I have last idea left"


They both made it back to school and are now heading to a classroom to find the orignal creator of the machine.

They made it to the class that the lady at the front desk told them and when they pushed the door open everyone in the room turned their heads to them direction.

"Hi. Is Lauren creston in here?" Collete asked.

she look around the room and saw a girl with curly hair raised her hand in response.

Collete's eyes locked at her and realized she saw her before in her parent's yearbook.

Jamie who looked shocked at the younger version of her bestfriends mother said with a chuckle. "Oh, my God. You look great."

"What's going on?"

"Can we talk to you in the hall for a second?" Collete asked.

Lauren nods and stands up and exiting the class with them.

In the hallway, Jamie quickly said "Please tell me you've seen Back to the Future"

Lauren nods "Of course"

Collete let out a sigh of relief "Thank God. Think of us as Marty McFly. Thirty-five years from now, your daughter, Amelia, who's our best friend, builds a time machine based on plans from a notebook...

Jamie continues "your notebook It's called, like, 'Lauren and Andrew creston's Brilliant and Unusual Ideas and we used the time machine to escape a killer who had recently resurfaced after being long dormant ever since his first murder spree, which begins tonight.

"So we need your help to catch the killer so he can't kill our mom. 'Cause... 'cause he killed our mom in the future. And then we also need you to figure out how to modify the time machine to send us back home because Amelia said it needs Wi-Fi to work, and you guys don't have that yet, so that's... that's not great"

After a minute of lauren looking at them with skepticism she says "No one knows about my notebook except my brother"

Collete said as her impactions growing "and us 'Cause we are from the future. Oh, here. I have proof." She handed her Phone to Lauren, who took it and examined the phone from front to back and then glanced back at collete

"Is this the time machine?" she asked confused on how this little thing could bring somone from the future to the past.

"No, that's my phone. Do you want to see the time machine?"

Lauren face lights up with excellent signaling that she wants to see it.

"Great let's go"


The three arrived at Billy's boardwalk as Jamie and collete led Lauren over to the photo booth and they continued talking about the killer.

"Wait, I don't understand, if the killer's targeting the Mollys, why wait 35 years to kill your mom?" Lauren asks bot understanding why the killer didn't kill her with the rest of them

They looked puzzled because they don't know who the mollys are "Who are the Mollys?" Jamie asks

"Oh, Tiffany, Marisa, Heather, Pam. They call themselves the Mollys after Molly Ringwald. They're obsessed with her. They even dress like her."

Collete admitted, "I had no idea the four of them were so close. I just thought they knew each other because it's Vernon, and everybody knows each other."

They reached the photobooth "Here you go" Jamie said as she opens up the ripped curtain

Lauren touched the knife that was plunged into the screen "Interesting." She mumbled

"It's weird. It wasn't working before, but when the killer attacked us and stabbed the knife into that panel, it did all of a sudden." Jamie explained.

"It must have needed an extra metal conductor." Lauren said opening her bag that doesn't have any books only tools

"Is your bag all tools? You don't have any books?" Collete asks as Jamie takes something out of the bag.

Lauren replied with "I read all my books. Tools are more usef- Oh, my God. Carefully with that nail gun"

Jamie put down the nail gun that was once painted at lauren "I can't repair a time machine that my future daughter invented if I'm killed by clumsiness."

Collete smiled before asking "how are you acting like this is a normal everyday occurrence" collete looked impressed on how well she was taking it.

"You don't start trying to invent time travel without considering the possibility that people from the future will need your help. That killer thing is surprising, though," Lauren said

"Yeah, it was a bit of a shock," Jamie admitted as Lauren looks over the damages.

"I can't fix this on my own I need my brother's help, I mean he did help me design this" Lauren said making them both remember the man they have never met.

Amelia's uncle, the one who died before Amelia was born.

The one who died in a car crash with Amelia's father and Lauren's future husband.

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